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Posts posted by F250

  1. 15 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Hillary won the popular vote. The next Dem candidate has only to be marginally better in a few select States to win the presidency.

    Trump isn't exactly converting anyone to his side. But all signs indicate he's energizing the opposition against him. 

    The popular vote doesn't mean shit.

    Trump's key to victory was the rust belt and he is currently driving our economy off of a cliff to cater to those critical unemployable voters. As far as they are concerned he is fulfilling his campaign promises. Populism is an emotionally driven political tide and Trump has shown he has no shame in exploiting the class tension for his own benefit. He will continue to blame Mexicans, foreign manufacturing and ironically the capitalist elite for the miserable lives of those in the rust belt. Warren will roll in with a similar message minus the xenophobic vitriol which has been surprisingly effective for Trump.

    Of course Trump could be impeached by 2020.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Amobie said:

    You have to hand it to the Chinese, they come up with plans and stick to them.  

    It kind of feels like we have been fucking around a little too much like Rocky training in a fancy hotel while Clubber Lang is doing pull ups with ropes in his closet.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, bernorange said:

    More:  https://www.goldmoney.com/research/goldmoney-insights/the-yuan-oil-future-and-gold


    Once the yuan-denominated crude futures market is established as a major oil benchmark with active trading volume and significant domestic and global investor participation, the acceptance of the Chinese yuan as a mode of global transaction will rise.



  4. One time when I was testifying as an expert witness (computer forensics) I had a prosecutor come at me pretty hard. I could tell where the line of questioning was going and knew they were about to fuck up. Finally when I said "no" to a question the prosecutor reacted incredulously and repeated the question with me again saying "no." Bitch went off on me and claimed I was contradicting submitted evidence. I immediately explained her understanding of the tech involved was wrong (I mean completely ass backwards) she cut me off literally said "don't play games with me." I quickly responded "'I'm not, you are mixing up..." she cuts me off again clearly embarrassed, I look towards the judge biting my tongue trying to not grin when the defense steps in. I remember holding my breath to fight the urge to laugh. She clearly didn't understand the evidence or didn't put any effort into preparing for my testimony.

    These people are major dicks.

    • Like 4
  5. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:



    I’m all for holding leakers accountable but the fact that this girl is still sitting in a Georgia jail awaiting trial for attempting to inform the American people on the severity of Russia’s attack on America while Michael Flynn walks free and Paul Manafort sits at home with an ankle bracelet is pretty disgusting.

    Her trial isn’t until October.

    Let’s hope she gets a fair trial.

    The fact that she is being charged with violating the Espionage Act is unfair. I don't expect the government to suddenly shift gears once the trial starts.


    "The Espionage Act is a fundamentally unfair and unconstitutional law. As the ACLU argued in an amicus brief in the Chelsea Manning appeal, and has argued with reference to Edward Snowden, this act is unconstitutionally vague because it allows the government to prosecute leakers and whistleblowers that it dislikes, while leaving untouched the many leakers within the security state who release classified materials to advance those agencies’ bureaucratic aims. Perhaps worse, it doesn’t allow leakers to defend their leaks by trying to demonstrate in court that they served the public interest."


    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    There is a strong correlation between low IQ and all sorts of bad behavior.  Conservatism, in general, is good behavior.  But there are clearly components of conservative behavior which are bad behavior and correlated with low IQ.

    As a point of interest, I'm "somewhat conservative". 

    I'm also not sensitive to being part of any demo or group which generally performs more poorly than average.  It doesn't mean I do.  Similarly I am well aware that being part of a demo that performs very well doesn't mean I do.  We're talking about a logical fallacy I sneer at.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    2020: The race to see which candidate is more populist. 

    Trump is going to have to overcome being a very unpopular President but I am not sure the strategy is to go even more populist to try to beat him in an election. What is she going to sell to the Midwest? The US economy is leaving you behind due to unfair trade policy! I know the other guy said that but I'm not as mean as him. 



    A populist message is very effective when it's coupled with xenophobia and FUD and Trump has all of that in spades. This is the one thing Trump has been consistent on during his Presidency. I don't think Warren will be able to out populist Trump.

  8. 13 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    He should be impeached now but republicans are doing nothing. So yes, both sides.


    The Republicans are doing what is politically beneficial for them regarding Trump. Your plan would be the same thing so yeah that would qualify as both sides.

  9. 22 minutes ago, berlinerbaer said:

    The base's shift to the left will come into play in the  2020 primary. I don't know about Hickenlooper, but true centrists like Jim Webb will have trouble gaining traction barring a real surge in primary voter turnout, as the case may be if a celebrity throws his/her hat into the ring.

    A centrist won't beat a leftist straight up, but it all depends on who decides to run. We'll have to see if the leftist vote gets split between multiple candidates, like if Sanders and Warren both run. Then I think a centrist could go deep into the primary. This is maybe the one area where I think the party apparatus exerts some control.

    Thanks for the input. I was curious about the attitude of the party's base.

  10. "China announced Sunday that it is implementing new tariffs on more than 120 U.S. imports in response to President Trump’s recent decision to increase taxes on imported steel and aluminum.

    The Chinese Ministry of Finance announced that it will impose a 15 percent tariff on 120 products, including fruits and other commodities, according to China's state news agency Xinhua. It will also impose a 25 percent tariff on pork and related products.

    The tariffs will reportedly go into effect starting Monday."


  11. 6 minutes ago, berlinerbaer said:

    Yes, I think the base has swung to the left since 2016, but that isn't why I think she has no chance in 2020. Hillary happened not because she was more centrist (otherwise Webb would have polled above background noise levels), but because there were really only 3 or 4 legit candidates in 2016 and she clobbered them all in name recognition. Even Bernie was virtually unknown outside of Vermont until 2015.

    There was no shame in losing to the first black president in 2008, but losing to Trump? I can't foresee how she'll recover from that.

    She no longer dominates the news like she did in the 90's, or when she was a senator, or a member of Obama's cabinet. The Republicans seem to care an awful lot about her for some bizarre reason, but the Democratic base has moved on to other candidates who check most of the same boxes.

    tl;dr version: she's dead, Jim.

    I think most reasonable people know Hillary's political career expired in 2016. I was thinking more about other centrist candidates like Hickenlooper.

  12. 40 minutes ago, berlinerbaer said:

    You're thinking too much about the party head-honchos. Their power, small to begin with, is fading fast, as all evidence since 2016 indicates.

    Voters, the people who matter, won't pull the lever for Hillary no matter what the DNC tries to say. She is roadkill in a hypothetical 6-way primary with Warren, Gilibrand, Hickenlooper, Booker, and Biden.

    I've been involved in liberal/progressive activist groups since the election, basically the base of the Democratic Party. Out of a group where about 40% went for Hillary over Bernie in the 2016 primary, I can say with confidence that nobody in that 40% is still excited for her. People throw around a dozen names for 2020. Her name is mentioned as a running joke and nothing more.

    What makes you think this is the case? It seems that HRC happened because the base is centrist. Do you think the base has shifted left recently?

  13. 15 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    No. It is only that the Democrats may have to use their own extreme tactics to overcome republican gerrymandering and equalize things. In other words to achieve equal and unprejudiced representation.


    People are calling for impeachment because they believe Trump is a threat to the welfare of the United States. If this is the case and Mueller's investigation proves Trump is an active threat against the United States then he should be impeached and removed from office immediately. Delaying it for political reasons would be putting the party over country.

    This is the kind of political horse shit that causes people to say "both sides."


  14. 6 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    I think the Democrats do much better down ballot if Trump runs, particularly if he has committed impeachable offenses.

    If it were up to me I would not impeach, at least not until he secures his spot on the ballot. Impeachment, or at least calls for his resignation, after the convention would yield the best

    That sounds like what people refer to as party over country.

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