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Everything posted by Sessamoid

  1. Not just a known quantity to Sark, but a VERY well-known quantity. I believe Sark’s son plays at Mater Dei, as well.
  2. Be careful with that stuff. It hasn’t been studied well in humans for alcoholic liver disease. In mouse studies, they found that taking NAC before alcohol ingestion decreased liver damage. Taking it AFTER getting drunk actually worsened the liver damage. The other thing that helps prevent alcoholic liver disease is coffee. Very strong correlation between coffee and decreased morbidity from alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. Could be life saving.
  3. N-acetylcysteine. It’s primary use is as a mucolytic for patients with chronic lung diseases and as an antidote for Tylenol overdose.
  4. Meh. We don’t share that many transmissible diseases with sheep.
  5. Not just Austin, but all the colleges hosting home games. The restrooms are going to be superspreader events. Close contact, poor ventilation, and stupid air blower hand dryers aerosolizing covid that was on its way to the floor.
  6. Yeah, that’s a rounding error. Basically 4 patients either recovered or died, and the room hasn’t been cleaned enough yet (covid cases require a “terminal clean” which takes some time) for the 4 that have been waiting in the ERs to move in.
  7. Travis county is essentially out of icu beds. I hope everybody is being safe and doesn’t an ICU any time this month. This overload doesn’t look like a transient problem. Dell Children’s has no available PICU beds left. https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/hospital-utilization
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