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Everything posted by shadow_operative2.0

  1. Diaz blows another one for Mets, 2-2 in bot 9 now.
  2. Absolutely unreal shit with our rotation.
  3. Both final were thrashings. 2 & 1, for Peyton, 1 & 2 for Keys. Not sure what happened to Dani.
  4. Sick fucking pick by Wade to end it. @TornACL
  5. ^ Her second final, lost a clay 250 to Tatjana Maria in Bogota last April. https://www.wtatennis.com/tournament/894/bogota/2023/scores Peyton v. Sherif at 6 am, Dani v. Keys two hours later for the Strasbourg title.
  6. Holy fucking shit. Nate & Marcus have been so fucking putrid lately.
  7. I would bet decent $ she doesn’t make it to the final. Withdrawal seems likely. https://www.flashscore.com/match/tr0tLqcS/#/match-summary/match-summary
  8. Man, what does that dude have to do to get left? He’s got it fucking made.
  9. She dropped the opening breaker, just awful tennis by both.
  10. Peyton is playing really poorly on TC now, they’re gonna switch to Novak soon. Her shot selection is still stuck in college play sometimes.
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