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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.
  2. Fuck me. Past 36 hours have felt like when Gundy finally made a QB change in 2010 against Colorado, and Weeden threw a dart for a TD. Buddy turned to me and said ‘feels like a whole new season after one play’. Damn straight. Let’s keep momentum up
  3. Can someone get the writers for this election season to moonlight at House of the Dragon and The Bear, to teach them how to advance the plot in spectacular fashion?
  4. Yes, in this I agree. I also know it's Texas and business must be protected at all costs. Therefore I decline to subscribe to your newsletter. Did some research and Safelite can replace for $975, instead of the $2,500 for OEM. Only potential issue will be the HUD may not be quite as sharp, but I turned it off as I rarely used it and it was starting to get some light bleed...a somewhat known issue probably due to the Texas heat (thanks Korea.) Also during this process learned that we didn't have glass coverage enabled for a $50 deductible, because my wife wanted to use her friend's agency to "help her out" and I foolishly didn't trust but verify the coverages were done right. I'm going to write this agent to see what she thinks, with the license plate number, before I file a claim. But if I have to pay out of pocket, not going to sweat it too much.
  5. Quick Google shows that Texas doesn't have a law preventing it, so naturally it will. Also I am not surprised by this at all
  6. So a giant chunk of wood fell off a trailer in front of my car, smacked the windshield hard enough to embed a sizable splinter in it, and there's a very large series of cracks in it. No body damage. In 2022 my wife got into a bit of a wreck in it, and $2,500 of the $8,000 insurance claim for it was just replacing/recalibrating the windshield (cameras/sensors)...so I know generally how expensive the repair will be. Beyond writing my car off as cursed, I'm weighing whether to file a claim for it ($500 deductible) due to worry that two claims in two years would cause my rates to skyrocket. I can pay out of pocket, but of course it'd be $2k more than just filing a claim. Thoughts?
  7. Tap dancing tits, that’s amazing Yours truly, - Thoroughly amused Poke
  8. On a side note, something that’s bugged me that I finally put my finger on: this show has so many scenes in tight rooms, dim brown/yellow lighting, and narrow hallways that it doesn’t always suit ILM’s StageCraft system and I get flashbacks to playing Unreal Tournament. Obviously better than straight up endless green screen like Phantom Menace, but I feel like GoT had more shots on actual sets so while the backgrounds weren’t as complex they didn’t trigger Uncanny Valley-ish vibes. Works a lot better when outside or higher contrast primary colors like The Mandalorian.
  9. Well that was it, I’m convinced.
  10. Seeing Poe with the “oh golly gee whiz fellas, I’m sorry I tossed that grenade in and closed the door”
  11. I don’t know why all argue with…*checks surly handout, appendix c, pages 1-19 for list of prior handles*…BeardIP
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