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Posts posted by leaf

  1. I bought 100 1 oz. silver rounds at the end on March for about $17.00 each.  I don't pay much attention to the market.  For those of you that do, do you think that silver will continue to go up?

  2. 44 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    How people live with a dirty/messy car.  I mean the filthy interior full of French fries and trash and water stains...

    It's my commuter car.  I don't give a fuck what the interior looks like as long it gets me to and from work.

  3. On 1/11/2019 at 10:15 PM, Ted Lange said:

    Anyway.  Dan Crenshaw is a one eyed, white, shelia Jackson Lee. 


    Damn, that is harsh.  But, I don't disagree with you.

    • Haha 1
  4. 23 hours ago, trauma babe said:

    At least twenty transgender Americans have been murdered in 2020 so far. The vast majority of those people were not white, and the majority of those people were black. Were. Because they were murdered for being black and transgender, and black transgender women have probably the most dangerous living existence out of anyone in America. A black trans woman is seven times more likely to be murdered than anyone in the general population. 

    Black trans lives matter. Black queer lives matter. 

    I could not find information about the suspect/perpetrator with some of these murders.  But, with the cases that a person was identified and/or were charged, almost all were black.  Is there an extreme prejudice in the black community against being transgender?(serious question because I don't know)  Below is a link on information from 2019






  5. 14 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Fake News.  First Wave declared totally over with.  I was told Friday was a great day in America, presumably because we had our highest totals in Travis County since April.  Which I find a weird thing to celebrate, but hey---here we are!  

    Also, in the off chance you're having a nice day today with your family...go read the comments on any news site about that 75 year old Buffalo man in critical condition.  Holy shit, you'd think portions of our country would be sympathetic to an elderly man who is probably going to live out the rest his days drooling into a feeding tube because of police brutality.  But NOPE...not on our country's watch.  Nope.  It's "fuck him", "he was asking for it", "cops are innocent", "hope this guy dies before he can testify"  

    Black, White, Brown, Asian.  One thing we revered in this country for a long time across all economic and political spectrums was respecting our elders.  Nope, not anymore.  Fuck him and fuck anybody at the wrong place at the wrong time.  But hey, no politics for Covid-19...'cause Covid-19 is over!!!!!!!!  

    Ain't no party like a Surly Virus party 'cause a Surly Virus party don't stop! 

    I believe there is Covid-19 thread in the CR.  There is no reason to have a shit show of people arguing politics on 2 threads on the same topic.  Just my opinion.

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