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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I was sitting with friends who weren't Texas fans in the end zone section at the Michigan Rose Bowl game when Vince dropped back and a hole suddenly developed in the middle of the line. "Touchdown," I said without thinking, because it was inevitable. My buddies lost their minds, thinking I could predict the future, when Vince sprinted through and scored a second later.
  2. What Worthy gives them is lightening quick little dog in the slot who can also blow the top off the defense. His toughness sets him apart as much as his speed. Going to be fun.
  3. Kid sounds super-sharp. This Oiler fan may have to give a shit about Houston football again
  4. He wouldn't have been among them, but he will next year.
  5. It's probably smart to the egg heads, seeing their draft picks increase, but dumb to anyone smart enough to see Worthy scoring touchdowns on them over and over again for years on end -- which is delicious, because fuck the Bills.
  6. From the peanut gallery Brooks seems to have blamed the coaches for not being our number one corner instead of the other talent at his position, so he bailed instead of upping his game.
  7. Maybe the gloves sucked and he was fucking over some little kid. Better way to look at it.
  8. I like the mythical element. His father Cooper was the eldest son, and some say the most talented, but fate struck him down. Arch the Avenger.
  9. Mine was from Pennsylvania, because nobody knew what a Pennsylvania license was suppose to look like. Worked for years, until a cop took it in the back of a paddy wagon on 6th street, but that's another story.
  10. Wisner may end up like Brooks. Not a super-star recruit but ahead of the game from his first snaps. Just a savvy feel for things, getting better and stronger.
  11. Nothing is funnier to a 12-year-old mind than fart bubbles. Let's be serious.
  12. Yup. My great grandfather's name was on the Alabama library until it wasn't. Didn't help that he was a Jew. Though he did start the football program.
  13. That's really wholesome. Does that guy do the rapping?
  14. It's more that he was a walk on and thus, theoretically, not athletic enough for a scholly.
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