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Posts posted by In10se

  1. 19 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    Tried to go to Cattleack today.  Plan was to show up late-ish and make due with whatever they had left but avoid too much of a line.  Got there at 1:20 and there was a sign out front that said sorry were sold out.  Well fuck.

    So, now I’m craving BBQ and decide I’ll just settle for Pecan Lodge.  It’s cold today in Dallas plus by the time I get there, it’ll be about 2:00 so doubtful the line is that bad. Pull up and it’s around the fucking building.  Well, shit...okay looks like I’m doing the 5 lb minimum line.

    Head to my go-to parking lot next door and it’s closed for paving or some shit.  Fine I’ll figure something else out.  Drive around a little.  Parking sucks.  And what the fuck are all these people doing down here in 35 degree weather?  Come upon a bunch of tents and some live music.  Oh nice, they’re having some kind of hipster festival in Deep Ellum today.  Explains everything.

    Finally find a parking spot forever from PL and freeze my ass off walking there.  Spend way too much for way too much food and everything was just on the average side of things.  Pretty sure the later it gets, the less consistent their meat is.  The times it’s been good to great, it’s been early in the day.  Anytime I’ve been there after 2:00 or so, it’s been pretty average.

    tl;dr - The BBQ gods were against me today.

    Last Tuesday Little Ceasars gave away a free lunch pizza combo that usually costs $5 because the 16 beat a 1 in march madness. Drove by a little cesars at 11:40 and the line was 50 deep out the door. For little cesars. $5

    People are always in a big hurry and complain about everything but will waste an hour waiting in line for fucking anything. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    I'm about at the point where I say give them their wish.  But cutoff all trade and communications and power from out of state sources.  Let them go it on their own with nothing and wait until they come crawling back begging to be allowed back in to the Union.

    The problem with that is then you'll have Putin striking a deal to ally with them and we'll have a ton of Russian Armory on our East Coast.

    I say we tell them that we will grant their wish but the minute they sign the secession paperwork we will immediately invade them, capture all of their leadership, and publicly execute them for treason. Then establish new leadership and statehood.

  3. Rogan getting all excited on every glancing partially blocked punch Al throws. He's trying his best to make this seem like not a wipe out. 


    Khabib needs to take a page from Mayweather. Win boring but make yourself a villain and people will pay to watch you. 

  4. Kimmel should just task a couple of his assistants to go back over every lie Hannity has said on Twitter and every lie he's said on his show. Find every time he attacked Michelle Obama. Then annouce on his show and on Twitter that he'll be releasing these showing Hannity for the con man woman attacking garbage he is every day on Twitter. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, Reese Bennett said:

    Wife, daughters, and grandkids all have needs. It's amazing how much crap women want to carry--but they also don't want to be seen with a big purse. I've had my phone on my belt clip and and a phone in each of the front four pockets. plus kleenex, lipstick, chapstick, dog poop bags, etc.

    You're part of the problem. If enabling fuckers like you would man up then women wouldn't think they can get away with acting like spoiled shits who can't do anything for themselves. 

    Stop being their man purse and get some respect.  

    • Like 7
  6. 16 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    If you could find any evidence of this, I’d be shocked. But you can’t, because it doesn’t exist 

    That's the point. There is no statistical metric you can use to judge draft performance accurately because there are too many variables that have a significant impact on performance, and there are so many different ways a player can be judged to be a plus or minus performer outside of statistical accomplishments.

    This is one of those things that requires looking at each draft between 4 and 10 years after and judging how many players became 1) Impact stars, 2) quality contributing starters, 3) quality contributing backups, and 4) non contributors. Then analyze results based on draft positions for each player. 

    • Like 2
  7. Have gone to more games in last three years than the previous 34 combined thanks to generous in laws but after getting heat exhaustion and nearing heat stroke at the cotton bowl last october I think I just want to watch on tv. The only positive going in person has over tv is the social aspect of tailgating, but you can do that pre game then just go watch it somewhere else.  

  8. 17 hours ago, DougO said:

    The Cowboys have their star players, but they lose one guy and the whole thing falls apart at the seams, while other teams adjust and keep things somewhat together until they are at full strength again.

    This is the exact issue that I do believe is attributable to draft issues, but I also agree the relatively poor coaching and the "next man up" nonsense philosophy leads to a refusal to make proper adjustments for the obvious shortcomings in the roster. 

    It's one big self propagating cycle of shit that leads to no NFC title games in 22 years even though they had a legitimate upper half of the league franchise QB for at least 10 of them. 

    • Like 4
  9. 22 hours ago, Amobie said:

    The numbers don't show that.


    Even the Pats aren't consistently drafting better than everyone else.  It's coaching, injuries, FA acquisitions and sometimes it's just luck.  The draft gets hyped but it's zeke getting suspended for 6 games or Garrett failing to give Chaz Green help that make the big difference.

    While I do agree that coaching has a large impact on the performance of players that arbitrary Approximate Value stat he created to base the entire premise on is extremely flawed.  Because it takes total games played into account in a pretty significant way it is completely skewed by teams like the Cowboys who draft so poorly in finding depth that they are forced to play guys like a Chaz Green or Jeff Heath over multiple seasons because they are not able to properly replace them.

    It is also skewed heavily by another of the Cowboys major problems: poor cap management. When a team like the Cowboys is constantly restructuring contracts on Aging performers it has two effects that skew that metric. The first is it restricts a team from signing a capable free agent to replace a poorly performing player, and secondly it gives players who should have a shorter shelf a longer career than they otherwise would have because the restructuring causes dead money to make a contract uncuttable regardless of performance.

    Therefore, it will overvalue truly garbage players who cannot be replaced because the coaching and drafting is so poor. Chaz Green will likely score higher as a starter on a team with poor drafting skills than a capable backup player on a team that doesn't see as much action due to having a better player in front of him (i.e. the Eagle's back up LT and MLB). I like the attempt at creating this metric but unfortunately the input data is flawed buy precisely the issues teams like the Cowboys who are either home run or complete bust in the draft have.

    • Like 3
  10. 5 hours ago, Gil Bang said:


    Trump’s a fucking idiot, but fuck Mexico. What the U.S. does on our side of the border is none of their fucking business


    It wouldn't be their business if our president wasn't going public slamming them and threatening them constantly. Of course they're going to react to this fake Jersey tough guy bullshit. 

  11. That was my point. They're good at finding first-round offensive lineman and hit a few Pro bowls with Dez and then 2016 Dak and Zeke, and anytime the Cowboys turn in a good season there's a pro Cowboys bias for the Pro Bowl.


    The problem is if they don't hit on a top guy they completely bust. They don't find depth for shit in the draft the way teams who are consistently winning year in-and-out do. Go back and look at every draft since 2010 and you'll see for yourself

  12. 9 hours ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Everyone saying the cowboys always have bad drafts, they are no worse than your average team. In fact, they’re a little better than your average team at drafting. Name a team that just knocks it out of the park every year on draft day. You can’t. Because it doesn’t happen. The draft is a crapshoot every year. 

    Nobody would ever mistake me for being a Garrett apologist. I think he’s a below average head coach, and above all else, he’s stubborn to a fault. But some of you thoroughly enjoy complaining about the cowboys. Saying they should have drafted player x instead of player y is one thing, but saying we’re bad at drafting is laughable.

    I dont think you realize how poor many of their drafts over the last 10 years have been. Outside of having an ability to bat .1000 on drafting Olinemen in the first round they've been poor. Of course no team hits on every pick, but winning teams don't do things like whiff on an entire draft (2015), whiff on every second round pick except for one since 2010, and continually fail to find even quality backup level players in later rounds.

    If you review all of their drafts since 2010 it becomes obvious why they are constantly having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find guys to plug in to their team. They don't hit on enough players to even be contributors at any level and their complete bust rate is very high.

    • Like 1
  13. Arkin was a 4th round pick so you hope to get something there but Nagy was a 7th round flier. 


    Cowboys big problems are 

    1) inconsistent drafting. Some decent finds are overshadowed by terrible drafts. Look at that 2015 draft. 

    2) all that kicking the can down the road to maneuver around the salary cap means they have to keep players like Witten way past their prime at high cap numbers and Romo will still count 9 million in 2018 when he hasnt played hardly any football since the 2014 season. That kills them in potential free agency. They cant even enjoy their starting QB making nothing. 

    • Like 1
  14. In the comics is Captain America as big of an unlikable, unyielding prick as Chris Evans' portrayal in these movies?  I wanted Iron Man to blast a hole through him at the end of civil war. I will probably enjoy his probable upcoming demise in the Infinity War saga. 

  15. On 3/26/2018 at 3:08 AM, Lhorn said:

    I gotta pay for a new service just to watch this?  Explosion of providers making original content is great and all, but who can keep up?  

    It'll be around to be seen if you know where to look. 

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