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Posts posted by F250

  1. 1 hour ago, sasquatch69 said:

    As we finished our campus tour today, one of the senior guides who was doing his last-ever tour before graduation teared up as he told the group how much his time on the 40 Acres meant to him, as his parents and friends looked on and cheered him … and then a woman rode by on a bike screaming “UT COMMITS FUCKING GENOCIDE” repeatedly in an effort to drown him out. So that happened… 

    After my tour, I was walking around with my parents when we came upon a booth where some pamphlets were being handed out. Suddenly, this older guy rolls up on a mountain bike wearing some cutoff Jean shorts and tennis shoes. He has long hair and a beard and smells like armpits and pot. He picks up a pamphlet and mumbles something, throws a peace sign and rides off.

    Someone nearby says "That's my professor."

    Me and my parents at that moment.

    Cringe Fetish GIF

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Did you click on the video above?  Again, I don't really have a bone in the fight regarding Peterson.  I clicked on it expecting something "insane" and it isn't in that video as far as I can tell.  But that video doesn't really have a lot of JP content.  Just some speaking clips and movie clips centered around bad relationships.  Kind of weird.

    I've really only ran into Peterson on Real Time and a couple other places(cable news maybe) I can't think of off hand.

    No. I was addressing the similarities between Peterson and Tate. I first came across Peterson about a decade ago when he was giving a talk on Jungian archetypes in modern society. I was interested in it from an evolutionary perspective but he was already off the rails back then and it was clear he was just dressing up misogyny. His message is pretty much the same as Tate’s, no significant difference.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    I don't really know either of them well.  Tate seems like pseudo alpha a-hole.  Peterson insists on himself, but I haven't heard him espouse similar.  He says there are women psychopaths, but they can't use physicality to victimize so they use other means.  Which seems pretty right to me.  There are bad, bad people of both sexes out there.

    Peterson is a fucking quack that constantly spews misogynistic nonsense like the Tate stream of insanity. The only difference is Peterson wraps up his ramblings in pseudo-intellectual nonsense with Jungian references. Peterson probably fools more people because they can't decipher his psychobabble.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    I get the argument about the internet and smartphones, but didn't that also make it way easier to get on an app and find some rando to bang on any given night? Referring back to my prior post, my early 20's niece has said how gross she and her friends think Tinder is and consider it an older millennial think to just bang whoever swipes the right direction. 

    I think that made it worse for a certain segment of men that were rejected by a fire hose of left swipes. The successful ones treat it like Grubhub for sex and drop the facade of politeness giving it the ick factor.

    Like with all things, dudes ruin everything by chasing off the women and turning it into a sausage party.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    its the internet, stupid.

    The rise of anonymous social media platforms allowed individuals to discuss and celebrate what had heretofore been markers of failure and shame.

    See, 2chan in Japan and the Otaku. See, 4chan in the west and Incels.

    I believe the incels have always been among us but were scattered and shamed into the corners of society until the internet united them. I shared a story about an employee that I helped who had all the traits of what is now called an incel. The biggest hurdle for him was overcoming his sense of entitlement and frustration for not being able to date a "Stacey".

    This was about twenty five years ago and the incel community didn't exist yet. However, he did hang out with this one creep named Russ that fed him a lot of proto-Incel shit. He said this guy Russ had a massive DVD porn collection, spent all his money at strip clubs, frequented Hooters type restaurants and said every hot girl is really just a stripper looking to fleece you. All this talk would just feed his resentment.

    I managed get him to cut ties with Russ. He needed to be removed from all that negative misogynistic feedback. Eventually this young guy met someone more his speed and developed a relationship.

    It was hard for him to overcome the influence of one proto-incel if the Red pill community existed back he would have been sucked right into their black hole of anger and despair forever.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 4 hours ago, mchookem said:

    as a female who 1) drank a good amount in college, and 2) had plenty of sex in college, often after/while drinking, allow me to say that i do not look back on any of those instances and think 'i think i was sexually assaulted'. mostly, i look back on those days the same as y'all - fondly and with a healthy amount of cringe. 

    the only time i felt disturbed in any way was a frat party (can't remember which, but one of the smaller ones), where i ended up separated from my friend, in an upstairs room and suddenly decided i did not want to be there anymore, and the 'gentleman' who had escorted me upstairs thought it would be a good time to play a game of 'block the door/keep her from leaving'. 

    so whichever of you assholes that was, sorry-not sorry for kicking you in the balls and running. 

    I encountered one of these situations at a party in 94/95. I had a small bag of hydro but nothing to smoke it with so this dude said he knew where to get a small bong and there wasn't enough to go around so we stayed upstairs smoking. Out of nowhere this chick who was already wasted pops in asking for a hit.

    We share and within minutes a group of dudes are in the room and the bedroom door is shut. Several guys are circling her like vultures and starting to get touchy.

    I intervened by putting my arm around her and saying "can I talk to you for a second?" I walked her to the bedroom door and opened it then told her "you need to go find your friends now" then pushed her out of the room and closed the door. I turned around and blocked the door so nobody would follow her.

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  7. On 4/26/2024 at 6:08 AM, 52-80 said:

    Does the political importance of Mariko just seems quite overstated relative to her actual position?

    Ishido is the de facto lead Regent for the entire country. Basically the prime minister or chairman of the board.

    Mariko is "merely" the daughter of a subordinate to a lord/daimyo... a **disgraced** one at that.  So at best like a child of a George Santos or assistant to the regional vice president or something.

    Given that Toranaga can simply command Lord Yabushige to kill himself, or that Fuji's husband committed infanticide on his own goddamn son for offending a Regent, there's such an insane disparity in the power structure that its hard to believe 1 single Mariko was the lynchpin to Ishido's future and to the Kingdom itself.  For example, when she was being really mouthy in episode 9, wouldnt it have been acceptable within the construct of the show/culture for Ishido to punish her just for being rude.

    You are leaving out the power held by Lady Ochiba and her history with Mariko. Mariko's death caused Lady Ochiba to withdraw the support of the heirs army from Ishido.

    The show highlighted the history between Ochiba and Mariko as well as their current feelings. It was also shown that Lady Ochiba was being advised against backing Ishido. Mariko's importance was her influence on Lady Ochiba.

    Also, she wasn't being mouthy, she was clearly stating that she was obligated to follow her lord's instructions and it wasn't Ishido's place to interfere. She was behaving according to the rules while forcing Ishido to break the rules in front of everyone.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    I view it more as a massive junior varsity constituted for different reasons - with an opportunity to cherry pick the very best of the mandatory two year people to supplement the professional cadre.

    in World War II, the US military fought for less than a year in Holland, Belgium, France, and Germany/ Austria.   Adding the Italian campaign only adds 6 to 8 months to that year.  We had our smaller professional army doing tour after tour in the Middle East, which was not a good thing for our personnel.    Right now we see Ukraine hanging on by a thread because they cannot rotate enough soldiers.    Stalin was right about very few things, but he was right that quantity has a quality all its own.

    While drones and Geo smart munitions have changed the face of modern war, to take an old territory you need boots on the ground in sufficient numbers to advance/hold once you have Air Superiority.

    I was number 27 in the Vietnam selective service draft, but was not called up because they were arguing about the shape of the table in peace negotiations.   I will absolutely defer to military professionals who have far more insight than I do, but as a non-serving citizen looking at the last 30 years of US military involvement - and the recent Ukraine Russian fight- I feel like we need a bigger military so long as China is acting salty.  

    Could be wrong, I am a known idiot.


    It sounds like you want to reinvent the reserve forces and national guard.

  9. 1 hour ago, CHIEF said:

    I've often wondered about compulsory military service for a year or two after high school for Americans. It is mandatory in all Scandinavian countries, Austria, and quite a few other countries. To hit on the above, it instills discipline, punctuality, accepting authority, and how to work as a team. It might not make a difference in some, after they leave the military, but you would think it would take quite a few and turn them away from the incel path, before it starts, and towards being a kind, contributing member of society.


    I'm not sure the U.S. military wants to deal with conscripts after spending the last 50 years developing a very effective professional military.

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  10. On 4/23/2024 at 1:36 PM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    That chart seems a little misleading to me as it seems to assume that the hacker knows the length and composition of your password

    You don't need to know the length or password complexity of a password. When setting the parameters to crack passwords you set a minimum/maximum and define the character sets. The parameters should be set to fall within a reasonable time frame which is dependent on the resources of the system you are using. I would usually set it to a month since most organizations force resets every 60 to 90 days.

    This isn't something you would do for a single account, normally it's a password hash pulled from a db. All of the low hanging fruit passwords will be cracked really fast, like within seconds. There isn't any point in setting parameters for something that will take years so those user accounts will remain safe. Granted, this is only one type of attack. Normally password attacks are done with a sequence of various attacks. You can have a lengthy password that will still get cracked easily.

    Butterfly1988!! is technically a lengthy and complex password but a dictionary attack will crack it fairly quickly.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    Star Trek Wtf GIF

    Yeah, I'm dead-center in the middle of Gen X, and the guys in college who went after high school girls were the losers that even the losers thought were losers. If you couldn't get laid in college with a college girl, you weren't trying.

    He was saying when you were in high school or in college, not while you were in college.

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  12. 14 minutes ago, Zepol87 said:

    Yea reading that sounds like real loser shit. It was one of those what are dressing up for moments and I was honest. I later learned her husband wasn’t happy at all about this 

    I can imagine dressing up would raise some questions and mentioning your teacher would definitely have raised the mama flags.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    The other group that I guess has no name = young men that don’t have much desire to get laid and aren’t even engaged in the pursuit.

    Isn't that what is just referred to as asexual? Morrissey popularized it in the 90's.

  14. 1 minute ago, Zepol87 said:

    My senior year my English teacher wanted to come pick me up and take me to one of her cousins funeral. My mom wouldn’t let me go and I still think about this everyday

    You told your mom? I never mentioned anything to my mom.

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