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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. Rooting for someone makes it more fun Friday 7PM CST root for Oregon to win a shitty game by one point Saturday 11AM root for Texas (well, yeah) Saturday 3PM root for Alabama to win a shitty game by one point Saturday 7PM root for Iowa Saturday 7PM root for Louisville I'm going to have to stock up on liquor for Saturday. And it sucks that crappy ABC gets three of these big games. Fuck ABC.
  2. Playoffs in no particular order = Georgia (unless they lose to Alabama) Michigan (unless they lose to Iowa) Washington or Oregon FSU (unless they lose to Louisville)
  3. DAMMIT Stupid Florida State goes undefeated for the season
  4. Think they'll go for the two point conversion if they score here?
  5. Already seeing snow games. wow I'm sure it's normal in places I'll never live.
  6. I hope Sanders and Worthy and our D* fellas are as okay as possible.
  7. Only if I deserves it I'm too drunk to know if I deserves it That means I probably deserves it
  8. Does that filled with loophoes? I feel like there are loop ho's not being accounted for.
  9. No sir/ma'am, I moved to Texas in 2006 even though my family goes back to the 1800's in TX. Did not know enough.
  10. I don't want to get anyone's high down to the low. But stupid Oregon State doesn't want to do us any favors against Oregonl So, there's a really good chance we miss out on the "playoffs". But we'll get a cool bowl game, ya know.
  11. What's the six pack for streaking? I feel like I should already know about this.
  12. I'm so conflicted. I really want to beat OKS on the way out. But to get to the championships, we would have a better chance if we beat OK. So.... fuck both of the Oklahoma teams. That's probably the safe bet.
  13. We have eight days to get fucking healthy as shit.
  14. doh, the only Woman in this entire screenshot Not counting Camera people
  15. Random fans Not much/any bump shots tonight
  16. Cain making sure Manning didn't get an Interception - good job!
  17. Manning's hand-off fakes are a little more believable to me, Mr. Couch Guy.
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