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Burnt Ends
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About justhookit

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  1. I mean it’s Port A so you never discount alcohol, but yeah. Really sad deal. All I know about is what I posted above. They people involved weren’t Port A locals they were from the surrounding area and not in the fishing circles I know.
  2. They were dead in the water after a power loss so there was nothing they could do. Would be terrifying. This is why you always stay off to the side of the channel running in and out.
  3. So, we put a few yellowfin tuna in the box today 😂 Also jumped a marlin off, raised another and went 4/5 on sailfish all before lunch. Then started having an electrical issue on the port motor so called it a day. God I love Costa Rica. IMG_6822.mov
  4. Bad accident in Port A this morning. I’m currently about 35 miles offshore fishing in Costa Rica so don’t really have any other details. Boat is believed to be called Todo Bien, maybe a 54 Hatteras Sportfish. https://www.portasouthjetty.com/articles/one-dead-one-missing-ship-channel-closed/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3xP04X65Tirqf-dzc5KVmJ16oJqGxGryJbcYVNmUJxPvgr9a-jyScM0xI_aem_lD7jH6PeBL77EygwKUhCfw
  5. Shrimp season opens July 15th. After that go buy it straight off the boat Peggy Ann. It’s docked in the city marina right near the pavilion.
  6. I know it’s not allowed to wish death for a poster, but is it ok to hope that right now @GreenspointTexashas trees on his roof, no power, car half underwater, and no middle of the night sex?
  7. We just drove the beach. It’s not as crowded as yesterday for sure so some of them left. Judging by what we saw I’d put a fair amount of money on a lot of the remaining people having no idea that a storm is even coming. They aren’t going to be real happy when they wake up tomorrow and none of the restaurants are open.
  8. Last update shifted it a few miles west and away from Houston. I doubt they will have an exact landfall track before tomorrow morning.
  9. And Nueces. Just encouraging visitors, people in flood prone areas, boats/rv’s etc. to leave early. Unless something changes this is not going to be a big deal here. Very small category 1, possibly 2.
  10. Life in Paradise. To be clear I’m got no problem with them. They seem to be the only decent management company down here anymore.
  11. Last few updates the track has stayed pretty constant for the center to go in between Rockport and Port O’Connor. That’s good news here because Port A is jam packed with tourists and none of them seem to be leaving. We have a rental in our condo leaving tomorrow and another rental coming in tomorrow for a week. Just talked to the management company and the people are still planning on coming tomorrow. Fucking idiots.
  12. Yes, there are some very large sharks at Texas beaches. But I mean, there is a fucking video of this shark on this thread . It’s a 6 foot long bull shark. Good grief.
  13. You can’t possibly be this stupid.
  14. Damn going to miss you again. Was supposed to fly to CR today for the rest of the summer but this storm coming made me push it back to the 11th. Catch you and Luna this fall.
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