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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Agreed. I would buy that when I saw it a while back. Not sure it's still available. Mt. Dew talk not going away.
  2. I picked one up by mistake once. It was okay. I still prefer the full corn syrup version if I'm going to be drinking liquid poison.
  3. I love that Vance is getting hammered for the Diet Mt. Dew reference. I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I indulge in the occasional Mt. Dew and Funyuns on road trips, but never would I ever consider a fucking Diet Mt. Dew. What a douche.
  4. Men who don't have daughters or didn't grow up with sisters don't really understand this. I didn't until I had my daughters. It opened my eyes to a lot of things I never knew I didn't know.
  5. I knew my brother couldn't make it through the day without posting something sexist and he managed to pull through with only a couple hours to spare. Like clockwork.
  6. Reporter shows picture of member with pedophile. Group immediately starts calling reporter pedophile protector. Nice.
  7. Chuy's has kind of sucked for a while so I won't really miss it. I'm starting to get concerned these restaurant conglomerates are all that will exist in the not so distant future though. Several local places have closed recently because they just can't keep up with rising costs and rents.
  8. I have no idea what that guidance is trying to say. I inherited an IRA from my grandfather in 2020 and plan to withdraw all of it by 2030. Has that changed? Or is this just guidance going forward?
  9. It's hilarious, and sad, how some men define what it is to be a man.
  10. You should just LS swap it. Problem solved.
  11. I read somewhere they need the oil changed after 50 hours of cumulative use. Zero percent chance anyone who owns one of those is doing that.
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