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Posts posted by TurkeyChew

  1. 33 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Crucially, it is not in any sense "grooming." "Grooming" isn't sexual education, it refers to developing a relationship of trust with a minor to sexually exploit/abuse them. All the recent "groomer" talk aimed at liberals by conservatives is an attempt at creating a new blood libel. They're accusing liberals of knowingly promoting pedophilia because it will make it easier for them to justify murdering us. It is straight up nazi shit and Donkey is knowingly and intentionally trying to promote this blood libel by conflating normal sex education with pedophilia.

    Just saw this. The question was posed to be using the word grooming by someone else, I didn't use it. I also didn't know the granular distinctions of it as you apparently do (and now I do). 

    So I guess I'll amend my answer; no it's not "grooming" but yes it's "normalizing" or whatever you want to say, as trauma said, and it's always been that way. 

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  2. Piling on that Turning Red was not an enjoyable movie experience for anyone. My wife and I didn't like it, my sons was completely uninterested and my daughter who would have related the most didn't like it either. Only half of us made it to the end; we all concluded we were just glad we didn't have to pay for this and it was free (we paid for Sing 2 when it came out and everyone loved it and the same kids have seen Encanto like 15 times).

  3. 1 hour ago, Satchel said:

    What do you think CRT is?

    I don’t really know what it is, I’m listening and learning constantly; as Jimmy mentioned I’ve been told the academic definition and how it doesn’t really exist in practice except rarely in grad school, and I’ve seen the definition morphed and defined by popular culture who have attempted to evolve the meaning beyond the strict academic and technical definition. 

    My post was asking why or what does WF being allegedly racist and unethical (again) have to do with CRT and as it pertains to this thread. TwiceHorn just did a good job of answering why it’s germane. The post and discussion around WF is less CR and what the tone of this thread had been (I say that as a good thing), which is why I asked as well.

    • Fuck You 3
  4. Just now, Walser said:

    Well let's be sure to carefully funnel them into groups with like-minded people and be sure there is no abrasion or any need for critical thinking to arrive at a mutually comfortably numb corral.

    There has to be a better answer than the either/or— but hey I’ll be the first to say fixing public education is a massive issue and not an easy thing. I think if someone(s) can figure it out there’s easily a national award in it for them as well as a springboard to high profile public office. 

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  5. This is why public school is so messy and a headache. You have all kinds of people and beliefs and values that no administration can make everyone happy and eventually just does the minimum to mildly annoy everyone about something they care about. It’s an impossible job the more divisive and splintered and sub-verticaled different beliefs and cultures are getting.

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  6. 21 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I was really looking for you to point out where I'm besotted or dramatic. I would eliminate such features from my writing. You'd be doing me a favor.

    Your second sentence has tortured language in the form of a question. I'll do you the courtesy of explaining my position one more time without prejudice toward the possible clumsy strategy that may underpin it.

    The widely held opinion I share is that paying higher prices for gas is a tiny price to pay to support Ukraine and harm Russia.

    I do not reference Takei nor consider his tweet necessary for my interpretation of the cartoon. He and I do seem to be in agreement on the small price paying extra for gas is for supporting Ukraine.

    Takei and I may also have been too unthinking about the cost to those barely making it. The cartoon leads me to reflect on that. What other patriotic acts could be taken for the struggling woman at the gas pump?

    Again, Takei's existence isn't germain to my reaction to the cartoon.

    Sorry it’s been a busy weekend. The dramatic and besotted comments were in response to how I perceived your consumption and interpretation of what I thought was a very mediocre comment. It felt like an overreaction and making a big commotion about little details that maybe even the artist himself would mean make.

  7. 12 minutes ago, mchookem said:

    i want to rep this bc if i'm being honest your first paragraph rings true. sprinkle in some posts of genuine despair and/or fury and i feel like that's pretty much me in the CR.

    it's exhausting trying to directly discuss/engage with people who often don't even share reality. i lost the patience to do it some time early in Trump's run, it all became too much...i became the living meme of the Jaguars guy.

    also there are many, many posters that are better informed and whom i respect who do an honorable job engaging in true debate. 

    however you've been kind of an asshole lately. but since you're already in the red...🤔


    Exactly re: don’t share the same reality. We (Americans) live in the same building But different floors. Perception is reality and perceptions are so different.

    Re: being an ahole- Sorry!

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  8. 21 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Dramatic and besotted? I'd be interested to see the passages that you found to be so. I rarely collect those descriptions.

    I was unaware of the Takei quote nor did I recongnize the actor as the character in the drawing. It's a widely held opinion that I basically share. 

    Which is the widely held opinion you share? It seems you liked the opinion that Takei was a self-congratulatory creep with a simplified opinion that doesn’t do enough to empathize and capture the reality of the common people via the single mom struggling with the gas? Or you share Takei’s opinion via his tweet? 

  9. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    Like how you implied Mexicans are the reason NFL fan violence exists?



    No, I was implying that half of all the posts in the going goon thread had a Mexican in it— and then said probably because raiders, cowboys and 49ers fanaticism skews Hispanic oriented in those communities.

    • Fuck You 1
  10. Also I will add, since you brought up “biological clock”:

    I have 5 kids and have had them from mid 20’s to early 40’s. Having children “later in life” which I think is mid 30’s and later, is a completely different ball game than as a young man (and woman, but speaking to you as a man and from my perspective).

    Your energy level, your activeness, your health, your ignorance all work together to make you bulletproof. The older you get the harder it is, to say nothing of where you might be in your career. It was way easier to be present and engaged as a 20 something dad when you are a young analyst or junior career person just starting off then as an older VP with a lot more pressure, hours, travel, responsibilities, etc. that fight for the time with your wife and newborn/child. Career and lifestyle have gravity and you need to account for that as an older guy.

  11. Seinfeld did a bit about marriage vs single that I think you could say childless vs with children as well:

    “When I was [without kids] I had friends with kids and I would not visit their home. I found their life pathetic and depressing. Now that I [have kids] I have no friends [without kids]. I find their lives to be meaningless and trivial experiences. In both cases I believe I was correct. Whichever side or the [kids] situation you are on; you don’t get what the other people are doing.”

    Which is to say, as others have said in their own way, It’s a profound shift in perspectives that will cascade down and impact, if not change, every form and function of your life as you know it now. 


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  12. 7 hours ago, Mole said:

    Troll: posts clips that remove all context, edits out portions of the question and answers, and dishonestly frames those edited clips.

    Troll: repeatedly proclaims the troll position to be a self-evident truth.

    Also troll: where’s the critical thinking?

    We desperately need a robust and thoughtful conservative movement if we hope to succeed. Informed, vigorous, and reasoned debate is our last best shot at digging out of our current pit. We NEED conservatives calling out the president and VP, but they need to operate within objective reality. 

    Instead conservatives seemed to have largely embraced the worst of troll culture. You revel in dishonestly, play (?) dumb when it’s pointed out, and call it critical thinking.

    If the evidence for your thesis consists of dishonestly framed and out of context clips, then your thesis is likely garbage. If you actually think these clips support some sort of valid point, your mental facilities are severely lacking. 

    Preach! The following is just my opinion, I’m no social scientist:

    It’s the generation and culture we are in to embrace troll culture, I feel like, over the thoughtful. We (conservative minority, under 50 years old) are mostly interested in a low effort/low calorie effort that exhorts humor and laughter via the quick hitting meme or troll tweet or whatever because a) the gulf between belief systems is (generally) so massive wide there is precious little common ground or understanding to begin with to have a legitimate, good faith discussion and b) it’s in the vein of the “IYKYK sub-meme” that it’s funny to meme/fark/make fun of your political opposite/other/enemy these days.

    Young Dems do it too, which leads me to next point: threads where you just have the politicians name and the year (example: Kamala 2022) are lazy because it invites two things: a catch-all to gripe and ridicule her and a catch-all to defend and champion for her. It gets to be where eventually it’s just a team sport, blue vs red, on these types of threads because it becomes less about the latest incidents and specifics and more about making a broader defense of democrat politics because the thread gets full of drive-by meme and funny troll swipes. 

    I almost fell victim to this and posted the funny tweet where she knee-jerked and immediately tweeted how sad it was that Jussie Smollett was a victim and he suffered modern day lynching and scolded America to do better, after the verdict. Then I thought, what would that accomplish, except make people mad because it’s embarrassing and obviously an attack at Kamala because I don’t prefer her as a VP, and the handful of folks who would laugh probably have already laughed. Plus the more interesting part of that which we should debate is our propensity to jump the gun and say emotional things in emotional times without knowing all the facts. That’s a more productive and interesting conversation.

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  13. 44 minutes ago, Viper said:

    I'm curious, in this post freeze Texas energy market, is energy ogre still worth it? Or do their cheaper competitors offer better value? Do increasing oil/natural gas prices mean a long term contract would be better right now?

    I don’t know; do you buy on price or are you an oil painter artist?

  14. So strange of a response. Immamac is an amazing administrator and IMO, as one of the minorities in CR and on this site, doesn’t unfairly or indiscriminately bias or bigot against opinions and belief systems that are not in the libera mainstream here on this site. I think we are fortunate here in that way. 

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  15. 49 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:


    Sure. The art work is extraordinary to me, but I'm not up on Asian cartoons. Maybe it's common place. The faces are very expressive even evocative.

    The first frame illustrates that people (like me) thinking of higher gas prices as a small price to pay really don't consider a single mother with children just scraping by. For her, even in her economy turtle, 5-10 dollars a week is a big deal. I've lived squeaking by at times where a gallon of Los Angeles gas meant $4. I'm stung by the first frame because I am not her. I didn't think hard enough about her.

    Second frame would be good filmmaking. A long shot to indicate how small she is in this world. It's not just a cartoon making a point, the creator has made me care about her. I don't know that I noticed the land yacht next her on the first pass.

    Third frame. This guy states my position. He's creepy with his smile. At first read, I felt it was a caricature of a the simple viewpoint.

    Fourth frame invites you to think. He pulls away in his giant SUV pouring filth into the air. Maybe I'm not that guy. There's another dimension to this. The man in the car could do more than make his patriotic donation with broad self-congratulation. He has the means to make a patriotic donation by driving a car of less excessive demand of fuel.

    Then the thought occured to me that he could also make a the patriotic gesture of helping a fellow citizen whose patriotism comes at a much greater personal cost. 

    His patriotic gesture is trivial. Her patriotic gesture is mandatory and very costly.

    Next, I was invited to consider the satisfaction non-Ukrainians get from wearing Uke flag pins or retweeting sweet cartoons of old ladies staring down tanks. We're the guy in the big car. The Ukrainians appreciate international sympathy, but they're the woman with woefully short resources trying to make life work.

    It's a thought provoking excercise in interpretation. At least to me. It's not a matter of intelligence. I was interested and moved by the art. Others may not be. It's subjective.

    Thanks for the thorough response, it was a serious question because I initially knee-jerked to understanding that cartoon as a "classic leftist elite who is out of touch with society" critique by a right-wing cartoonist riffing off the George Takei (who you amusingly call creepy) tweet*

    I figured a cartoon like that wouldn't resonate with what I know of your sensibilities and politics, as gleaned from your posts I have read over a span of time, so that's why I asked for a bit more detail. I didn't expect such deconstruction, and I have to admit to thinking your review dramatic and besotted for my taste, but I can see how you'd appreciate it as you did, by your description.




  16. 56 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Lol, I love when you do shit like this. In what world is it more practical to use your gut feeling for what constitutes middle class, which appears to be based on what you think your social peers make, than some objective measure based on data from all Americans? You're doing the whole "well I'm just a good ol' country boy" act but the second half of that for this issue is apparently "but everyone I know pulls in over a half mil a year and I don't think that's THAT much." 

    Do you know what practical means? 

    Of course basing definitions that align to your day-to-day and exist within your sphere of influence is more practical and useful than a technical data point that doesn't realistically impact you. That practicality is what I was referencing. 

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  17. I read his family’s response and I think I see where he is getting enabled to be divorced from reality. His family are ten toes down for him on this obvious lie and grift and so he thinks his lie can work for the broader public I think.

    “Jussie's older sister Jazz Smollett, 41, started off by saying that she believes her brother is innocent. 

    "This should not be a controversial statement because it is the absolute truth," she said. "What should be controversial is the entire miscarriage of justice his whole ordeal has been."

    As for Jussie's younger brother Jocqui Smollett, 32, he said his brother is a "complete victim."

    "He was attacked and he is now going top jail for being attacked," Jocqui told reporters. "I saw my brother get locked up within two weeks for being attacked. Do you know how crazy that is?"

    He said in front of the courthouse that the sentence discourages people from reporting hate crimes in the future.

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