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Onboard 2.0

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Posts posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. 8 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    I'll be pretty surprised if he goes that route but I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.

    edit he would have to be blaming an opposing coach/school, not some random fan, etc.

    Hard for him to do that IMO, as there were about a half dozen to a dozen guys around him. I think we'd have already heard that.

  2. 3 minutes ago, goatsaag said:

    I mean, I said he ridiculously overreacted and that it's fine if Michigan fires him for it, they just don't have to fire him. It's just also blatantly clear that it is not a punch.

    I think they do if they wanna look like a responsible university. He's the cause of a bench clearing brawl. It wasn't a player, it was the head coach.  It's not his first incident.  I don't wanna see the guy get fired, because emotions do run high, and shit happens between the lines, but that was beyond just a couple coaches bumping chests or pointing fingers at each other.

  3. 25 minutes ago, goatsaag said:

    If you watch that and think it was a punch or attempted punch, you're a fucking moron. 

    Seriously man ?  THAT was a lame ass attempt at a punch best case for Juwan. He swung his hand at an opposing coach in uncontrolled, anger, and rage.  Either way he caused a melee. HE'S THE COACH.  It's his job to be the adult, and keep that kind of shit from not happening.

    So to ask you the same question, what's your excuse for being a moron here?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. 6 minutes ago, staboner said:

    in soviet russia small pond fishes big

    and that is all they have been for some time. their only time of being a superpower is when both sides of them collapsed because of an american ass kicking. they've been backpedaling ever since. 

    i think the entire american handling here is making this small dicked putin feel bigly. i think the way this is going down is great honestly. big deal in troubled country of Ukraine. whoopdy fucking doo. just keep those nukes down and let vlad jerk off to his missile porn for the next few days. if he still invades its a bloody mess and you just let him marinate in all its glory.  

    put cameras everywhere. make it horrifying. 

    something something something China doesn't want to invade Taiwan any longer


    Does Ukraine have the cajones' to just pull all their military back a bit from defensive positions, and dare the Russians to come across the border ?  Don't give em any way to say they were attacked. Of course they won't, but it would sure as hell mess with Putins little replay of 1939, and Poland.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 minute ago, dcar00 said:

    the last video shows it.  pretty simple.

    If Howard was pressing probably trying to make a point to his players about playing to the end. He forced the wiscy coach to coach to the end.

    He could have said nothing and blown by or shook his hand and said nothing.

    Wiscy coach could have just walked past him but probably wanted to explain and maybe even say if you don't press I don't need to call the TO to reset the clock.

    My guess is Howard knew why he called the TO but wanted to be billy bad ass in front of his players.  

    I doubt there was much thought beyond just the mounting frustration, which is common, but as a coach he's the head of the program, and sets the example, and tone.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Porterhouse said:

    If I may interject on the “colored” slap fight and perhaps clear up a non-controversy for you guys: Ignatius was using a device known as “sarcasm” to make fun of another poster predicting Juwan would play the race card. And you can trust me on this; I take great offense to the use of colored. 


    Well fucking played.

  7. 4 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    A cast stone fabricator could make a new top piece for you.  You’d have to give whats left of the original and they would use it as the form to make the new mould.  

    It won’t be cheap but it’s less expensive than a hysterical wife with a newly formed drinking problem that will use you as the target of derision. 

    Do you know a cast stone fabricator that owes you a favor?


    That bench is the #54, 60" version in just about any garden center.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    He's 69.  That's a helluva legacy to be creating at this point - I can't imagine too many Russians would be happy relying almost fully on Beijing.

    Which circles back to what's been said about there having to be some kind of internal pressure the West isn't being.

    Yeah could be.  I've always thought he had a pretty firm grip on his power.

    I saw something a couple years ago about Putin, pretty critical piece which stated the day he leaves power, he's a marked man, so he can't leave office.  That is pretty typical for most despots.

  9. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    So much of their foreign policy over the post-Soviet breakup, and going back to the Peter the Great days, is about being a "great" European power, not just militarily, but economically.  Can't do that if you shut off European markets, unify the rest of Europe against you, and put yourself under Beijing's thumb.

    Hell, a lot of the last few centuries of Russian foreign policy is about identifying more with Europe than Asia. 

    This is damn near aggy going "fuck it, I can't compete in the Big 12, gonna hit up the SEC and try and get some respect" only to get constantly owned in the SEC.

    Russia has always had an identity crisis. They're at the cross roads of east, and west.  Peter, and Catherine drug them kicking, and screaming to the west.

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