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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Okie State

  1. I realize that reading comprehension might be a bridge too far for an OSU person, but you were responding to a poster stating why he was fine, in a fucking silly realignment fantasy premise, being very much done with OSU. You responded to his thoughts that he was wrong on every level. I responded to that telling you that you’re delusional. That led to your laughable and oblivious attempt at condescension and pomposity here, attempting to move the goal posts.
    “The adults are in the room” is thematically effective when it appears as though you have a fucking clue what’s actually happening in the conversation. 
    He literally said 'we're leaving to get away from these people...' Which, of course, is not true. If there was other context prior to that you are correct that I missed it because I did not read it. I fall for clicking on this thread over and over because it shows up in my feed. You'd think I would learn.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. He’s not. All Texas fans paying attention cannot wait to see you idiots relegated to our afterthoughts. Enjoy your time with Gundy while it lasts. You’ll be back to 5-7 forever when it ends and we will gleefully high five each other that we are in no way any longer associated to you rubes and the officiating bullshit we’ve faced with playing y’all. 
    Right, that's pretty clear as has been rehashed 10,000 times on this idiotic thread. That is not why Texas is going to the SEC though. Fans don't make those decisions. Adults do.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Tech : going through our pockets trying to get at the PUF. Legislative tantrum where they dragged our president in for some kangaroo court bullshit. 
    Baylor: head coach enabled a culture of violence against women and largely went unpunished. Head basketball coach covered up a murder of one his players. Legislative tantrum. 
    OK State: coffin sized field they refuse to enlarge. Officiating. 
    We’re leaving to get away from these people. 
    You are so full of shit with this.
    • Hook 'Em 7
    • Fuck You 1
  4. I've never liked the orange pants unless it's the white helmet, orange jersey, orange pants for Homecoming. Love this change though. Only thing better would be the oSu brand.

  5. 343948279_1205844953407683_6039595731735780203_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=Nac7d18Wnx4AX_8QLN8&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=00_AfBbZ0cUzSMlbFoRrgxDJYFMNrL3wqbbD8CT0Y56UDBuzw&oe=64532B07
    I was in a large training session at work and happened to look down at the floor right as the facilitator started calling on people. She called me out in front of the whole group saying 'bad time to look at the floor!' and put me on the spot with a question which I answered and then she talked shit on my answer for being too generic even though it was correct. So that was cool. Consultants are the best.
    • Like 1
    • Rage+1 1
  6. does it have a window?  You need one or the other.
    Master bath toilet has a window. The rest has a non opening window. The half bath has no window.

    I understand what you're saying. I'm asking why that's the rule. It makes no sense for a bathroom with no steam. I also understand you didn't make the rule.
  7. Mold prevention. It's a wet area.
    Is it? Thought that only applied if there was steam.

    Anyway, I guess I'll see what's up in the ceiling. I'm not too worried about it either way. Our master bath doesn't have a vent at all for some reason and I'll probably add one eventually since there's a shower.
  8. I'm finally getting around to doing our half bath.

    Doing a wall mount sink, new faucet and hardware, paneling, wallpaper, crown, new lighting, new door, new shitter.

    Half baths don't require a vent, right? I haven't checked yet, but pretty sure the current one is just venting into the ceiling. If so I'll probably just remove and add a light.ca9fa08684363b5cf543adf8e0b2aee8.jpg31711e2a22911a735ab2b6aa4ade44ef.jpg

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