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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Zombie

  1. I like Bernie and I'm glad he's made the party more progressive. I'll vote for him if I think he gives Democrats the best chance to take down Trump. I just have my doubts that our very diverse party is going to choose an old white guy to be that person. If he is, then Bernie 2020!

  2. Clarence Thomas seems like he sucks.
    HOWEVA, I know it is a bit of a contrarian point, but too many people hide behind the 1st Amendment to post outright fabrications in politics.  If you removed NYT v. Sullivan from the universe, maybe you'd have less Jade Helm, QAnon, pizzagate, birtherism, whatever.   It's not like European countries are crushingly oppressive and there is generally no equivalent to the 1st amendment over there.  That said, the actual malice standard is probably more good than bad.  I just think it would be nice to do something about the fact that people have discovered that misinformation is so hard to defeat with just the boring truth.
    I hear you. But I'd much rather have a society where people can spread misinformation without recourse than a society where an individual or entity with deep pockets can chill speech they dislike by malicious litigation.
  3. 41 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:


    What's his point? That Trump and Democrats can or should never agree on a foreign policy issue? Is Maduro being a corrupt evil dictator causing starvation for millions in dispute? You'd prefer that continue? Until when or what point? I guess I don't get your contrarian position. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    i don't feel GOOD about it. but maduro has to go.

    full disclosure a coworker and good friend of mine is a venezuelan expat, and i disclose a large amount of personal bias here.

    I likewise don't feel good about it, but I believe action is necessary with millions of their people literally starving. However, there will absolutely be unintended consequences. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    And a lot of other countries have also supported the opposition.


    Mexico and Bolivia are against, but most others are for, including Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, and Peru.


    This is a good step forward for Venezuela. Hopefully the situation doesn't devolve into mass killings by Maduro's gov/military. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    But isn't Trump effectively joining other leaders in starting a diplomatic coup? I admit to not being well versed on the Venezuela situation. 


    I likewise am not very well versed in the Venezuela situation, but what I've read today in the NYT and elsewhere is that Maduro was not legitimately elected and this new guy is a more legitimate leader based on the corruption of Maduro's election. If the existing government is not legitimate, then there cannot really be a coup. I despise Trump, but I think this is a good step forward for the long suffering Venezuelan people. 

  7. 29 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    If my kids were taking their shirts off and screaming at the Lincoln Memorial and shouting at girls by the Vietnam Memorial, I'd feel like a failure as a parent.

    That was the most bizarre part for me aside from the confrontation. It's MLK weekend and you're doing loud wild chants at the base of the LM? A large group of private school white kids wearing MAGA hats? That was a disgusting display regardless of the confrontation. 

  8. I've already gotten 5 fundraising emails from her since her announcement. 
    I haven't cared for her since she jumped into the mattress girl issue. We should of course take sexual abuse allegations seriously, but Gillibrand passionately took sides before the evidence was hashed out. Colombia ultimately took the guy's side. That showed a total lack of judgment on her part and a bizarre political craveness.
  9. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Courting billionaire support is already strikes 1, 2, and 3 for me.

    I decided to look at her Wikipedia page and...


    While Harris was the San Francisco District Attorney, the overall felony conviction rate rose from 52% in 2003 to 67% in 2006, the highest in a decade; there was an 85% conviction rate for homicides, and convictions of drug dealers increased from 56% in 2003 to 74% in 2006. ...

    Officers within the SFPD credited Harris with tightening loopholes in bail and drug programs that defendants had exploited in the past. ...

    In 2012, Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo ruled that San Francisco District Attorney Harris's office violated defendants' rights by hiding damaging information about a police crime lab technician, and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings.


    I'll vote for her over Donald in the general, but no thanks in the primary.

    As a former criminal defense attorney, this sort of bullshit enrages me like few other things. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Zombie said:

    Republicans thought this was a negative view of her? You know how I know you're gay? (NTTIAWWT).

    To admonish myself and my post, my gay friends would think her dancing was fabulous. So I revise my post to ask, You know how I know you're a prude douche?

  11. At what age are old men allowed to start overtly touching young women's bodies.  I'm almost 44....asking for a friend
    Is this an oh so clever allusion to Bush Sr who just passed away? If so, very classy.
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