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Real Papi

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Everything posted by Real Papi

  1. Let’s go TEXAS! Pound the damn rock Sark.
  2. Damn call it both ways Ref. Major take down WTH
  3. AGNB. Pound the rock opens the entire playbook.
  4. Lol y’all can talk shit but Taafe making plays
  5. Now that was a nice pass. These guys are young and future is bright. Hook’em!🤘🏼
  6. Really a pass. Just POUND the rock Sark. Brooks is in full beast mode right now
  7. That was a dumbass coaching decision. We will allow it, Let’s go TEXAS!
  8. Damn. Take a damn TO and get points Sark
  9. SMH, wtf. Never underestimate an opponent. Let’s go DEFENSE!
  10. Wyoming is a tough out. DEFENSE came up with big stops changing the momentum. Get Baxter healthy to help my man Brooks and pound the damn rock!
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