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Posts posted by TurkeyChew

  1. Is it just me or is there an influx of "Let's Go Brandon" stickers popping up in random places. Not just in Redneckville-- saw one on the intercom of the Whataburger speaker this morning and saw one on a pole outside of a hotel in Midtown Manhattan last week. Could just be coincidence like when you see 11:11 on a clock twice, but reminded me of when the Andre the Giant stickers everywhere was a thing.

  2. 7 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    They actually lined up offsides more than that it just wasn’t called. 

    Also Randy Gregory pulled off the impressive feat of defensive holding on a running play and it being a clearly correct call.  That’s tough to do. 

    The weirdest was I think it was Tank who tackled the SF tackle on a run play. I legitimately think he was out of it and thought he was tackling the running back or something because otherwise it makes zero sense to tackle a lineman like that.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Now that I think about it, yes Dak was a major disappointment back half of the year and yesterday, but why is CeeDee Lamb getting off the hook? That guy is streakier than the paw patrol underwear of a potty training 3 year old and it's gotten to be a literal coin flip on if he will catch a pass that hits him in the hands. Oh, and nothing more obnoxious than his stupid punt returns where he tries to tango and griddy dance and two step or whatever he is doing, instead of just running forward and finding seams.

    In my opinion he is on "wearing the number 88" probation and better spend this off season getting better.

  4. 6 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    goto purdue, no brainer. That  college is veiwed by many companies as pumping out high quality grads 

    Which is interesting because they bought some crappy for profit school years ago and I assumed their overall rep would eventually take a hit as an online diploma mill.

  5. On 1/2/2022 at 2:54 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    I have discovered that when your kids watch the movie 1-2 times a day, you will catch them eventually.

    My kid literally watched the movie back to back. As in, credits rolled and then just restarted it immediately. That’s a first. For my part I thought the music was fantastic.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Sure.  The question should be examined on its individual facts and merits.

    Might a lot of physicians bristle at Joe Rogan saying "look, I have had some bad experiences with doctors, and I don't trust them, and you shouldn't either?"  Probably.  But that's difficult to characterize as misinformation, or a direct call to directly harmful action.

    But if Rogan says "don't get any vaccines because they are a secret plan by the illuminati to control your mind and make you murder puppies, drink bleach instead!", that's a more direct call to action, and includes a statement of fact that is absolute bullshit.  It is misinformation, it is a call to action, and it is a call that would be directly harmful.

    That's why almost any "content policy" that any site has isn't a hard-and-fast empirical  test.  It's a standard of behavior.  Show us a misinformation policy.  Then, show us an example of something that may be information, and then that can be discussed.  Of course, the site owner is always going to be the final arbiter of what actually violates or doesn't violate the policy -- just like Surly works.  You don't have a right to appeal on a technicality.  If Immamac decides you are trolling, you're taking a vacation.

    We are in such agreement right now that I don't know what to say! Have a great weekend, BT.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Maybe I like to post pictures of anal sex.  But that foible of mine still doesn't "disqualify me" from posting on FB.  All the FB rules do is....prohibit me from posting pics of anal sex.  I can still fully participate on that site, I just can't do that particular thing.

    Do I think that people like Joe Rogan should be "disqualified from participating" on a site because they have sponsored the idea that "drinking diesel fuel cures headaches?"  No.  Do I think that those sites should not allow him to broadcast that PARTICULAR harmful message?  Yeah, I think that's the human and responsible thing to do.

    The fact that we argue that it is super-sacred and important to require private sites to allow you to say or do ANYTHING on their sites, with no restriction whatsoever, is fucking insane.  And inhuman.  Humans have, and should have, some value judgements.  There are some things that FB, Surly, etc., do NOT want to be promulgated or disseminated on their site.  From the more innocuous (I use it to promote a scam that rips off old people) to the outright deadly ("go guzzle diesel right now!").  We can and should have SOME standards.  That doesn't mean you are "disqualified from posting" on Surly.  It just means that you can't do those particular things.  That's not a "necessary evil;" it's actually a function of humans being GOOD, and exercising some boundaries on acceptable behavior.

    I don't think anyone is saying that, especially as it pertains to the more outlandish and absurd hypotheticals.

    I did find this to be interesting because it seems to be aligned with your suggestion which is "You can't do X if you want to be here, but you can do YZ and be okay". There isn't any detail to what a "misinformation policy" would look like or be:


    260+ doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals have signed an open letter to Spotify to “implement a misinformation policy” after an episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast promoted an anti-vaccine rally.


  8. 31 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    I'm not seeing any names or text that you're quoting on that webpage. Are you just pulling shit out of your ass and calling it thought leadership?

    Fucks sake, I give you shit for not sourcing your quotes because failure to do so is a strong sign of arguing in bad faith. It's nothing more than trumpy "people are saying" bullshit from a poster who's been crowdsourced multiple times for bad faith trolling and spreading disinformation. 

    Ummm. Okay. lol

    On the right hand side of websites there are "About" Sections you can view: https://stratechery.com/about/

    Also here is the guys Wikipedia:


  9. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    DonkeyCigars and an unsourced, unattributed, and uncited quote. Name a more iconic duo.


    If you don't like the platform rules of facebook or twitter, go build your own board. That's literally the origin story of this very message board. Stop being such a fucking victim.

    Here is the link: https://stratechery.com/2022/where-are-hit-podcasts-spotify-and-podcast-aggregation-protesting-rogan

    Sorry that you so upset by the claim that Rogan is divisive and a microcosm of the real world in that a lot of people like him and a lot of people want to censor him have a private company instill platform rules that disqualify his participation because they don't like him or agree with him.

    It's actually an anti-monopoly story that Rogan isn't deplatformed and the same thought leader I quoted above makes the point by saying:


    Spotify has so far stood behind Rogan, who has publicly praised Spotify for just that. What is worth noting is that because Spotify is still fighting to be — but is not yet — the dominant player in the space it is heavily incentivized to be seen as publisher friendly. If Spotify were such a dominant Aggregator that it were the only place to find podcast listeners — like YouTube is the only place for video, for example — it might have a different approach.


  10. 3 hours ago, Captainant said:

    you fucking snowflake conservatives. Consequences from a private company for your shitty speech isn't censorship. Censorship is the state taking punitive action against you for your speech.

    Censorship might be the wrong word if you are only allowing it to be used in a technical definition of the state. Though someone smarter than both you and I said this about it:


    While there is a debate to be had about whether Facebook or YouTube should put their thumbs on the scale in terms of what information or misinformation their algorithm promotes, demanding the removal of a podcast, which takes deliberate effort and time to listen to, is a demand for censorship. Leave aside the content of the podcast in question, and let’s just all agree to be very clear about what this is (we will leave the debate about the accuracy and consistency of officially sanctioned COVID information for another day).


  11. It sounds like this thread is a microcosm of the world in that Rogan is polarizing and popular and some folks think it’s a Capitalistic Good that he’s been able to build his platform on debatably entertaining bro-talk and others think he’s a public nuisance and/or harm and would like him censored .

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 hours ago, next2naus said:

    ah...no. If you are looking for a new gig, you are "good", and you are tenured...you are in the drivers seat and command the comp plan.


    Ex: I have bene in my current role for over 7yrs and I accepted a new job in Dec, my employer countered with more $ and promises to make some changes for me. So I stayed. I know the prospective new employer have not filled the role and is still interested in me, to the extent that the recruiter I was working with called me last night to see if I would reconsider and started that they would pay more to get me. 

    The "great resignation" is a good thing if you are a qualified seller

    Looks like the median is a $350 (175/175) these days from an informal straw poll of a) talking to peers/friends who are interviewing b) asking linkedin recruiters when they send stuff and c) my own personal experience as I dipped toes in the water.

    You would have told me 10 years ago that I could command a 175k base salary and potentially make 350k at plan and get $300k in RSUs as free money, I flat out wouldn't have believed you. And that's just table stakes stuff-- I have multiple friends and associates who have had multiple 7 figure years in the past four or five years. Anyone can get lucky with product/market fit or the perfect account at the perfect stage in the buy cycle and do it once, but to do it 3 out of 4 years or whatever is crazy to me.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 3 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    It’s time for gritty comic book movies to go away.  The subject matter is inherently unserious and it’s tough for me to leave behind the fact that that movie is about a guy who dresses up as an animal and uses ninja/magic to fight themed villains.

    If you want to do a deep dive commentary into society and its pathologies and violence then let’s make a mob or other organized crime movie, please. Or a Western. We haven’t had enough of those in a while. 

    This is a great take.

  14. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Yeah. It might bring the people who need just a small push into compliance - especially the part timers, and that will definitely help us in the lending business.  The lady that was like- yeah- I teach piano and make $5,000 a year as a side hustle that now gets religion on reporting might actually have income to show and use now.  I have zero belief that it will lead to a lot of revenue for the government.  The people currently cheating will continue to cheat, people will stop using cash transfer apps if they are going to report to the IRS and people trying to comply will be further hassled. 

    Time for you to name names, Benes.

    • Haha 2
  15. 15 hours ago, Texzilla58 said:

    Three GMs fired. One of those teams will come after Will McClay. He’s managed several brilliant drafts.

    Will Vegas give Biascci the job? If not I’d like to see him back in Dallas as the ST job.

    Flores decided he was going to wage war with the front office and wouldn’t even reveal who was calling plays to them. He missed the playoffs. He never melded with the QB the team invested in. Flores just couldn’t read the room with ownership. He is another Belichik disciple that has failed as a head coach. Belichik hires assistants to be assistants; he could give a shit about developing head coaches.

    My Giants friends are hoping the new GM gets in and whacks Joe Judge, yet another clueless Belichikite. he should be fired for that stupid 3rd and 9 yesterday. I don’t blame him for Garrett. Think that was imposed on him by the Mara’s due to Jason’s ties to the Giants and the family.

    Bienemy will probably get a gig. Leftwich has been said by Arians to be his successor but he’ll be interviewing as will Bowles.

    I think Biascci has earned the job.

  16. 11 minutes ago, bluto said:

    I think I took the hardest L, even worse than chargers… had money on the tie at +5000 moneyline. Not much but Effin hell, I’m hurting worse than Herbert right now EASILY. I’m only slightly exaggerating, but swear I had $ on it after jags went up two scores. 

    Even if you only had $25 that's....$1275? 

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