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Reese Bennett

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Posts posted by Reese Bennett

  1. 1 hour ago, Napoleon said:

    (H)Akeem "The Dream" Olajuwon played soccer before he got too tall and he turned out okay. The footwork necessary to even play pickup soccer would be a huge benefit for someone who goes on to play OL. I am definitely psyched to read this.



    So he's committing to Germany?

    Everyone always brings up soccer but he was also pretty good at Team Handball, which is a great sport and probably more transferable to hoops than soccer. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Magus Ossis said:


    He has a known intracranial process. There is the obvious talk of pressure. The classic way to track CPP is MAP - ICP. If the concerns about ICP are waning, having a CVL to keep close track of MAP becomes less important. It is pretty standard to have a CVL early on in cases like this, and it would be a bit unusual for it to be the primary access. It is for CPP management with a peripheral IV for routine access. But I agree we can't know for sure that he doesn't have a pneumo, too.

    If you could please spell that out, the rest of us might have a puncher’s chance of comprehending what you are saying.

    Thanks though.

  3. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    In the 90's, in what is now 6A, we were being told that specialization was the key and getting a lot of pressure to narrow our focus down to one sport. I pretty much thought my football coaches were mouthbreathing idiots and ignored them, in part to irritate them, in part because back then, if you can believe it, I was a bit of a prima donna, and played all 3 major sports and was better for it. Other guys followed suit and then it became a norm. We were ahead of our time.

    My unimaginative HC at the time, btw, ended up a few years later coaching (OC) at Texas Lutheran in Seguin. He mentored an aggressive young guy on that staff and ultimately introduced him to his friend, Greg Davis, then the UT OC. My former HC ended up convincing Davis to give his young assistant a shot as a GA at Texas. That's how Tom Herman got his start in CFB. One shitty offensive mind preaching about him to another. You're welcome, Surly. 

    There's nothing going on in this thread, so fuck it, you're welcome for the CSB.

    You were not ahead of your time, you just caught up to my time.

    In the late 70's, in now what is now 5A, we all played multiple sports. I played football, basketball, and ran track... well, field and fatman relay anyway.

    I get what you are saying though, When my daughter was playing in the Y league in 4th grade, an AAU coach asked her to come play on a touring team. We tried it for a few years, but the requirement to only play bball year round was too much and burned her (and us) out early. They didn't even want the kids to play for their Jr. high schools. She quit AAU, but continued to play at school and at times also did volleyball, tennis, and water polo (that's a fun sport and if you have a daughter who can swim, throw a ball, and likes to beat other kids up get them in the pool). It does seem like that pressure is relaxing a bit based on the parents I talk to with kids doing sports outside of school.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Can't afford him.


    Actually possible.  Snyder is really fucked right now.  His stadium is empty, but he wants a new stadium in the city and has nothing to sell.  He doesn't have a winner, doesn't have a star, and doesn't have a flashy HC.  Murray could possibly change that although they'd have over 25 million allocated to QBs and still would probably need another as Murray wouldn't be ready.  But the star power alone may tempt Snyder into drafting Murray as he would have star power he could use to try and get the stadium deal done...


    Snyder just bought a $100 million yacht. I don't think he's really worried about the Redskins outside of the continuing hit to his ego.

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