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Okie State

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Okie State

  1. Was actually looking forward to trying it, but the feedback I have been getting is in line with this. 
    I heard from a fellow beer dork that it was good so I'll still try it if I run across any.
  2. If your country was occupied by Rome, or you are a colony of one of those countries, you drive on the left as Roman soldiers kept their swords on the left hip and carried their shields on the left due to right hand dominance thus when marching past each other their swords and shields did not hit each other.  If your country developed in the horse/oxen and wagon era, or you are a colony of one of those countries, then you are on the right as drovers walked in the middle of the road to steer their team past oncoming wagon teams and again due to right hand dominance most were to the left of their team thus putting the team on the right side of the road.
    You just made up all that bullshit and you know it.
  3. That is a pretty popular opinion outside of the UT fan circle since July 2016. 

    I assumed he meant in regards to this site. I don't like him much either these days, but I'm not a UT fan.
  4. I've got a 6 yo and 9 yo so we watch America's Funniest Videos on Sunday nights while making dinner. A trivial thing that annoys the hell out of me is that the $10,000 winner is always the shittiest video, usually with bratty kids doing stupid shit. I know it's irrational to let that shit piss me off, but there's lots of really funny videos that never win.
    I've been watching that show for something like 25 years and that has always annoyed me.
  5. You do realize that the current generation listens to all sorts of different music, right? Just like my generation and your generation. It’s not all mumble rap and lil tay.
    Vanilla Ice was huge when I was in high school. He was also garbage.
    I don't because I'm not around many of the younger generation. Just conveying what I've experienced.
  6. Mother’s Day should not be for wives. Husbands shouldn’t have to get a gift for their wife even if they are mother to their kids.


    Same goes for Fathers Day.

    I think the more obvious one is Valentine's Day. Why the hell is it a thing? They don't even try and hide it with the marketing anymore that it's 100% a made up holiday for women.


    I don't mind Mother's Day or Father's Day. That shit ain't easy and one day a year of recognition seems alright to me.

  7. I realize that it makes me sound old and out of touch, but the current generation's music is garbage. Fucking mumble rap with absolutely zero meaning or talent behind it. How anyone can listen to that shit is beyond me.


    Also, why the fuck is Lil Tay or any of her ilk a thing? My niece actually told me that she was her idol tonight. I hope to God she was just fucking with me.

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