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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Zombie

  1. Beto resigned from the House.
    Even if he had not resigned, being speaker would have made it nearly impossible for him to actively run for president where he would be far more useful to the country.
  2. I'm also not seeing what makes Beto unqualified, particularly in comparison with the rest of the potential 2020 field. Every potential candidate has downsides. Biden, too old and centrist. Warren, too old, liberal, and unfairly has to deal with a Hillary level of misogyny. Harris, too young, liberal, and inexperienced. Booker, too corporatist and contrived. Etc.... These are not my criticisms as I think any of these would be great presidents. Just what I anticipate voters will impute onto the candidates. 

    Beto has downsides to be sure, but in my mind they are far fewer than the remainder of the field. Most importantly, he has Obama level charisma and is an excellent and very experienced campaigner and fundraiser. He's progressive but actively seeks to bring disparate views together rather than just being a liberal bomb thrower. And while it's not fair, the fact that he's a white man would probably make it easier to appeal to swing state Obama voters that went for Trump in 16.  

    Any number of candidates could beat Trump, but Beto at this point appears to be the strongest potential candidate so far. Of course a lot could change over the next 18 months and a relatively unknown governor or other unknown candidate could emerge as a similarly strong option. 

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I wonder if O'Rourke's state issued ID matches the name on his ticket?  I don't get to fly under my nickname, "Cock Beretta", why should he get to fly under his? 

    How are you advancing intelligent discourse with this stupid troll snipe? Do you not see that you're being a troll with these vapid insults? Why even post on this thread or forum if you're just going to be an immature child? I really don't get posters like you. 

    • Like 1
  4. I've been wanting to learn how to sail for a while and reading the boat threads on here has ratcheted that up. Any advice on the best place to learn to sail assuming a modest budget. There's an outfit in the British Virgin Islands that appears to have a good reputation that does week long onboard living sailing courses for beginners that gets you the ASA 101 & 103 certifications for $2,500. Their site said the itinerary would likely include Tortola (including Cane Garden Bay), Cooper Island, Virgin Gorda and Jost van Dyke.

    It looks like a good way to get a hands on realistic view of sailing and should give a better idea if this is a hobby that I would enjoy. I've never been to the BVI, but from what I've read it looks like a nice area to sail minus some hurricane damage on some of the islands. I'm open to other parts of the Caribbean, U.S., Mexico, etc... Any thoughts?

    • Like 1
  5. So many experts on this thread.
    One of my good friends, Matt Caldwell ®, ran for Ag Commissioner here in Florida.  He won the race by about 50,000 votes.  Guy traveled 100,000 miles, speaking to people in every county multiple times.  Works his ass off and is a stand up guy. 
    But then, suddenly, more votes were found and his lead was down to 41,000.  And then suddenly, more votes were found and it was down to 20,000.  
    And now, suddenly, more votes have been found.  And he's now losing the race by 501 votes.  Where did most of those votes come from?  Broward County.
    You guys can mock the GOP all you want.  Say what you want about DeSantis and Scott, as though any of you know them, or have any association with them, outside of what you read.  Go ahead and pretend that voter fraud is a one-sided affair.  
    But I'd hate to see a good man lose an election in a shady manner like this.
    I don't understand what you're saying. Are saying those are not legitimate votes? If so, what's the basis for that accusation? Assuming those are legitimate votes,why should they not be counted? You want you're friend to win despite not being the choice of the majority of voters? Bizarre.
  6. Beto has popular appeal and he's one of the best faces the Dems have right now. I just don't know how he would do in a Presidential race against Trump or your generic alt-R that primaried him. Beto's gameplan of running positive is honorable, but an obvious uphill one armed battle. Debates are his only hope since he connects 1 on 1 with his audiences. He does need to control his anxiety on camera. 
    Maybe keynote speaker at the next DNC and then a cabinet post if the D's win. THEN he would be in excellent position for a legitimate POTUS run.
    If he wants to wait around for the next statewide races, I think Patrick and Abbott would be easy targets, but he's destined for something bigger.
    He's a good man with a future in politics. Time will tell.
    Those are fair points, but I disagree with the notion that a good candidate should wait until all the little issues are ironed out. Obama wasn't a perfect candidate in 2006/07 when he began gearing up for 2008. There were a lot of people saying he should wait his turn and improve as a candidate.

    The process of preparing to run, all those speeches he gave and events he attended helped to polish his rough edges. And frankly, there's not a candidate without significant issues. I think Beto has the fewest of the possible 2020 field. Ultimately, a politician has to strike while the iron is hot because they may not get a second chance. Beto's iron is definitely hot right now and I think it would be a shame if he sat out 2020.
  7. 1 hour ago, Kyle said:

    Words matter. If you want to have a reasonably dialogue, it has to begin with personal integrity. Sending troops to the border is not a dirty trick. One can agree or disagree with it, but it is not a dirty trick by any definition.

    What was the "false pretense" or "complete fabrication of the truth?" 

    Immigration is a extremely complex moral and political question that requires more than hyperbolic emotion to solve.

    What the fuck that does this bullshit even mean? You're a fucking Trump apologist. Sending troops to the border against starving helpless women and children escaping horrendous conditions is fucking evil and if you don't see that then you're an evil soulless piece of shit. No offense. 

  8. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'd say Beto is currently right at the top of the list among national Dems.  Whether that holds or not remains to be seen, but he's the darling at this point.

    Agreed. I think Beto is the most natural and charismatic politician of all those Hugo mentioned other than Biden and Biden has the age thing. 

  9. I thought it was good overall and a great movie soundtrack. Acting was spot on. That said, the seminal scene where BC (spoiler) at the Grammys seemed over the top. It just didn't seem realistic. I don't watch a lot of award shows, but from what I've loosely followed in the entertainment world, nothing like that has happened before and the entertainment industry has no lack of hardcore alcohol/drug abusers. On top of that, the guy was a seasoned drunk and druggie, so I just don't see him going so out of control. That scene dictated the rest of the film, so the rest of the film seemed a bit contrived for me. Again, a really good movie, but a bit unrealistic in my mind. 


    getting on stage, pissing himself, passing out drunk


  10. 2 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

    What are the concessions like at a bull fight in Mexico?


    1 hour ago, texasdago said:

    MY guess is that concessions at just about any event in Mexico City are awesome... usually you can bring stuff in.  Not always.  

    They are awesome. Tons of booze and beer, tacos, grilled meats, and people walking around selling fruit cups, weird dry meats, nuts, etc.... A lot of men are smoking nice cigars that vendors are selling. 

    • Like 1
  11. I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the bull fights are a fun time. Not for everyone of course, but an interesting cultural experience. I think the season begins in November and is on Sundays. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Reagan1k said:

    Hate to make assumptions here but that sentence reads like something heard on an XM radio advertisement.  

    If I'm wrong and you know the developers and have an inside track on some deals, that's one thing, but if you are basing that off a commercial or marketing effort, be very careful.

    Those "guarantees" only take you so far.  Consider why they'd be needing to advertise on the radio or in print to bring in capital if the deal was THAT GOOD.

    Another thing to consider is that risk does not only manifest itself in potential stock market losses. 

    Inflation's erosion of your purchasing power is an equally serious risk that must be considered. 

    You can "safe" your way broke over time by not participating with at least some growth assets that have historically preserved purchasing power; even though they have periods of volatility and short term declines. 

    Good points. Yes, I have friends who are spec home builders and they have a very defined system that has produced a fairly consistent ROI. It of course is not risk free and I don't mean to suggest there is a risk free investment option out there. But I am familiar and comfortable with real estate development projects on a small scale. 

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