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Everything posted by TOR

  1. Interception in the EZ. That is EXACTLY why Ferentz doesn't believe the forward pass should be legal. Shoulda punted.
  2. Vols better get their thumbs out of their butts. Iowa moves in slow motion, bless their hearts.
  3. Exactly. No punts. Score on every possession. See them driven before us and hear the lamentation of their women.
  4. TOR

    Fuck Brett Yormark

    markup is shit brat, sorry
  5. Bert is our secret weapon. We know he's good from 54 outdoors in the wind. In the dome, in completely controlled conditions, he might just be deadly from 60 yards. Or even longer. That gives Sark all kinds of options once he crosses that 50 yard line. His game day suit needs to be on point.
  6. Jaren Hall is stinking the place up, Vikes may need to put the alien in for any chance to stay alive.
  7. Devin's NYE suit is pretty bomb-ass.
  8. Reid gets credit for the sacks, but big Chuck Omenihu was taking up 2 guys to let him get there.
  9. Hahhaaaa, mixon you dumbshit.
  10. Wow the Chiefs have a bunch of one-fingers at receiver. No effort at all.
  11. Holy shit the ousucks ewok led cards just took the lead with 32 seconds.
  12. Did the cards just tie it up with the iggles? Why I believe they did, 21-21.
  13. NFL Coach and Serial Killer have very similar job requirements.
  14. The ending of this game deserves Yakety Sax being played in Jerryworld. What a fucking clusterfuck.
  15. oh shit they aggy'd up the 2 pointer
  16. And of course they convert the 2, how else could it possibly end.
  17. What an absolutely boneheaded possession. Barely ran clock and didn't put it out of reach. MM must be a fantastic Yes Man and asskisser.
  18. Good Lord this is like waiting to get a root canal.
  19. And they did! Nice call.
  20. OH SHIT! GOFF gonna Goff! Blouses.
  21. JFC just falling apart with the game on the line.
  22. Got a stop, put up another 7 here boys.
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