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Posts posted by In10se

  1. 1 minute ago, DougO said:

    Patriots traded Brandon Cooks and got a 1 and change. Maybe they need another midget gimmick receiver like the guys they like to roll with. Give them a call, Jerry, and get something for Beasley.

    Beasley makes too much for NE. They might offer something for Switzer though since Garrett is hell bent on never using the guy except on jet sweeps and punt returns. 

  2. 2 hours ago, pacman said:

    I suspect Kenny is looking for a contract he isn't going to get at this point. Uf the price was right, you would have to take him here.

    The Cowboys are trying to sign Kony Ealy to basically a minimum deal and dont even have enough cap space to do that without restructuring someone (or cutting Dez). No way they have the money to sign the Centaur killer. 

  3. Other than the stock market now plummeting a bit and off to the worst April start since thr great depression... What specific impact to American pocketbooks is this looking to have in the long run?

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Trump's trade policy is moronic.  It's populist idiocy.

    By far the biggest reason I am a Republican is the difference in economic policy - taxes, trade, fiscal restraint, and so forth.  But Trump's trade policy is the populist crap that I hate.  And for a few decades it is very difficult to have fiscal restraint because both parties have a kind of veto power.


    Thats like saying you support Stormy Daniels because of her chastity. What a maroooooooooooon. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Bat Guano said:

    This is actually pretty clever politics, for an Okie. Keep cutting funding until the result is unacceptable to even the inert lumps of ectoplasm that constitute the average Oklahoman, all the while cutting their taxes, and force them to pony up more money to switch to a private school if they ever want their kids to dream of upgrading to a double-wide. Thus you extract more money from the dumbasses who voted for you to cut their taxes, but now it's voluntary - they've decided on their own to pay more for the same level of service (maybe) they would have had anyway, and meanwhile you funnel money into the private education industry, who is no doubt giving you your cut via campaign donations. The dumbass who voted for you gets a tax increase that he chose, while you get to claim you cut his taxes, and all is right with the world!

    Republicans still being able to claim theyre the party of "fiscal responsibility" and "limited government" is the biggest travesty of them all. Their sole purpose in life is to dream of every way to fuck every single one of us out of every dollar they can and fund their corporate masters. 

  6. 1 hour ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    I don't know, but I do know that it should be more than what they are making in Oklahoma.  The people of Oklahoma should be ashamed of what they are doing to their education system there. Those legislators need to take a few minutes to quit fucking their sisters and fix their shit.  Then they can go right back to their sister fucking. 

    Obviously the finer points of humor were lost here. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:
    2 hours ago, In10se said:
    So the Rangers are back to pre-2010 shittiness and their ultra Republican fucktard owners are employing and condoning a color commentator who outed himself as a white supremacist. 

    Take your dumb fuck political commentary elsewhere. He liked some random tweet that was harmless but everyone gets triggered these days.

    Liking a tweet... Actively following white supremacist groups... Sure everybody does that. I cant even count the number of white supremacist groups I follow on Twitter. 

    You can believe what you want but I cant support that. This organization is garbage.  

    • Like 1
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  8. 53 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    All 3 of those leagues would have to fold after 1 season if they switched to this model. Holy fuck what an impressively bad idea. 

    Nope, scarcity of games causes demand for individual games to skyrocket meaning pricing goes up to compensate. I think tge NBA for sure could pull NFL ratings and baseball would be 3rd. Tv revenues would be similar if not greater at the next negotiation with increased ratings. 


    The 21st century American doesnt have time for 162 games of boring shit. In 20 years when baby boomer demo is pretty much wiped out baseball will be in deep shit if it doesnt make drastic changes. 

    • Like 2
  9. The season is way too long and everyone knows only about 5 or 6 teams have a shot to win a title because of the 7 game series playoffs. 

    People these days who arent hard core baseball fans just dont have the time or pantience for this shit. Way too many things competing for entertainment time now. I just watched the opening series and now I'm done watching any baseball until october as there's just no intrigue in any of it. 

    The NFL is king because it perfectly fits the new millenium American to a tee. Only 16 games season so every game is crucial for your team. Playoffs are single game elimination so more teams have a shot to make noise in the playoffs. 

    I'd change baseball (and NBA/NHL for that matter) to 20 game seasons with every team playing one game a week on Saturday or Sunday with no bye weeks. Playoffs are best of 3 series throughout. You can charge a lot more money per game since so few games and every game will be must see for your team. 

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  10. 41 minutes ago, Caracara said:

    What are the specific reasons that prompted Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down from heading the DNC?  

    I could give you long list of HRC "sins," and cite them all to mainstream reportage.  Then I could give you a list of donations to the clinton foundation that coincide with arms deals. Or one could say, "looky how things have slowed down for the great charity/tax-free holding company, now that the clintons have lost access to our government."   It wouldn't be worth the effort to do any of this research for you.  You simply wouldn't acknowledge it.   While I'm grateful for any rare, verifiable, pristine truth, from any source, at any time, most folks on this thread immediately set out to obscure everything inconvenient and hard facts especially.


    Do it. Give exact examples. If you cant then there's no reason to pay attention to you. 

  11. On 3/29/2018 at 8:18 PM, Caracara said:

    Thanks for the civility. There were lots in my opinion.  But emails showing the DNC's favoritism in the primary cost HRC a lot of votes from bernie folks.  And tons of bernie peeps are now "red-pilled" as they say, and are determined to rally around the truth rather than hang onto a totally corrupt bipartisan establishment and a MSM that does nothing but parrot its talking parts.

    Give specifics. Shit, just like on that shaggy thread where I asked for exact facts and policy to point to where trumpers believe Hillary would be worse than trump there's not a single one mentioned. 

    It's all rhetoric and innuendo with you people. Give exact examples and cite your sources. 

  12. 15 hours ago, longhorndude said:

    This thread reminds me of a thread idea I’ve had but don’t know where to put it.  Has there been an “I’m an atheist” thread before?  I can’t decide if I should just put it in the cloak room since it will get cloak roomed up or if it would be more a general bada bing kind of thread.  

    Is there a religion where you believe that a creator being or "God" created the universe but you don't believe that primative man 2000+ years ago, who believed a common flu was the work of Satan, had any more of a fucking idea what that creator wants from us than we do?

    I need to start that one. Sensology

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    I know this shock no one with a semblance of intelligence.

    From WaPo: only about 10% of March for Our Lives protesters were younger than 18. For those older than 18, the average age was 49.

    How the hell would they know that when it's an event that had hundereds to thousands of people gathered in hundereds of different locations across the country? 

    Seems speculative at best. 

  14. Beto should clean up in the 4 major metropolitan areas. It's all that wasteland space between them with backwoods ass people that always fucks us in elections. 

    Lived in Texas all my life and have seen first hand how fucking weird the sprawled out space in this state can be. 

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  15. 22 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Bob should offer tree fidy.  Literally.

    I bet any one of us who would want to run it could call Morgan 30 days from the day he takes ownership and probably buy it for next to nothing. He might just want to get rid of it and keep landthieves. 

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