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Posts posted by F250

  1. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    By that argument, we get to have the DPS shoot anyone wearing khakis  in the face, right?  Because we once saw a group wearing those do some bad things....


    As mentioned by someone earlier, this was different and not dangerous like the student protesters.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Incredulity said:


    You know exactly what I am talking about.  For the last 6 months Jewish students have been routinely harassed and chased on several campuses across the country.  Its fucking wrong.

    Sir, we are in the UT protests thread.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 40 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    But, but, but Brisket, MacKenzie says the protestors were there "to scare, threaten, and intimidate Jewish Austinites."


    And, look, I don't doubt one bit that antisemitic bullshit gets thrown around. Hell, we've seen it on this very site, and I'm even uncomfortable with TheJewsDidThis gif, but I refuse to be gaslit by dimwits who claim to represent my interests and me.

    Fitlump is an alumnus of Harvard so we should consider everything she has to say regarding campus protests.


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  4. 13 minutes ago, Rimbo said:


    This is how you sound to me right now

    You are obsessed with Tate and gay sex and there is nothing wrong with that. I support and embrace all lifestyles so no judgment from me. If you secretly desire to be fucked or fuck Andrew Tate that is perfectly fine and acceptable. Just be your true self and everything else will fall into place.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Holy shit, you might be right.  That’s certainly a take, gay or otherwise. 

    Tate’s a regard saying outrageous shit for clicks. He should just be ignored. The breeding talk is real popular in right wing circles and he is just trying to tap into the conservative zeitgeist to remain relevant.

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  6. 7 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    UT seems pretty unconcerned with filing FAFSA.  I've been trying to pay cash for my two kids on campus, and literally haven't filed FAFSA in two years.  I think they might have made it a requirement for year 1?

    This has been the case for my first two kids but yesterday my youngest son called me up saying something about having to do his FAFSA again to register for fall classes. I told him what you said, we only do FAFSA once which he did his senior year in high school.


  7. If you want to see a movie that is similar to Shogun I would suggest Ran. It covers shogunate politics with epic battle scenes. Personally, I like Ran more than Shogun.

    Akira Kurosawa who also made Seven Samurai and Yojimbo made this movie.




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  8. 4 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Yeah I’m not talking about the practicality of the overall concept which, as I understand it, is to use idling EVs to provide computational capacity for AI. I'm asking specifically about the terminology he used. “Kilowatts” does not seem like an appropriate unit for computational capacity. Seems like that should be expressed in flops. But I’m not a computer engineer.

    Yeah, in terms of DC resources it would make sense but that's not what he is inferring in his statement. But this is a very common theme with Elon. He often says things that sound like he doesn't really understand the topic and is just repeating what he heard someone else say.  Which makes sense because he is a bullshit artist.

    What really bugs me about this is not that he bullshits so much but the media always treats his commentary as something worthy of reporting.

    If someone like that quack Stang talks about his theory of everything people rightfully laugh and mock him. When Elon does it people take him seriously.

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  9. 2 hours ago, kingkoopa6 said:

    On that note.
    anyone have the low down on what to watch next for a samurai fix ?


    🔪 🇯🇵 ✌️🀄🈁🪭🎏🚬⚔️🗡️💴⛩️🥋🫖🍚🍣

    Here are some fairly recent ones that I thought were really good.

    13 Assassins

    The Twilight Samurai

    The Last Ronin

    Hara Kiri

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