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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTCzech III

  1. 1 minute ago, Augustus said:

    That was my expectation, as well.

    They made a point of showing her to be a hard ass, refusing helping from everyone for the simplest things, kind of a cynic. But then she turns into a sweetheart with Gene.

    I kept expecting her to break cover and let him know she knew exactly who he was.

    Not expecting it to happen now, because I'm assuming the Jeff storyline is done, including his mom.

    You would think that, but who the hell knows with this show?  They've got 3 timelines they can bounce around in, anything is up for grabs, although they've got roughly 3 hours left to do it...  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Couple of cool things I found on youtube.  First, the whole sub-text of Gene wanting to be Saul again, sitting at home watching his old commercials...  Compare the opening credits from season 1 to season 6 (and especially the one from this last episode where basically the tape broke/wore out)



    Secondly, remember that every teaser comes back in some way.  This last episode we had the "Jeff pulling up in his cab and getting out" visual, along with the "After all that... a happy ending" and the "Don't get greedy..." sound bites, though not in the misdirection they used it in the teaser.  So we have the new teaser from the other night, with the crossroads, but we also have the teaser of Kim reciting her law oath with the candle with Howard's blood on it.  So from past history, we are going to get to see Kim reciting that oath.  I think Jimmy/Saul comes clean in the end and Kim represents him.  But maybe not...  Also been pointed out how Marion is much more of a sharp cookie than Jeff, she may have something on Jimmy/Saul/Gene that complicates things.  She mentions that Jeff had some rough times back in ABQ, but what if she lived there for a while also?  She may be running a con on him that we haven't seen yet...  Just spitballin'.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Cajun said:

    What an absolute douche Roger is.  

    And, yes, I’ll be at his show because he’s a talented and entertaining douche.

    Agree, I'm still a Roger fan though.  Wasn't planning on going to see him again, Been to Pros & Cons, KAOS, The Wall twice.  I was happy with that.  Hearing rumblings that this might be it for him though (he IS 78 after all), and time waits for no one, so think I'm gonna scrounge up a couple of tickets for me and my son, one last time.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Shaddie said:

    Give you 85 score. 

    But dammit you have to toast the gotdamn bun. 
    Toasted bread always make better sammiches.

    Except BLTs

    And that’s fair.  Wife was out until 9pm, trying to be chivalrous and wait for her, so I just dug in once she got home, toasting be damned.  Tomorrow I will atone 

  5. 10 minutes ago, GTX Horn said:

    I’m pretty sure one of the photos of Howard at the reception at HHM was a photo Patrick Fabian had posted on Instagram with Tony Dalton and they just cropped Tony out of it. Given the context of the situation and Howard’s death that was amusing to me.

    Fuck that's a great catch.  Easter eggs wide out in the open, that's hilarious.


    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Help me understand why Kim was so cruel to Howard's widow? Was it a final FU to Howard. I felt that went further than it needed to in terms of protecting Kim and Jimmy.

    I think she was just protecting Jimmy again.  It immediately reminded me of the scene with Lalo, "tell it again", "tell it again".  Maybe Howard's widow was trying to find a crack in Jimmy's story, but Kim swooped in and shifted direction, putting it on Howard's wife, ("You knew him better than anyone", Kim using that knowledge that Howard and his wife had been basically separated for over a year.... cold.)  

    But I do think that was the straw that broke her.  Both having to do that to Howard's widow, and protecting Jimmy one last time (and realizing that trying to protect him from Lalo is what pretty much led up to this moment), she just realized she couldn't continue down that path.  Jimmy had already learn to compartmentalize his grief and fear (Chuck, the shootout in the desert, Howard), unlike what Mike said, Kim is not made of stronger stuff.  Or she just still has a soul.   

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 22 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    I made a point to walk by the site when we were in London last month. Looks pretty much the same other than being a Abercrombie. 

    I also dragged my family to Liverpool to visit John and Paul’s former homes. Highly recommend that if you’re a big fan. 

    Very cool. (Was trying to find iconic clip of George getting out of his Mercedes and going inside, screen shot below....)







  8. 2 hours ago, Augustus said:

    Have to disagree here.  The fact that Lalo was "talked out" of anything at all by Jimmy meant that whatever Lalo was ordering them to do wasn't of any particular importance to him.  From that, he discerned that Lalo's real mission was elsewhere, and that could only mean the lab.

    The idea that Gus would be impressed by, or feel respect for "Saul" is kind of funny to me.

    Exactly, nobody is talking Lalo out of anything, he's letting them do exactly what he wants them to do.

    Even in that black moment though, had to bust out laughing first when Lalo had to shut them up, essentially "yap yap yap with your mouths, Dios mio!"  and then later telling Kim, "get your shoes, you'll need them".  Some fine dark comedy mixed in there.

  9. 2 hours ago, TreatyOak said:

    Right? It's outrageous that his lawyers said police had no legal reason to request a blood draw, but I know that is what lawyers are trained to do.. 

    Fuck, this has my blood pressure up, brings back memories I had put down almost 20 years ago when my brother was killed by a drunk driver.  Took almost 2 years to even get close to going to trial due to all the goddam delay tactics, motions, challenging the APD blood labs, bullshit like that.  Cocksucking leeches.  Don't tell me it's the law, it's the law written by cocksucking leeches.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  10. 13 hours ago, TexasMan said:

    Howard wasn't in the game. 

    Also saw a comment that Mike probably knew Howard from working the parking lot at the courthouse.  Not that they hung out, but certainly exchanged greetings from time to time.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 52 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Yep.  Jimmy thought Lalo was certainly going to kill (or rape and kill if it were Kim) whomever was left at the apartment.  He got Kim out of there and was willing to sacrifice himself to save her.   

    Exactly, Jimmy was willing to die for Kim at that moment.  He just wanted her out of there, hoping that she understood what he was doing and thinking - "just run, and don't come back".

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  12. On 6/27/2022 at 3:29 PM, SizzleChest said:

    I threw that out there before I looked at the Reddit hypotheses.  Most are saying she'll play Howard's mom.  A few are saying Kim's grandmother.


    On 6/27/2022 at 5:58 PM, dogbreath said:

    I’ll go with jimmy's first wife. He was  attracted to her drapes. 

    I've also seen a few people say she could be Ed the Disappearer's wife who has taken over the family business since Ed died...  Plausible.  Also a lot of hubbub about a new tease that shows a brand new, recast Jeff the cab driver...


    and this one, all the clips are from previous episodes except the bookends, who's hands are those with a wedding band on?  Everything means something.


    12 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    6 days away.  Everyone ready?  

    oh yeah

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  13. 4 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    Awesome.  How are you frying those?  What's your setup? 

    Electric skillet set up using my gas grill as a table, filled with oil and fry away.  Would have used my Turkey fryer but was low on propane, too lazy to go get a refill.

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