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Posts posted by TurkeyChew

  1. 1 hour ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Hi Donkey Cigar.  Let's see how long you last this time.

    I literally was only crowdsourced because I called out Longhornfan8 for being wrong and not smart about a very specific and easily proven point, and he admitted to using his entire lunch hour down at the loading dock to literally go back as far as he could and neg me 100 times. Something which isn't allowed anymore, which is chef's kiss because people like you and Longhornfan8 being the face and the standard of this site is an insult to the community at large.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. 10 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    Did that really go right over your head? Aren't you a constitutional lawyer?

    Maybe you and I could go without libraries, sure. We are too old to make a difference. But what about the kid down the hall? Opening Green Eggs and Ham and seeing a bunch of pee pee and wee wees. It’s about keeping the sickness out of the heads of kids. Or maybe that’s you and your friends bag, joy boy. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    Yeah, we've really crushed it the past 22 years electing elite orators. I'm sure we'll nail it next time.

    Actually I thought Obama was a good communicator, except half the country didn’t have ears to hear. You know, because of the thing…

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  4. Just now, aggie08 said:

    Yeah, we've really crushed it the past 22 years electing elite orators. I'm sure we'll nail it next time.

    Maybe that’s because we’ve been electing geriatrics and a middle aged O&G man.

    Millennials running for President can and should be better.

    Heck, Mitt Romney is the gold standard in that regard.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. This is yet another reason why Pete Buttiege would have been the best president. He’s a centrist do-nothing corporate Democrat placeholder like Biden, except he is an amazingly clear and concise communicator with executive presence and poise. What is the opportunity cost of wasted hours and cycles spent mopping up the mess Biden makes anytime he speaks because “what he said isn’t actually what he meant if you stick with the rambling point until the 5 minute broken sentence is finished”.

    Executive communication would serve the next President well just in terms of saving time and taking away ammo for the opposition. At least make it harder for them to twist your words.

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  6. https://katv.com/news/nation-world/half-of-dems-believe-fines-prison-time-appropriate-for-questioning-vaccine-poll-says

    I'll just leave this here:

    WASHINGTON (TND) — A majority of Democrats support punitive and restrictive policies against the unvaccinated, according to the results of a new poll.

    A recent national telephone and online survey from The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports says respondents who claimed to be Democrats supported a sort of house arrest for the unvaccinated, among other punishments and deterrents.

    Almost half of Democrats who voted in the poll think state and federal governments should be allowed to either fine or imprison those who publicly question COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.

    Forty-eight percent of Democrats taking the poll were in support of the criminal punishment of vaccine critics, whether the criticism appeared on television, radio, or even on social media. Overall, only twenty-seven percent of all respondents were in support of the punishment.

    The poll also reportedly says it answers just how far Democrats are willing to go to punish those refusing to get the vaccine. Forty-five percent of Democrats who took the poll were in favor of the government forcing people who refuse the vaccine to live in designated facilities or locations. Twenty-nine percent of Democrats who took the poll reportedly say they would be in support of parents who are against getting vaccinated losing custody of their children.

    Two-thirds of Democrat respondents to the poll were in support of the government using digital devices to track the unvaccinated to ensure they socially distance and remain properly quarantined.

    While Democrat respondents seemed to either be split or in favor of these theoretical policies, Republican voters and others were often very much opposed to them. Seventy-eight percent of Republican respondents were against putting vaccine refusers into camps and only fourteen percent of Republican respondents favored criminal punishments for those who refuse vaccines.

    The split is apparent all across the poll. Respondents were reportedly split on President Joe Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for American businesses, with about forty-eight percent supporting it and forty-eight percent opposing it.

    The vaccine mandate was recently put to a halt by the Supreme Court, which said the Biden administration overstepped the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration by seeking to impose the vaccination requirement.

    • Like 1
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  7. 37 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I do love the Rogan bro hypocrisy on display.

    Supporting a call for private platforms to better police dangerous shit that Rogan is selling: "CENSORSHIP!  FREEDOM!  FIRST AMENDMENT!"

    State actors actually taking action against a doctor for shaming people in his department to get vaxxed: "well, see, nuance, and such.  I mean, strong language may well be interpreted as a mandate.  And the State needs to watch out for those, so it's all good."

    Exhibit eleventy billion in the case of "the people who shout the loudest about THA CONSTITUTION!  MAH RIGHTS!" have zero fucking understanding of the Constitution.

    1) A doctor employed by the government in a government position vs. Civilian in the free market

    2) A doctor in a position of power (employer/employee power dynamic) vs. A podcaster shouting into the wind for whomever would like to listen

    3) A doctor using language that may or may not be toeing the line of coercion in a place where mandates are illegal and worth an investigation vs. Nothing even remotely potentially illegal

    4) Brisket once again falling in love with his own train of thought

    Exhibit eleventy billion in the case of "Brisket cannot be anything more than a mediocre lawyer". Okay, at best average but, really, at worst very bad.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 3
  8. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    A friend of ours gave premature birth while on a family trip to Cabo.  Big deal, learjet medevac of preemie, the whole deal.  Funny part is that Mexico has birthright citizenship.  So, her blonde blue-eyed son (one of my daughter's peers growing up) was a Mexican by law.  On one of his early birthdays, his family cleared things up, got his US papers all set out etc., so it was a combo birthday party and "you're an American now!" party.  Worth a chuckle.

    Also, my dad's mom was a dual citizen.  She made sure that she was in the US (in her hometown) when it came time to give birth to my dad.  I'm sure there were multiple reasons, among them being that the "hospital" in the mexican town they lived in was probably an adobe outbuiliding at the time.

    In this scenario could the kid legally claim to be Mexican and apply for aid or take advantage of any affirmative action for hispanics?

    If so, a quick google search shows that if blonde hair blue eyed American wanted to be an iconoclast about the situation, you could birth tourism to the African nations of Chad or Tanzania, and claim to have an African-American child. No practical value in doing so obviously, but would be funny.

  9. 2 hours ago, Captainant said:

    I think it's protected speech and he's being punished by desantis in an official capacity. It is irresponsible to not be vaccinated, and his comment using the trigger word "pathetic" is speaking about the states overall low vaccine uptake - which is a feather in desantis' cap and point of MAGA pride. Further, his admin is refusing to share the email with the public, which doesn't inspire confidence in the validity of this punative action.

    This is what actual censorship looks like. The state is trying to punish and silence his expert medical opinion because it is counter to their pseudo-fascist governor's political goals.

    For as much weeping and gnashing of teeth you've shown in the Rogan thread, I would've thought you'd be more concerned.

    I am more or less aligned with you on this situation. I guess that disappoints you to hear?

    Where I have a nit is:


    It is irresponsible to not be vaccinated, and his comment using the trigger word "pathetic" is speaking about the states overall low vaccine uptake

    This is opinion and provocation, which can be good of course if it inspires action or causing someone to rethink their position.

    I think the difference between the Rogan stuff and this case is that this guy is operating in an official government capacity, and in the framework (anti-mandates, etc.) that necessitates. Had he gone on a podcast or a radio show and told the public it's pathetic and irresponsible I think we would have a better case to defend this guy. But even as such, I tend to over-rotate and so I think this is B.S.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    I'd be curious to hear from noted first amendment experts @Bravoor @TurkeyChew on this violation of a doctor's right to free speech. Since ya know, he's being punished by the state and threatened with prosecution for offering his opinion

    Edit: just noticed the other link died. Here some other local reporting on it


    I would like to read the entire email he sent, but I generally agree that a doctor shouldn't be punished by the state for simply speaking out. 

    What I would also be curious about is what the law is around coercion and what constitutes a reasonable definition of coercion. I don't think he's "threatened with prosecution" as much as being investigated to see if the line was crossed. My personal opinion is it wasn't, but by using derisive language and being in a position of power, I guess the powers that be think a line was toed?

    Here is the excerpt I saw that was questionable:


    “I am sorry but in the absence of reasonable and real reasons it is irresponsible not to be vaccinated,” Pino wrote in the email, according to the TV report. “We have been at this for two years, we were the first to give vaccines to the masses, we have done more than 300,000 and we are not even at 50% pathetic

    I guess the argument is that someone who is talking like this would discriminate against or treat unequally where a mandate and coercion is illegal. Me personally I think it's being too touchy and sensitive.

    What are your thoughts @Captainant?


    • Fuck You 1
  11. 5 hours ago, bluto said:

    Why don’t hotels have table/box fans to rent out? Or even white noise machines if you gotta class the joint up. 

    I stayed at a Renaissance Hotel last month and they provided me a box fan. You just gotta ask.

  12. On 1/16/2022 at 7:55 PM, Lobo said:

    Funny you should ask, all the supplemental materials you could ever ask for and more are available at a little joint called the University of Texas at Austin.  


    As others have said, it's a tough read but worth it.  

    i started the Pale King twice during pandemic and FUCK THAT! 

    I started Broom of the System last year and couldn't get through it, either. I wonder...

  13. 12 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    Who said you were?

    That’s make believe and pretend. You knew that.

    No, your whole “logic” about this is “if you say anything negative about Joe Rogan, you’re a liberal.” That’s extremely lacking in mental toughness in every conceivable facet about this. So yes, reducing it to “liberals in 2022” most certainly is a cop out because you’re grasping at straws to insist on credibility of a preposterous statement.

    mmmm, I don't agree but it's not worth arguing about. I shouldn't have used the term "liberals" because it clearly wrapped folks around the axle. I should have said "Joe Rogan triggers a certain type and personality of people who are emotional and overreact over everything these days, regardless of their past, current and future political identity." I forgot everything has to be prefaced with a Safe Harbor statement for a certain segment of people.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  14. 4 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    That’s a pissy shit little cop out if I’ve ever seen one.

    I'm not trying to antagonize you, believe it or not. I was trying to make a salient point and if using the right pronouns or descriptors is helpful, it's the least I can do. I'm taking Sizzle's feedback and trying to incorporate it, not trying to "cop out".

    • Fuck You 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    Maybe bookfags?

    Come on, nobody reads books these days. For my part, at least, I couldn't tell you the last Man Booker finalist book or National Book Award book I've read in who knows how long and I consider myself a strong reader. From what I have seen, I think most people these days are lucky to read a best-seller from Hudson News or a business book du jour. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, SizzleChest said:

    You don't know who the fucking "liberals" really are here.  That was the point.  The majority of the people mocking Rogan here are conservatives historically (and many remain as such), but it's those demon liberals shucking ol' Joe and they're always the primary agitators because that's all your brain can process.

    "Liberals as defined in 2022", is that better?

    Or better yet, I'm an open-minded and coachable guy, which word or descriptor would you have used in the place of "liberals" as short-hand for a generalization as I was trying to define?

    • Fuck You 5
  17. 1 minute ago, SizzleChest said:

    Since you know "the liberals" on this website (and its progenitor), can you list for us all the usernames you've had on Surly or Shaggy going back to 2008 so we can verify your authenticity as a judge for who the liberals on this site really are?

    Please tell us.  I'm beyond curious.

    I was talking about this thread-- the 25 pages on this site whose posters can be seen on these 25 pages. Apologies if you thought I was talking about some deeply profiled persona matching going back to 15 years or whatever your point was, that was not what I was trying to say. Does that make sense?

  18. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    What’s telling is that “being critical of people shitty at evidence-based reasoning promulgating idiotic shit, some of which is actually harmful to people’s health” become a “liberal” thing? My whole life, “libtards” like William F Buckley had the same position. Having a problem with stupid people selling breathtakingly stupid shit used to be a core conservative value….and in literally less than a decade, it became the core conservative brand. Fucking amazing to watch.

    I was mainly speaking about this website-- it's the liberals who are blowing their gaskets on the internet over this guy. As I see it, Joe Rogan isn't the problem. He's like the cartel boss-- take him away and another "Joe Rogan" will rise to the top and fill the talking-head vacuum. It's like the cartel and drug war-- the problem isn't the supply. It's that there are literally millions upon millions of folks demanding that a Joe Rogan exist and create content.

    As you well know, we aren't putting that genie back in the bottle or that toothpaste back in the tube-- the internet has decentralized content and information to the point that there will never be abstracted and representative public intellectuals like Buckley or anyone else again. We all have our own value champions now.

  19. 2 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    Him becoming important at all is more surprising than Christians abandoning their beliefs entirely and replacing Jesus Christ with Donald Trump

    Agreed. Just goes to show anyone can make something of themselves and get rich doing what they love, despite how impossible it may be seem at the time.

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