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Passive Aggressive Coach

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Posts posted by Passive Aggressive Coach

  1. 1 minute ago, South Austin said:

    Look, dude.  This isn't a thread to talk about criticisms of our head coach.  This is a recruiting forum, and more precisely a thread to discuss the recruitment of one Quinn Ewers.  The past 105 pages reflect a highly focused discussion on a very narrow topic, and we don't tolerate tangential posts that have nothing to do with the specific subject of this thread.  Understand? 

    Consider yourself warned.  But one more mention of Sark or anything else unrelated to Quinn Ewers, and I'll report you.

    as I said, I was triggered with the thought of being stuck with him. Now back to CFS talk.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Dummy said:

    We get it. It's just fucking non-sensical from the get-go, so we're trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Ewers isn't coming here for Venables. He'd be coming here for that offense and QB development. Apologies for responding. I'll let you get back to your unique thought. Tell us more about this past season. Any idea how we did against Kansas?

    I wasnt mad at you but the idea of being stuck with this guy who is clearly not the answer for at least another 2-3 yrs makes my BP rise.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    Dont really get this post. Even the biggest Sark basher would probably admit that Sark is at solid offensive coach and a good QB coach. The worry is can he do more than Coach an offense and call plays. Can he run a program and have a positive contribution to both the offense and defense. I am not worried about the offense under Sark, there is a worry that Texas could have to win by outscoring teams. 

    Yes, he is a good OC and his history as a HC is long enough and shitty enough now we know who he is and he LOST TO FUCKING KANSAS AT HOME. You dont get my post?

  4. Just now, Dummy said:

    Are you concerned about the offense with Sark having Ewers? I think Sark is probably one of the better selling points to get Ewers. I'm not a Sark apologist, but even CTJ said that he would be willing to give Sark a pass on last year if we got Ewers and closed on some other prospects that seem realistic if Ewers comes here. 

    I dunno, he had a losing record and lost to FUCKING KANSAS AT HOME. My hopes are very low with him.

  5. 9 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    You were not stating an opinion.  You were stating factual inaccuracies.  Hence you were fucking lying. You were called out on it by about 20 posters in the thread.  You are a sad, little man.  I shudder to think that you procreated.  

    Thank God no one would procreate with you. The world is a better place.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Ag with kids said:

    17 negs on this thread alone.

    She needs more cats...

    It's all she has and I bet if you were to do a ratio of negs to pos reps she would have the worst ratio of any poster with 4+ figure rep points. There is no doubt.

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  7. 35 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    You are such a cunt it is fucking unreal.  You spread vaccine and COVID misinformation.  You are a fucking idiot.  Have another neg for complaining like the little bitch that you are.

    You have a mental disorder. Might just be TDS. I suspect a touch of bipolar also. So me saying you should get the vax but I'm against mandates and natural immunity should be taken into account is disinformation? Then the response is you going mental for 2 days negging 100s of posts on this board. I mean all of them regardless of the thread. I'm glad people are calling you out for your lunacy. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Ag with kids said:

    To put an exclamation point on this, PenelopeWitherspoon (who probably gave me 40% of the negs on that one thread that made me come here) has followed me HERE just to neg rep me some more...

    I didn't troll here.  I didn't shit talk.  Yet I just got 2 more neg reps.  Sigh...

    Of course it was Penelope. She is insane. She is protected by the CR cult. That lady spent over 2 days negging everyone of my posts. We are talking 100s of negs from CR forum to the football board. She gets triggered by anyone conservative and if you don't have beefy rep watch out because she will smell blood and spend all her waking hours negging you until you're gone. She is an issue on the board. She is what's wrong with Surly. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, DDD Dad said:

    Sack and PAC resurrected you.

    Maybe now that you’ve been given a reprieve you will take to heart some of the complaints about shit posting and trolling.

    Good luck.

    Nonsense. The cabal loves to cancel people. Especially with lower rep points with people they don't agree. They call them trolls and shit posters as SOP. Same people always negging the shit out of people. Gotta make sure the echo chamber is clear. 

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