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Passive Aggressive Coach

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Posts posted by Passive Aggressive Coach

  1. 4 hours ago, gurt said:

    I use CBD for sleep and anxiety and have found it to be very effective. I take the tincture and do a 25mg dropper at bedtime and occasional half droppers during the day if I’m stressed out.

    It has helped me sleep a whole lot more sound. Just make sure you're getting from a reputable supplier. 

  2. 12 hours ago, tbone_ said:
    On 11/6/2021 at 7:24 AM, topochico said:

    Signs and symptoms of Texas Football watching may include:

    • Dull headache
    • Weakness
    • Dizziness
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Shortness of breath
    • Confusion
    • Blurred vision
    • Loss of consciousness

    That's true. I could get symptoms confused. OK, can't watch horns in the garage now. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    oh you may not have...but most every post he had in that thread was negged by easily a dozen+ posters. i just included your post in the screenshot as you rather poetically summed up general feeling towards him 😄

    did I say 1 person did it all? I said 1 person did most of it. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Texaspython said:

    I knew it was a huge mistake then. You don’t fire an icon without a solid replacement. Firing Mack to appease the morons was/is a huge disaster. 

    Mack was horrible. They just hired bad. I think the 2005 NC has your brain scrambled to what he was in 2012. That piece of shit had to go. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 47 minutes ago, Texaspython said:

    The people clamoring for Sark to be fired are the same people who thought it was smart to fire Mack. The lack of self awareness with some of you is astounding. 

    LOL either time has clouded your memory or you don't know what you're talking about. Mack essentially was on vacation his last few yrs and had driven the team into the gutter. We didn't hire a good replacement. That was the issue but Mack had to go. UNC is starting to see that. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Pam Cummings said:

    The common denominator is literally a collection of posters who are here on a football-dedicated website who spend none of their time posting about football. They spend all of their time here in the lower third of the forum shitposting, then whining about the inevitable rep warrrzzzz!! that happen when one does nothing but shitpost.

    False. I had mostly football posts and that lady worked for 2 days and got me banned. Well over 300 negs reps just from her in 2 days. She methodically went even through my football posts and negged them. So what you're saying isn't accurate. That lady gets triggered and spends all her time on her target for the day trying to get back at them and if they don't have mega rep she hopes to ban them. Unstable. Now I just stay away from DT and CR. Stupid I have to do that. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    I find it funny that Bravo and OnBoard bitch and moan about it.  They are disingenuous sacks of shit.  They keep posting ignorant shit, I’ll keep negging them.  I also keep it to the Cloak Room except for the Kyle Rittenhouse thread in DT, because that thread should be nuked from orbit.  Showing how some people on this board are just awful human beings, kind of like their orange idol.

    Bullshit you keep it to the CR. You went through and negged all sorts of football board posts. Looks like you have been up to your old ways. Unstable is the correct term.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Unfortunately the garage is 1000 sq/ft and that only kicks out 14K BTU. I need much more than that. I dont think any electric would work tbh.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 4 hours ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Just make sure your using the 1-K or K1 clean kerosene and vent the garage some (open/crack door/window) and should be fine. Also keep kids away obviously as they get real hot.

    Probably the cheapest/easiest option I can think of.

    That's what I thought and yes I have some windows in the garage I will crack and along with CO monitor I feel it is pretty safe. I wont burn diesel in it even though $1 gallon cheaper because I heard that really stinks.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. I was worried about any fumes so I bought a CO detector. It's a really big 3 car garage (1000 sq/ft) so any wall mounted system was going to require me to run a gas line which would be super expensive. I didn't want to drop tons of money on running a line and a very big natural gas wall mounted garage heater. Probably would be over 2k all together to do that. I would be well above $1K having to run a line. I have been around these. They are loud. And yes, in the winter or while raining I will smoke with one garage door open and the end poking out of the garage. It works well unless the wind changes directions. Then I've had my entire garage look like a gas chamber. 

  11. I live in Indiana. Winters are cold af. Quite the shock moving from Austin and I have not got used to it in 10 yrs. I love my garage in the summer and fall. TV is in there and smoker. It's my escape. I hate shutting it down in the winter. I said NO MORE! Bought this torpedo kerosene heater for this winter. Cant wait for it to get here. Any tips or ways others have heated their garages? 



    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Stock market isn't the economy everyday voters feel and the stock market is on steroids during inflation. You think people are more concerned with fortune 1000 companies having a great bottom line vs paying an extra $100 at the pump a month and another $100 at the grocery store while having their lives disrupted by supply chain issues? 

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Lol I'm surprised you rolled back around here. Try to keep the disinformation down, yeah?

    I'm not really sold on your assertion there champ. From all the coverage I've read, it seems like ginned up CRT boogeymen fears were more of a motivating factor that the hangover from trumps "reopen in the middle of wave 2 of COVID" and trillions of stimulus economic policy

    Well, look at the exit polls. #1 issue economy. It's why this was not just a VA phenomenon. People are voting with their pocketbooks being hurt by inflation and frustrated with supply chain issues. 

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    No no, I'm very aware that how you feel overrides what your lying eyes tell you if you've been inundated with enough propoganda.

    You're doing an excellent job of demonstrating my point that gop voters are jumping at ghosts and being useful idiots for the Republicans. The fact that the republicans are winning races on boogeymen non-issues is a harbinger for further regression and damage to our democracy. 

    Seriously, can any of you right leaning folks point to one single REAL concern with CRT? Something that's more than "bigly many people bad CRT big badda boom"?

    You realize a lot of these are the same voters who voted for Obama and Biden, right? The economy was #1. It's why this wasn't just a local VA phenomenon. Congratulations to VA electing the 1st woman of color to statewide office and Hispanic. Both Republicans. Fairly eclectic ticket. 

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  15. 45 minutes ago, shnsajax said:

    Looking forward to seeing the results on this one. What temp are you going to pull it?

    OK, this one I let get up to 125 because it's a thicker cut than a normal steak. I probed after sear and it was 138


    39 minutes ago, Bravo said:

    I just sear both sides once temp is at 120 internal. Usually brings it up to 130-135 internal.

    Very close to what I do. 


    5 minutes ago, Bravo said:

    What do you do? Sounds similar. How do you season with Wagyu beef fat?

    I bought this wagyu beef tallow. I melt it then spread it on. Makes it very sticky. 

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