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Posts posted by Tomatillo

  1. On 10/11/2018 at 10:13 PM, texifornia said:

    Some poor SID is getting a good kicking for this:


    I was at that game and still don't understand why LSU was so super hyped for us. It is almost like they enjoy Bama owning them almost every year, but god forbid a team from the East they have no rivalry with comes to town. Weird flex, but they did kick our asses only to get shut out a couple weeks later by the Tied - with Joe Burrow at QB and a ton of other NFL talent on that offense no less. Unreal. 

  2. BTW, since - for whatever reason - UF has a thread on a Texas board, 4753 days since UF last won a natty. Since the lizards decided to actively count the days since we had won one ...

  3. On 11/21/2021 at 4:50 PM, texasstrong12 said:

    Mullen, Mcelwain and Muschamp were meh to bad recruiters at a school like Florida. 

    I do wonder if Florida is similar to Texas in that they're an academic school that feels they don't need to go all in the bagman game. They're in an area where you can't survive unless you're willing to get dirty. 

    UF was on probation twice between 1984 and 1990. It wasn't just Pell. 


    Also, the Urban Meyer era was one of the most out of control programs in SEC history. And we all know about that history. 


    I've been told by sports writers who cover football in places like Texas and Fla that any team in the top 50 of recruiting is buying guys. It is just a question of how organized and well led your program is. CUM was recruiting better than anybody at UF and we all know what type of person he was recruiting. 


    In this day and age of NIL, it is hilarious to read the holier than thou stuff. When Mark Richt was at UGA, we shied away from getting in bidding wars with the Alabama's, UF's, OU's and Ohio State's of the world. We are not shying away after watching UF LSU, Ohio St and of course Alabama win multiple natties. 


    UT has been winning recruiting battles over some top programs, so you guys are doing something. But for the five stars and top 3 classes, you have to be extremely good at recruiting, have elite facilities and be led by an elite coaching staff. Ark, for example, has fine facilities. But Sam Pittman and his staff are not signing a top 3 class any time soon. Neither will Gundy and all the Pickens $$$ at Ok State. 



  4. 5 hours ago, SurlyGator said:

    You do you, NTTAWWT.


    There is a thread on the football forum about just about every team in the country, and you have a problem with the Florida one?  

    Yes. Those threads are mostly Texas fans making fun of rivals. This is literally a Fla thread with Fla fans. On a UT board. It's incredibly odd. And kind of rude, to be honest. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Zeus said:

    I'm a Texas grad but half my family all went to UF and still lives in Gainesville. It's football. I root for them. Lots of people do. You should get out more.

    Who says I'm not out? Bizarre thread lol. 

  6. 15 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    After some thought, I'm pro divisions IF the SEC makes Ole Miss and MS State go East. Mizzou almost certainly would have to go West. 














    Ole Miss 

    MS State 



    South Carolina 



    The cross division rivals would be the next stumbling block. Auburn will want to keep Georgia. Bama will want to keep Tennessee (probably). LSU definitely wants to kill the Florida game. I'm sure Aggy isn't thrilled playing South Carolina every year. Vandy - Ole Miss, Piggy - Mizzou, and MS State - Kentucky bring absolutely nothing to the table. 

    I would be 100% in favor of this, but seriously doubt they make the west that much stronger than the east. 

  7. 7 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Sure, but the Georgia game means a lot to Auburn. 

    I agree with your sentiment on LSU-Florida. Both schools want to see that game die. 

    I just really hope the league doesn't plan around preserving a couple rivalries. I'd much rather have 2-3 regular opponents and rotate the rest of the teams. 


    It would make the most sense to do the pods thing with four teams each and rotate the other 12 teams evenly, but that may not happen, largely due to "tradition" and preserving rivalries. 

  8. On 8/2/2021 at 5:47 PM, Huckleberry said:

    Really long, you can skip until the image and still get the important info

    Okay, so I've posted a football pod system on here before. The structure and mechanics were perfect in that it preserved all the great rivalries and also ensured that every team would play every other team in football both home and away at least every 6 years. But there was admittedly a problem with fairness based on the permanent annual opponents. Some teams got screwed and some had it easy, so I went about fixing that.

    The first step is determining what fair means when coming up with an unbalanced schedule system. I knew I was going to take the average strength of each team over a given period, and I decided on the 1992-2019 seasons as the basis. 1992 was the first SEC Championship Game and 2020 was a jacked up season without enough interconference play so that made sense to me. At first you might think that making it so that every team has about the same average strength of their permanent annual opponents would be fair, but that's actually not the case. Why not? Well it should be intuitively obvious that a complete round robin is the ultimate perfectly fair schedule format. Everyone plays everyone else, so the schedules are even. But in that scenario everyone does not have the same average opponent strength. The best team has the easiest schedule, the worst team has the hardest schedule. I realize there may be some SEC graduates reading this so take your time figuring that out and then proceed.

    So it would actually be unfair to the historically stronger teams to make all the schedules as equally difficult as possible. We shouldn't reward weaker programs by doing that. So what will I consider fair? I first calculated what the average opponent strength would be for each team if the new SEC played a full round robin. Then I tried to get the pod system to approximate those values as closely as possible. That meant that the criteria I used were as follows:

    1. Maintain all of the biggest rivalries
    2. Attempt to eliminate quick championship game rematch possibilities by keeping all rivalry week opponents in the same pods
    3. Make the schedule as fair as possible as explained above

    Round Robin Average Opponent Strength:

    Florida - 75.23
    Alabama - 75.25
    Oklahoma - 75.37
    LSU - 75.50
    Georgia - 75.52
    Texas - 75.59
    Auburn - 75.65
    Tennessee - 75.70
    Texas A&M - 75.78
    Arkansas - 76.07
    South Carolina - 76.10
    Missouri - 76.15
    Ole Miss - 76.16
    Mississippi St. - 76.21
    Kentucky - 76.51
    Vanderbilt - 76.69

    So I first started with the previous setup I posted to see how close it was:

    West Pod - Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M
    River Pod - LSU, Mississippi St., Missouri, Ole Miss
    Central Pod - Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Vanderbilt
    East Pod - Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina

    Permanent Interpod Rivals:

    Arkansas - Ole Miss, Alabama, Kentucky
    Oklahoma - Mississippi St., Tennessee, Florida
    Texas - Missouri, Vanderbilt, Georgia
    Texas A&M - LS, Auburn, South Carolina
    LSU - Texas A&M, Alabama, South Carolina
    Mississippi St. - Oklahoma, Auburn, Georgia
    Missouri - Texas, Vanderbilt, Kentucky
    Ole Miss - Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida
    Alabmama - Arkansas, LSU, Kentucky
    Auburn - Texas A&M, Mississippi St., Georgia
    Tennessee - Oklahoma, Ole Miss, Florida
    Vanderbilt - Texas, Missouri, South Carolina
    Florida - Oklahoma, Ole Miss, Tennessee
    Georgia - Texas, Mississippi St., Auburn
    Kentucky - Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama
    South Carolina - Texas A&M, LSU, Vanderbilt

    So the original annual opponents were:

    Alabama - Arkansas, Auburn, Kentucky, LSU, Tennessee, Vanderbilt
    Arkansas - Alabama, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, Kentucky, Texas, Texas A&M
    Auburn - Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi St., Tennessee, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt
    Florida - Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Tennessee
    Georgia - Auburn, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi St., South Carolina, Texas
    Kentucky - Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, South Carolina
    LSU - Alabama, Mississippi St., Missouri, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Texas A&M
    Mississippi St. - Auburn, Georgia, LSU, Missouri, Oklahoma, Ole Miss
    Missouri - Kentucky, LSU, Mississippi St., Ole Miss, Texas, Vanderbilt
    Oklahoma - Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi St., Tennessee, Texas, Texas A&M
    Ole Miss - Arkansas, Florida, LSU, Mississippi St., Missouri, Tennessee
    South Carolina - Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, LSU, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt
    Tennessee - Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, Vanderbilt
    Texas - Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt
    Texas A&M - Arkansas, Auburn, LSU, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas
    Vanderbilt - Alabama, Auburn, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas

    which resulted in average permanent annual opponent strength of:

    Alabama  - 73.20
    Arkansas  - 76.82
    Auburn  - 75.59
    Florida  - 75.10
    Georgia  - 75.26
    Kentucky  - 77.67
    LSU  - 74.36
    Mississippi St.  - 77.61
    Missouri  - 71.83
    Oklahoma  - 77.01
    Ole Miss  - 76.33
    South Carolina  - 75.39
    Tennessee  - 77.60
    Texas  - 74.52
    Texas A&M  - 77.79
    Vanderbilt  - 77.39

    So there are clearly some issues. Way too easy on Mizzou is the most obvious one, so it will require some reconfiguring. First thing I did was look at the average strength of the pods to see if that was the issue:

    West - 77.93
    River - 73.41
    Central - 76.15
    East - 75.88

    Yep, that's a problem. The River pod is just too weak relative to the West pod. But who should move? We need to make up an 18-point difference in total strength, which means we need to switch teams that are roughly 9 points different.  Switching Texas and Missouri would get it done but that wouldn't work because Texas needs annual games with both Oklahoma and Texas A&M. The next best switch after moving Texas would be Missisippi St. and Texas A&M. I thought about doing that but it just kind of ruins the West pod, the Egg Bowl doesn't meet criterion 2 way above at the top of the post, etc. So we'll just have to deal with the River Pod giving the weakest schedules which I'm sure LSU won't complain about.

    I then realized that the teams won't ever just play the annual opponents. We should be calculating schedule strength based on the actual full schedule. There are three configurations in the system. Configuration One (C1) has the West and River pods together as Division A. C2 has the West and Central together and C3 of course has the West and East together. This matters because, for example, if you have the easiest opponent in a pod for your permanent opponent from that pod, your schedule actually gets [i]harder[/i] relative to your podmates when you're paired with that one as a division. The other three teams in your pod are adding that cupcake to their schedule while you're the only one who isnt adding them to your base schedule. Long story short, I tried out various configurations but arrived at this as the best I could come up with on short notice (shows the pods and each team's permanent opponent from the other pods):


    This results in average opponent strengths for each configuration as follows:

    Configuration One (West/River and Central/East):

    Alabama - 74.50
    Georgia - 74.58
    Oklahoma - 74.72
    Auburn - 74.78
    Florida - 74.87
    Texas - 74.88
    LSU - 74.93
    Texas A&M - 75.46
    Ole Miss - 75.82
    Mississippi St. - 76.18
    Kentucky - 76.59
    Arkansas - 76.93
    Missouri - 77.06
    Tennessee - 77.12
    Vanderbilt - 77.30
    South Carolina - 77.78

    Configuration Two (West/Central and River/East):

    Florida - 72.77
    LSU - 74.07
    Georgia - 74.20
    Ole Miss - 74.31
    Alabama - 74.89
    Oklahoma - 75.08
    Texas A&M - 75.19
    Missouri - 75.72
    Tennessee - 76.13
    Kentucky - 76.23
    Auburn - 76.60
    South Carolina - 76.97
    Texas - 76.98
    Mississippi St. - 77.17
    Arkansas - 78.39
    Vanderbilt - 78.81

    Configuration Three (West/East and River/Central):

    LSU - 73.53
    Alabama - 73.60
    Florida - 73.83
    Tennessee - 74.34
    Texas - 74.43
    Auburn - 74.73
    Mississippi St. - 75.20
    Oklahoma - 75.62
    Missouri - 76.04
    Georgia - 76.07
    Ole Miss - 76.86
    Texas A&M - 77.16
    Kentucky - 77.52
    Vanderbilt - 77.74
    Arkansas - 78.06
    South Carolina - 78.76

    Total Average Opponent Strength for all three configurations:

    Florida - 73.82
    LSU - 74.18
    Alabama - 74.33
    Georgia - 74.95
    Oklahoma - 75.14
    Auburn - 75.37
    Texas - 75.43
    Ole Miss - 75.66
    Tennessee - 75.86
    Texas A&M - 75.94
    Mississippi St. - 76.18
    Missouri - 76.27
    Kentucky - 76.78
    Arkansas - 77.79
    South Carolina - 77.84
    Vanderbilt - 77.95

    So that's my pod system. Year 1 would be Configuration One, Year 2 would be Configuration Two, 3 would be Three, then start over and flip home/road games from the last time through. That way every player would play every other SEC team at least once. So Texas's conference schedules would be (assuming a 2022 start):

    2022 - vs. Oklahoma, @Arkansas, Texas A&M, @LSU, Mississippi St., @Ole Miss, Missouri, Vanderbilt, @Florida
    2023 - vs. Oklahoma, Arkansas, @Texas A&M, @Alabama, Auburn, @Tennessee, @Vanderbilt, Florida, Ole Miss
    2024 - vs. Oklahoma, @Arkansas, Texas A&M, @Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, @South Carolina, @Ole Miss, Vanderbilt
    2025 - vs. Oklahoma, Arkansas, @Texas A&M, LSU, @Mississippi St., Ole Miss, @Missouri, @Vanderbilt, Florida
    2026 - vs. Oklahoma, @Arkansas, Texas A&M, Alabama, @Auburn, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, @Florida, @Ole Miss
    2027 - vs. Oklahoma, Arkansas, @Texas A&M, Florida, @Georgia, @Kentucky, South Carolina, Ole Miss, @Vanderbilt

    This is great stuff and thank you for doing it, but I don't think the SEC would have the West and River like that as one would be super competitive and the other pretty average. I think they'd switch A&M with Mizzou for competitive balance and also to keep them away from UT and OU. 

    Other than that, I agree with this alignment and the pods. I hope they do something like this instead of 8-team divisions. 


  9. On 8/2/2021 at 1:05 PM, mdmost said:

    If the Georgia-Auburn and LSU-Florida rivalries matter then the SEC will have to find a way to keep those going with pods or divisions. If it's pods then everyone is getting a dedicated rivalry game they play against another pod. That way no one needs to be paired up with a specific team. I think for the sake of balance, they will make changes that make geographic sense while also knocking out a rivalry game in the process such as pairing up Alabama in a pod with Tennessee. Then Alabama is free to have a yearly rivalry game with LSU. Texas and OU don't necessarily have to be partnered together in a pod if there's a dedicated rivalry game. Logistically it makes sense to have Texas and OU together. Then you open up those two to another cross pod rival like Arkansas for Texas or Mizzou for Oklahoma. 

    The sooner we get clarification on when Texas and OU can leave the Big 12, the sooner will get movement on how the divisions or pods will be laid out. 

    On behalf of (most) UGA fans, we don't give shit about playing that game every year. LSU-Fla is not that much of a traditional rivalry and bot h would probably like to give it up and take their chances on a rotation to fill that spot. Ala-Tenn is the only rivalry in which both schools would want to keep it, I'd think. 

    Pods makes the most sense, as teams can play more of the league more often than the current system in which we have still yet to travel to CS and have been to Starkville once since 2009. 

    We'd each play our three pod teams yearly, then presumably 6 of the others teams in the league each year, forcing each team to play much more often than now. 

    Or just screw the pods, play nine teams yearly, all on a rotation, keep maybe one or two rivals on a yearly basis, and top two records play in the SECCG, if it still exists ...


  10. On 8/9/2021 at 10:32 PM, USNALonghorn said:

    Oh I’m sure the game day atmosphere in Death Valley is something to experience. I’m talking about places to visit, going beyond the stadium or campus.

    Nashville is a big city to explore over a weekend. UF and SoCar would be nice if you have the time to stay at a beach and drive 1.5-2 hours to the game. UGA is close to Atlanta, and you can stay there for a night or two before driving in for the game. Athens is a great college town, but just one day there should suffice. If you stay there Fri, you can check out the free campus botanical gardens and art museum, then have a nice dinner at any of the quality restaurants in the area (may need to make reservations at some several weeks in advance for a Gameday weekend.) Bars are never-ending downtown if that's what you're looking for. 

    For Ole Miss, you can stay in Memphis and drive to Oxford for Gameday and same with LSU and New Orleans. 

    Lexington is underrated and features the horse races at Keeneland and bourbon tours nearby. Pretty cool trip, especially after the leaves change. Tenn has mountain towns in the Great Smokeys nearby. Nice views and a peaceful getaway if you like mountains and wilderness. 


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  11. 10 hours ago, DFW Horn said:

    I don't follow soccer design trends closely, but maybe CFB alumni and fans value the nostalgia of their classic uniforms more? Seems to me the EPL teams change their designs every year bc they'll sell more replicas annually. Maybe Nike discovered CFB fans purchased more throwbacks than the new gear?

    I have a million soccer jerseys, but hate how the club teams have sponsors on the front. Some are okay, others ruin the entire jersey. Like Man U with the Chevy logo. That was the most atrocious look I've seen any major team have in any sport. Just obnoxious. 

    American sports teams are trending in that direction with the NBA selling out. But I guess they have to in order to pay mediocre players $20 mill+ per year.

  12. On 7/30/2018 at 11:12 PM, ButtFumble said:

    yea, but they will get over it because of already killing themselves after jumbo goes 7-6 at best and possibly 6-7

    AU has a really nice schedule with BYU, Houston and Southern Utah and they should win all 3 even though they lost to Houston last year in a close one I think the UH administration knew they were going to ditch the UTSA game no matter what (even before they told UTSA) and and told Major and the team that and to go ahead and focus on AU so there was about 5 extra days of AU preparation

    then AU has Oregon State (road) so that is a win then a USC (home) team that may well already have two losses to UT and Stanford then another pretty much sure win Cal (home) then Utah which I think they can put some extra time in for then UCLA catches them off guard and Rumlin has to face a decent coach then Oregon that I think will catch them off guard then easy street with Colorado, WSU and ASU with two of the three at home and WSU hardly having a home field advantage and a team that will have quit and a coach going insane

    hell even if you give them a loss for USC and Utah that is still 8-4 and aggy can at least hang their head on "same old Rumlin" while talking about the major upside of jumbo after he cleans house (never mind it will be some of his own recruits getting cleaned out with arrest issues)


    Arizona is UofA or just UA, I believe. AU is that cow college in east Alabama 😁

  13. On 8/10/2021 at 1:56 PM, texifornia said:

    I mean... that's what a black and gold football uniform set is going to look like without jazzing it up a lot.

    They've had some interesting uniforms in the past, but not always good ones. I do like the two tone shoulder stripes:




    These are fantastic. I definitely bought a Vandy t-shirt with the V inside the star last time I was in Nash (this past spring). I just wish they still sold apparel with the yellowish color as opposed to the boring gold everyone using now! 

  14. 9 hours ago, texifornia said:

    I agree, but I will say the Rose Bowl where their helmets reflected the stadium and sky was a really memorable effect.




    Definitely attention-getting, but I am not in favor. I do applaud the effort, however. 

  15. 5 hours ago, Spankytoes said:

    Overall, I like the move. We are moving towards super conferences anyway, so might as well take our pick before there is no more room at the inn. From a competition standpoint, I have reservations. We’re in the big boy conference now. We had trouble winning the Big 12, even when it’s quality diminished and we should have been fighting with ou for dominance. We didn’t fare much better during our dominant stretch either. With the NIL and being a part of the NFL factory that is the SEC, we should do well on paper with recruiting. But...we were already doing that in the Big 12. Sark needs to work out for us as we’ll never dig ourselves out of our current hole if we change coaches every few years because we can’t establish a culture and identity. Gaining 2 our our traditional rivals back is a plus. Rivalries is what makes CFB so great, even if it means dealing with the cult of Aggie.

    You guys will love the SEC. the outsider perspective is tainted, but once you are in, you will get it and most likely enjoy it. 

    Texas will win big, it is just a matter of when. As an aside, it will be great for the league and for UT to play some of our programs in sports like tennis, golf, swimming, track & field, etc. 

    Baseball will also be fun. You'll definitely fit right in with your tradition and fanbase. 

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  16. On 8/9/2021 at 5:10 PM, TexArcher said:

    I like it, but I have some reservations.  I'm literally dreading hearing the S-E-C chant in DKR.  I don't like the Deep South in general and aggy specifically.  I do think the move will be good for us in the long run, and maybe quickly.  But they're gonna HATE us.  I picture us hating to lose to anyone in the SEC the same way we hate to lose to aggy, just because they won't shut the fuck up about it for a full year.  So, we'd better win, a lot.

    I am looking forward to immediately taking over that conference in basketball and baseball.  And a lot of those schools really care about baseball, so those rivalries could become very good.

    I'm a UGA fan and I totally get it. We played OU in the Rose Bowl and I don't think we chanted SEC at all. Obviously, we didn't do it at the 2018 Sugar Bowl either. That is more for the Ala/Aub fans when they beat someone in the CapOne/Outback Bowl. Not sure if anyone else does it anymore, though it was done fairly often when the Peach Bowl was SEC vs ACC and you had teams going up against the Clemson's and GT's of the world who talk all kinds of garbage about our league. 

    What UT fans should understand is most SEC schools are not stereotypical Deep South people and, frankly, most of us try to distance ourselves from those generalizations as much as possible. Here's a quick rundown for you of SEC fans, towns, schools, etc. ....



    UGA - Athens is basically in metro Atlanta now, and you will get more of a metro vibe in Athens than country, by far. Athens is typically considered one of the top college towns the country and has a college music scene rivaled by few, namely ... Austin. ND fans took out an ad in the Athens paper to acknowledge how hospitable our fans were and to thank us for being so welcoming. Our rivals will trash our fanbase, but that is how things work. The ND's, Ok State's, Colorado's, Boise St's and UNC fans have had nothing but good things to say about our fans. 

    UF is a different world entirely from the Deep South for the most part. The Swamp is definitely very hostile though. 

    UK is largely an out of state student body with a huge Ohio/Penn/Ill presence. A decent amount of Nashville and Atlanta kids go there as well. Bigtime bourbon and horse racing scene in Lexington and that area of the commonwealth. It's an underrated road trip, especially if Keeneland is open. 

    Tenn has a strong draw to metro Nashville as well and is a fairly popular choice for metro Atlanta kids. Cool stadium to win in and very close to a lot of mountain retreats. Their fans are pretty friendly, even to rivals. 

    SoCar is 1.5 hours from the beaches and draws a ton of kids form the Northeast. You'll find more kids there from NJ than Alabama, for example. A lot from metro Atlanta, Charlotte and Florida as well. Not an overly aggressive fanbase and close to Charleston and the coast, so it can be a nice roadtrip for those with a few days to vacation. Columbia is okay, but tends to be hotter and more humid than you. might think and is fairly average for a town of its size.

    Vandy is one of the nation's top 25 universities with students from everywhere. Nashville is a fun city to visit if you haven't been there. A lot less country than you might imagine. 

    Mizzou - Texas people are probably more familiar with the Mizzou crowd than I am, but it is far from southern. 



    Ala/Aub - Basically the same crowd, believe it or not. They are both around 2/3 out of state students with a ton from the north and a ton from metro Atlanta and Florida. They have surprising amount from large northern metro areas. Both try to recruit students aggressively from wealthy areas of said cities and are known for giving partial 'ships for pretty much anyone with a decent test score. Both fanbases carry shakers around like some sort of weapon and both think they have the market cornered on "class". I beg to differ. They have been more violent incidences with Ala fans than all other teams combined. They are nuts. Aub fans are not as violent, but tend to be out of touch with reality when it comes to their place in CFB and how good they should expect to be. You can get into an argument with an Aub fan very easily. 

    As far as the towns, Aub is better than its rep and Tusca is worse. Neither is anything special and neither are the stadiums. 

    Ole Miss - Traditionally the school for the wealthy from Memphis or New Orleans, they are now in the mix for the same kids as Ala/Aub. I didn't hear of anyone going to Ole Miss from metro Atlanta 20 years ago, now they are a popular choice. Oxford is the second-best college town in the SEC. The Grove is a must-see, as is the talent. Solid road trip and is fairly close to Memphis for flights and/or accommodations. The red jerseys and powder blue helmets are the second-best look in the league.

    Miss St - Don't really know much about their students, but they definitely go after kids from Texas and Atlanta. More of a Missipp school than Ole Miss. I've a lot of derisive remarks about Starkville, but it is what it is. They don't pretend to be anything they aren't. It's a small town and the pastures literally run up against the stadium grounds. Not much Gameday traffic and fairly low-key environment. Also, beware the cowbells! 

    LSU - Obviously very Louisiana, but they have huge presence in Houston as many of you may know. Their fans are super vocal and you'll find some who are aggressive and belligerent and others who are your best friend almost immediately. For the serious road tripper, this trip is a must. Stadium is as raucous as any in the country. BR isn't much, but the tailgating is. 

    Arkansas/A&M - Again, you guys know more about them than I do. 


    That said, you will definitely run up against some good ole boys at some of these places, but nothing you can't avoid/ignore. Don't worry so much about the SEC chant. Once UT is in the league, there will be no reason to chant it at your fans .... 



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  17. On 8/8/2021 at 10:01 AM, Murfdogg21 said:

    or even the “actually look like a duck” version:


    This is their best uniform ever and it's not close. They have been doing the Nike iterations and change them constantly to please recruits and get some buzz going nationally (since they have no recruiting base), but the retro-80s/90s look is by far their best, IMHO.

  18. On 8/7/2021 at 10:34 AM, DFW Horn said:

    Smart for SMU to brand themselves as "Dallas' Team". Glamour

    SMU always has some epic uniforms. Helmets have always been tremendous and this new look is a solid addition. 

  19. 42 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:
    12 hours ago, Tomatillo said:
    ASU is the only Pac 12 school that can compete with the SEC. SC and UCLA may have had some hotties in the 80s, now it's a little nerdier ...

    I have no idea about the general student population, but Oregon cheer makes me think they should be in the conversation.

    Oregon cheer is the goat, but the student body is typically covered up and granola most of the year. Definitely some beautiful women in the PNW though. Just not great weather or the type of culture that shows it off. 

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