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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTCzech III

  1. I didn't realize it was a series at first, I saw it on the channel guide just as it was about to end, so I set the DVR to tape the repeat later that night, thought it was just a 2-hour movie.  Watched it the other night with the wife, we both loved it, I don't know anything about the book so curious to see if this plays as a straight docu-drama or goes off in some David Lynch-land (definitely felt that way a couple of times...).

  2. Johnny Cash, 1972, Sam Houston Coliseum.  I was 6.  It was a lot like his TV show at the time, lots of other artists (Larry Gatlin I remember), June sang a few songs, they had a big movie screen set up to show films during songs like Orange Blossom Special (that footage of Johnny driving a steam locomotive).  Pretty damn awesome.

  3. Never seen or heard this til just now, most of these benefit get-togethers suck, I gotta say, this is pretty damn good.  Back to the Floyd goodness shortly...


  4. It's got its moments.  Clapton pretty much saves it.  Funny, was reading in Nicholas Schaffner's "Saucerful of Secrets" book (great read, worth searching out), Roger and his wife were hanging out with Eric and Patti, Eric was pretty drunk and Roger asked if he would play on the Pros and Cons tour, since he had played on the album.  Eric said sure, then the next day when he sobered up, basically said "fuck, what did I do?".  But being a man of his word, he committed to the first leg of the tour.  Some really good bootlegs out there where he is just on fire.


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