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Posts posted by leaf

  1. 14 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Not necessarily, but George Floyd wasn’t Persian, and Donald Trump isn’t LBJ.  There are going to be some busted eggs until the MINORITY ruling party/class of this country bows and apologizes.  

    Of course Trump isn't LBJ.   LBJ was very racist.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 6 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Cajun is obviously trolling, but I'm going to answer sincerely.

    I think trolling is against the rules of the forum. Let's see.

    She assumed the officer's gender because the officer was presenting as male.

    If the officer was misgendered, then the way to handle that is to say, "I am a woman."

    That's how it works.

    I don't know what this question means. I don't think you do, either, so I'll do my best to conjure meaning from this and I apologize if I'm off-base...

    Misgendering people accidentally isn't a problem and it's not an "outrage". If you appear to me to be presenting as male and identify as female and I assume you are a male then the response is rarely/never, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" from trans people. Unfortunately, this is something trans people have to deal with all the time and their #1 move is to just take it and internalize it. The #2 move MIGHT be a quiet, "I'm a woman."

    The screaming, howling trans person in your "what an outrage!" scenario is a bigoted, transphobic cartoon character that doesn't really exist in real life.

    Perhaps, but that wasn't the case so I'm not sure how it is relevant.


    Actually, nobody gives a shit about you opinion 

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I lifted that content Word for Word from a rather well-known individual.  If it’s my tone, and not the content, that you draw issue with... Then I think that makes you the prissy little bitch in this scenario.  

    It’s a thread about coronavirus, not your feelings.  Maybe I’m being a pretty little bitch on this thread, but you’re a damn woman through and through in all aspects of your life.  

    why don’t you let the men discuss the pandemic with the other men?  Because your heroes sure as fuck aren’t doing anything about it.  Have a cranberry juice, a tampon, and sit the next couple plays out

    A simple yes would have sufficed 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    In fairness, a lot (all?) of the closest witnesses would’ve been scrambling & running away after the initial shots. I’m sure plenty of them thought the last 3 shots were coming from the car as it sped away. 

    I can agree with that.  But, I'm sure there were witnesses there that did see the guy shoot at the car.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    I also left out the part where open carry is legal or that numerous witnesses said the dead guy never pointed his AK at him. You know, those same witnesses who said he never fired his weapon while many of the surly ballistics experts showed up to insist otherwise.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    The same witnesses that said the car hit people?  The same witnesses that didn't say anything about the guy who shot at the car as it was driving away?

    • Hook 'Em 6
  6. 3 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Did the shooter run a red light and drive INTO a crowd of protesters he could see ahead of him, most of them carrying political signs that he openly disagreed with? Did Perry screech his tires and honk one loud long Texas fuck outta my way honk at them? Gee it's just crazy how some of those pesky rioters got upset at him and banged on his car. Any reasonably patient act on his part and nobody ever hears about this because nothing else would have happened.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    I noticed you left out the guy carrying the AK-47.  Maybe if he didn't approach the car with his AK-47 nothing else would have happened.

  7. 5 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    Schiff and Porter are my two favorite congress folks, but I don't know that either of them would be an effective speaker.  It's a special skill, and most work happens behind the scenes. 

    I'd rather see those two as committee chairs, and ultimately, one of them to take Feinstein's spot.   There's nothing more satisfying than watching Katie Porter cut a bitch, and she does it often. 



    This Schiff?  He seems very pedio.

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