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Posts posted by TurkeyChew

  1. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No, it really isn't.  Their constituents don't really care.  They're creating issues and creating controversy so they can tell their constituents that libruls are appointing pedo-lovers to the Supreme Court and they tried to expose it and stop it.

    It's not "practical politics."  It's bad-faith demagoguery of the worst kind.  The absolute worst.

    That it jibes with Qanon narratives makes it that much more irresistible.

    It makes Joe McCarthy look like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

    How do you know it’s the tail wagging the dog and not the other way around? What makes you so sure here?

    It seems more likely to me that these people are feeding the masses what they want; they aren’t smart enough to manufacture and psychologically manipulate the demand.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    a shit-stirrer that the mods have for some reason given immunity to 

    There was nothing "stirrer" about my posts, the guy just will never be able to get over that he doesn't like me and doesn't know how to use the ignore button, much like yourself.

  3. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Republicans now want to delay proceedings so they can announce the names of victims of child pornographers. 

    In other news, it's Wednesday.

    nevermind, I see what you mean.

  4. 12 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    the Rs hazing her are doing so because they can get their faces on TV and fundraise off this.  i can guarantee you that hawley and ted are going to have already sent out fundraising emails with "the democrats are pushing this pedo-lover through the senate!" as the hook.  and their marks will have seen kid hitler and cancruz on tv, or a video on twitter, or facebook, and they'll be all in on it.

    So essentially it's practical politics to harass this woman because they enhance their brand (to their constituents) and if they aren't doing this, it's political malpractice to their constituents. But they are all resigned to the fact that this woman will be the next Supreme and all of this is a formality, is what I'm hearing. Got it and thanks that helps. Like others have said, not sure this is even worth paying attention to or watching knowing all that.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    mea culpa, I just re-scanned the thread and you didn't make any jokes but did rep a few /shrug. My apologies to besmirch your honor and lump you in with the people you appear to agree with. I do actually give a shit about being truthful, but I'm only human though and have been known to make mistakes.

    And it's not that I'm saying that YOU were making those jokes, however YOU and right wing people do have a tendency to discuss hypotheticals as the basis of your argument rather than reality. For example: in today's Supreme Court nomination hearings, your man Hidin' Ted Cruz was asking Judge Jackson if he could change his gender or race back and forth to manipulate statutory protections, and using that questioning to attack her methodology of finding standing. Just like how sack and others have implied the argument of "well if someone wants to win, they'll just get a sex change!".

    It completely discounts the reality of the struggle that those individuals are going through, and completely obliterates any possibility of reasonable dialogue. One side of the discussion just isn't operating in the reality we exist in.

    Okay, got it.

    I think most people are scenario-based when thinking through use cases and applications of things (cause and effect).

    I agree that speaking in such extremes as Ted Cruz did isn't reasonable today. 

    I can also see the faint possibility of a world far away where, if the benefits and gains are good enough, where there would exist a moral hazard to "transition genders" nominally for material gain because at the end of the day, people are people. Which is to say, selfish, brutish, wicked and prone to doing dastardly things.

    But to bring that up today as a realistic issue or problem is clearly not good faith; I think we all agree there.

  6. 10 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Not true.

    But I think it is; at least based on that other thread where it was asked and answered and everyone went on record with saying it was unfair, including troph. I think it would actually be productive and beneficial to hear an argument for why it's not unfair and hear that position and that case. Maybe it's a persuasive argument, but I have my doubts as even the most liberal and emotionally-attached to this issue have (at times, begrudgingly) agreed it's unfair.

    Do you have such an argument to offer, since you said "not true" or are you just assuming there is disagreement?

  7. She’s basically guaranteed to get in by virtue of the D majority right? This isn’t something that Manchin or Kyrsten would block, I assume. So the R’s hazing her are doing it because it’s expected of them from their constituents, not because it will have a material effect on outcomes. Do I have that right?

    Same reason Kavanaugh was a shoe in last time?

  8. 6 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    It was going well before sack and billygoat and chickensandwich decided to use the thread for all their trans jokes and victim complexes over people disagreeing with them (which nobody was in that thread about this issue). Crying about a "woke lynch mob" in the context of getting called out for being a prick about a sensitive subject is some top-tier bitchassedness.


    I honestly don't know who on Surly disagrees with the framing of the inherent inequity of Lia Thomas competing as a woman a season after living and competing and training as a biological male. And yet, that thread became unreasonable from folks on the right acting as if there was a "woke lynch mob" shouting down every other opinion. It's not that it's a sensitive issue that prevents discussion, it's you and yours being incapable of discussing real actual facts instead of the hypothetical you've built up in your head.

    I take exception to your calling me out, as I was never anything but respectful and reasonable.

    The NCAA clearly needs to say or do something because as you said, everyone agrees there is inherent unfairness in the recent events. But as to what that action is; nobody can articulate a good solution and absolutely some stakeholders are going to end up feeling like they got the unfair, short end of the stick. It’s not a fun dilemma, but it is an interesting one in that regard (the complexity and what successful problem solving will have to look like). Smarter people than you and I are looking at it, I’m sure.

  9. 35 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    Another change was some clubs allowing minors in the door.  I think it was one specific owner who opened up all his venues to minors.  You never really saw the underage crowd on 6th until that happened and it wasn't the underage crowd you'd want to be around.

    Paradox was the only club I can remember that was 18+ and it was a stupid dance club.

    I missed Lobo’s responses, thanks for the informative, inside fastball.

    Once Dirty 6th is no longer dirty, Austin will be completely a memory of what once was.

    That said, having it a little less dirty than it is today and reverting it back to the 90/00 level dirty would be ideal to all of us who went to UT but don’t want to live in Austin and would never willingly live in Austin again, but don’t want it to change either because we are irrational and gatekeepers of what is best for others from afar, which is of course what we experienced.

    • Drool 1
  10. 1 hour ago, wild_turkey said:

    I have lupus (SLE). My symptoms were mostly random skin problems until I started hydroxychloroquine about 6 years ago, which pretty much controls the problem. Luckily no other major medical issues so far, but I occasionally get random joint or back pain that I suspect is lupus related.

    I’m a physician so I constantly interact with other patients with lupus. The scary part is when I meet people who were happily in remission for 10 years and then out of the blue they got pericarditis or kidney failure. I’m in my 30s and very healthy (apart from lupus), but no telling what could happen in 6 months, 5 years, or 20 years.

    How did you find out you got lupus? Trying to understand how one gets to a diagnosis of these things as I'm assuming that minor pains get ignored and something big had to happen to get you into the doctor (or you may be one of those rare breeds who have an annual check up and did blood work and found it that way?).

  11. Since this is CR, read an interesting article about how El Salvador's gimmicky bitcoin political gambit is failing. I'll try to find it and post if anyone cares or has followed the young president who was trying to differentiate a nothing-burger country in Central America to be a somebody. Can't blame him for making the big bet, but doesn't look like the populace is interested.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    I hadn't been believing the big casualty numbers we had been hearing, but Bloomburg is legit.  For reference, from 1955 to 1975, we lost 58k Americans in Vietnam.

    Bloomberg is giving a large spread (7-15k). I read 10k earlier today and that the Russian military is under 90% capacity now for the first time.

    Not great, Bob! meme must be how Putin feels lol.

  13. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    I'm sorta lost with what I'm supposed to get out of those. I'm thinking there's a race dog whistle in a couple of them.

    The bottom one is a late lame shot at Stacey Abrams? Who are the guys on the wall?

    The lame shot is at Newsom for sure, as well as Joe Biden and AoC. But also a multitude of right wing politicians (both sides) and even Boris (the universal "politician").

    I think the comic is more a dig at how people in power/leadership will take a "do as I say, not as I do" approach to things and there is a double standard on expectations as politicians are narcissists and ego-driven who are above the law., more so than a focused dig at a specific race or politician.

    But, as we all know, you don't dissect gossamer.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    If your airway swells shut, which happens, or your brain swells, yeah you are fucked.   Fortunately that hasn't been the case with me. But getting back to the original point, insurance has been, well, let's just say interesting. If this cost had been spread out over the entirety of America, it's not so much.

    Then you have the whole thing where, I didn't "choose" to have this.  It's not like type 2 diabeetus where you eat yourself into it.   I was born with it.  

    Where is the research and journey to a "cure" with this? Is the $200k medicine or whatever it is, the leading edge therapy we have? Any walks or 10k's or race for the cures? 

    Which leads to a question: I know MS awareness week was last week and there are bike rides for that-- do you guys actively get involved in your own AI communities or events like that?

  15. 1 minute ago, Sbbruin said:

    Ha, it was a long one.  I was misdiagnosed 9 ways to Sunday.  90% of AS sufferers test positive for the antigen HLA-B27.  I was one of the 10% who didn’t.  So the rheumatologist I was seeing completely discounted AS, said I had RA, despite no hand discomfort or swelling at all.  Moved to another area and found a new, and highly regarded, rheumatologist who took x-rays, went through my list of symptoms (hip pain and swelling, spinal pain and swelling, iritis flare ups, etc, (basically if there were 10 indicators of AS, with HLA-B27 positive being one, I had 9) and said “you have AS, no question.”   Stared on Bextra, an Cox-2 inhibitor NSAID, then it was determined to cause heart attacks, so switched to Vioxx, then the same thing.  Remicade had just started being prescribed for AS, and he suggested I start on that.  And it’s been smooth sailing ever since.

    Remicade is an IV transfusion right?

    In the bold you highlight one of the concerns with Auto-Immune therapy: all the therapies seem to have extreme side-effects which are very hard on the body for those unlucky short straw drawers.

  16. 4 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    Well, as someone with multiple auto-immune conditions- ankylosing spondylitis, ulcerative colitis, and psoriasis- I can tell you that biologics are miracle drugs and have completely saved me from what would otherwise have been a slow, steady, but certain decline in mobility and discomfort.  Yes, they suppress the immune system, but only moderately.  And you get regular blood tests to monitor any changes in your bodies normal functions.  Think of autoimmune conditions as your immune systems sending in the troops to fight something that isn't there.  So it fights whatever is there, and that is healthy tissue.  For me that is the disks and cartilage in my sine and hips (as well as my colon, but my UC is super mild), for rheumatoid arthritis it's your wrist and finger joints.

    For decades, drugs (specifically NSAIDS) only treated the symptoms.  But at that point the trigger mechanisms causing the inflammation were already in full swing.  In addition to cardiac and liver complications, these drugs were just trying to stem the tide.  Along come the biologics (in my case Remicade), and they target the triggers to the inflammation.  They're known as TNF inhibitors.  So imagine it as starting way further up the "inflammation cascade".   So your immune system never sends the soldiers to battle.  Thus eliminating the damage caused by swelling and subsequent deswelling of your joints.  That is where the damage occurs, in the "yo-yoing" of inflammation.  

    I have been on remicade for over 15 years.  I honestly don't even think about any of my conditions because from a symptomatic standpoint, they don't exist.  Long story short, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, which is auto-immune related, go the biologic route.  You can't stop the progression any other way.  

    Thanks for sharing big dog. 

    What was your diagnosis journey like? Any head-fakes and false-diagnosis due to symptoms seeming like something else and auto-immune issues being difficult to diagnose?

  17. Idiopathic Auto-immune diseases have reared their heads in my social circle recently and I thought it might be beneficial and useful to have a place to discuss them here. One of the most mystifying things is they seem to be out of the current grasp of modern medical/science understanding when it comes to what causes them (hence, idiopathic) but also depending on the disease, how to successfully treat them. It is fascinating that this class of disease seems to be pretty prolific (could just be a confirmation bias/social bias because of my age and social group) but also not well understood.

    I'm super curious about MS as I have a friend whose wife just was diagnosed as well as a friend at work and also any more rare ones and hearing about how you came to diagnose and what you are doing to (hopefully successfully) treat.

    For my part, my doctor doesn't seem to have a definitive answer to what has caused my arthritis. I have drug my feet on taking the pharma approach (biologics, immuno-suppresent meds) but might be willing to in the next few months if other holistic therapy doesn't help (and it hasn't yet). I just don't want to risk joint destruction.

    I'll hang up and listen if anyone wants to share. I'll volunteer @Sbbruin to kick the conversation off and get the thread rolling because he's shared small tidbits in the past.

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