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Everything posted by spystud13

  1. Love how he just abso-fucking-lutely won’t say shit. Yeah bro, the big question ain’t that.
  2. Fucker got blitzed last night & did some shit. * No actual clue.
  3. Most people don’t play with their fucking family, bro.
  4. Fozzz is well known for his stats, hates the actual games though.
  5. Damn, that Wentz TD sent a dude home in our playoffs by .5. Cruel, cruel mistress this game is.
  6. Cover that guy. Fly home safely.
  7. https://www.tennis.com/pro-game/2019/12/krittin-koaykul-completes-golden-match-doha-itf-world-tennis-tour-qualifying/86321/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral
  8. Free football, America rejoices.
  9. Holy fuck, that could have gone real bad.
  10. Goddamnit Lucy, quit fucking with the ball.
  11. Does Eli turn it over before OT?
  12. Shit, run the Philly Special here.
  13. Not how the flea flicker usually works.
  14. That play by Eli was the exact opposite of Carson’s a few minutes ago.
  15. And of course the shanked FG. Typical.
  16. Fans would rather have the local QB.
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