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Posts posted by F250

  1. On 3/27/2018 at 6:09 PM, CrownKing said:

    After the "battle" between automatic weapons vs bow arrows there were more saviors than before. This show sucks so bad now. But closure. 

    What is the deal with the endless supply of saviors? 2/3 of them will get wiped out in an episode and then they are all back the following week.


  2. 23 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    CNN about to report that the traitor is about to throw out another $100 billion in tariffs on China. 

    This has a Dr. Evil level of ridiculousness to it.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Phillip Morris and RJ did get heavily regulated and taxed at the end of the day.  And it’s not like the Kremlin was selling cigarettes to kids in PA, MI, WS, and NC with help from the tobacco companies 

    My point was Big Tobacco survived all of the fallout. This isn't going to take out Facebook nor should it.

  4. 1 hour ago, woohorn said:

    Fox News Radio (xm) just reported that Pruitt tried to get sirens on his car to speed through traffic and reassigned the staffer who told him that was not allowed.



  5. NPR had a Congressman on earlier today discussing FB/CA. He stated Facebook's remorse appears to be disingenuous because it's after the fact. He also said we (Congress) had no idea about these kind of problems. Then he went on to say "we" will learn a lot more during the hearings.

    My personal opinion is no one will learn shit. It's going to be a dog and pony show for Congressman to pontificate. Anyone with half a brain knows that user data is the product when it comes to social media. The Europeans have been fine tuning regulation specifically for these type of things for Twenty Fucking Years! Our response, "shit, I never would have figured anything like this would ever happen. We need hearings to get a better understanding of how the internets work."


  6. On 4/4/2018 at 2:35 PM, UTEX90 said:

    This year I am a pitching coach on a 9-10 Little League team in Katy.  Lots of fun.  5-0 so far and have beaten some tough competition with great pitching and defense.

    Are you teaching them to brush back punks that crowd the plate?

    Kudos to your team having a pitching coach. When I was a team manager in LL I would bring in a dedicated coach for pitching and one for catching. It really made a big difference.

  7. 20 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    okay, so stalin's russia and armenia.  do you really think the united states government is comparable to this?  if so they are coming for your hershey's kisses also.  watch out!


    Next time just don't ask a question multiple times if you don't want an answer.

  8. 9 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    it must really suck to be you.  this is such a terrible, sheltered, paranoid, ignorant way to live.   

    has there ever been a movie made about a government confiscating guns? a book written?  it's not even in anyone's imagination except the extreme rightwing.   i wonder if overeaters have the same paranoia, that the government will one day come and confiscate their hershey's kisses.  seriously dude, there is some ocd involved here. i wish you recognized it.  has there even been a government that confiscated guns in any society ever, in the history of man?

    best of luck to you sir.

    Right, it's not like people are calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment or anything.

  9. What some of y'all fail to see is that Tahoe is a solutions guy. Now the solution might only make sense to a dog catcher in Flea Bottom Alabama but it is a solution.

    Seriously Tahoe, I used to sympathize with you but your behavioral pattern indicates you are either a troll or mentally incapable of having a reasonable discussion.


  10. 7 minutes ago, sachick said:

    Do we have any actual proof of this threat? Seriously. Are there any studies done or any research about increased crime caused by immigration? Or is all this based on fear mongering tweets and the the racists eating this up.

    This was taken yesterday just outside of Acuña.


  11. 1 hour ago, Pods said:

    Is there a deal that lets both Trump and China save face that they would agree to? I'm not sure there is without external mediation. Putin to the rescue?

    I get the feeling we are relying on China to be the grown up in this situation.

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