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Certifiably Surly
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  1. She’s doing quite well, pretty impressive. She’s speaking well, campaigning well, she’s doing everything it takes to win. So you know what you guys do when she gets to the White House? You pat her on the back, say congratulations, and tell her not to serve curry. Or collard greens or whatever the hell she serves…. Ok? Got it
  2. Hackemack's Hofbrauhaus. Good friends with Gene Hackemack, he plays accordion in my band sometimes. What a character, met John Wayne in Vietnam, served on the medical staff for the Apollo moon missions and helped train the astronauts, was in Iran when the Shah was run out and the hostages were taken. Probably some other things in his past he's never told me about... He has a video from the 1990s on his facebook page from the Hofbrauhaus with the band playing and all, trying to figure out how to share it or save it so I can post it here, good times. edit; I don't know if this link will work or not... https://www.facebook.com/gene.hackemack/videos/527948418297067
  3. One of my favorite meals back in the 80's when we were dirt poor. Package of hamburger meat (step-father was foreman on a ranch, so we got free beef from his boss), taco seasoning, package of flour tortillas, onion, can of chili, block of rat cheese, under $10. My brothers and I would help our mom making beef, bean, cheese and onion burritos assembly-line style, fry them up in a couple of inches of Crisco and cover in chili and more cheese. Good thing is there would always be left over burritos that went in the freezer for an after-school snack later in the week.
  4. It wasn't a big role, but I always enjoyed his acting in Matewan. RIP sir.
  5. Yep, GOO (how’s that for a message board throwback)
  6. Just left Boone IA headed east to Cedar Rapids today, should be passing through Ames any time now
  7. KKL is a nutjob, but can we pour one out for Norman? He seemed like a good dog and no telling the atrocities she put him through... RIP Normie
  8. I thought they didn't watch the woke NFL, so why they give a fuck?
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