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Posts posted by TurkeyChew

  1. Just now, elfenix said:

    there's been 271 games so far this season and only 1 tie.  ties aren't even unlikely.

    Yea but a little different context and circumstances here; a little Prisoners Dilemma Game Theory today versus Reg season.

  2. I read earlier after PITT won that their odds of making the playoffs was 99%, meaning the odds of this game ending in a tie were 1%. That seems incredibly low, but here we are.

  3. Just now, Firemans4Horn said:

    That right tackle is just getting destroyed. 

    They need to get this guy some help. Crosby is a one man pressure cooker over there. 

    Would be just hilarious for LAC to put this into OT with a tie in play.

  4. 1 hour ago, Axle Hongsnort said:

    Sorry, fair point to all posting.

    I’ve got 20’ish years on the other side of the table. I’ve bought and negotiated acquisitions, software, audits, consulting, hardware, etc. I cringe at generic sales pitches and am the asshole who is often angry when you show up.

    Without anyone outing themselves, I am genuinely curious what kind of money is being brought home. I’ve got no doubt having a quota is not “fun”, but there is a lot of angst pitched here and i wonder why.

    Are you procurement/VMO?

    IMO Sales money is all across the board, from 75k to $750k on average, depending on market, organizations, problems being solved, ASP/ARR/Quotas, Comp plans/Spiffs/Multipliers, etc.

  5. 8 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    Am I the only person besides Hugo that woke up extremely frustrated with the Democrats this morning? We desperately need a strong Democratic Party that passes solid legislation to address critical issues of the country.

    They have had control of Congress for over a year and have accomplished nothing outside of the infrastructure bill. It’s extremely frustrating that the progressives and Manchin have gone into a year long stand-off.

    I understand that everyone wanted to go big with the 1.8/3Tpackage, and it’s fine that they negotiated for many months, but they should have ditched the arguing six months ago and started passing piecemeal legislation. They only have potential control of Congress for another 11 months. They better get moving. 

    Respectfully, that infrastructure bill was not chopped liver. That was a real win and something Biden/Dems and all of government should be proud of. It addressed a need, provides value, and was more or less bipartisan in support. That was a great example of government in action and working for all.

    My $0.02 at least and it sounds like you were diminishing the impact and win there. Biden gets a real skin on the wall for that IMO.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. On 1/6/2022 at 9:46 PM, henrygandorf said:

    there are plenty of smart people out there who maintain that america is way too big and broad to be “one country” that’s aligned in any meaningful way.

    they use europe as an example. travel from new jersey to utah, see the variety of life as you go. do that same mileage (kilometerage?) in europe and see what makes more sense. 

    borders are mostly pointless in the 21st century, it may all come down to states rights by the end. of course i write this from the bluest of blue bubbles so maybe my view is warped. 

    250 years is a pretty good run. 

    ^ This is the answer.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    Sup Donkey!

    Hi LF. Pretty cool that your neg harassment is now no longer allowed per immac, so maybe I can stick around for a while the next time you are so embarrassed for being not very smart when it comes to business knowledge.

    Anyhow, how was your Christmas and New Years? Hope you and yours were able to avoid Omicron— seems like everyone got it, eh?

  8. All good points, but topically speaking; the Catholic Church’s reign of terror/greatness (depending on your stance) is over now that they are on the bad side of pet owners/lovers. You can harass and deride and insult and condescend about social issues and gays and even abuse children, but when you mess with people who call their pets “fur babies”, you’ve sealed your own fate.

    Nobody mobilizes like the psychos who take pet ownership and personification too far.

  9. On 1/2/2022 at 12:36 PM, ernest_t_bass said:

    Took the kids to watch Sing 2.  Thoroughly enjoyed it.  Much better than the first one.  

    We rented Sing 2 ($24.99, Amazon Prime) and everyone loved it.

    Weve seen Sing 1 at least 20 times (perfect movie to put on the TV on long car rides because the sound track as well) and so it was much anticipated in our household.

    So while we loved it, we also loved the first one which it sounds like you guys didn’t.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

    um, what?

    you are such a fucking joke of a poster. 

    when people roll their eyes at you, it's a pretty clear indication that maybe you haven't thought things through. but it's also an indication of disagreement, and you know what? disagreeing about political opinions is basically the fucking foundation of this country. 

    when you bitch about people being intolerant of your opinions, you are basically being a child about it. 

    argue your opinions. complaining about people disagreeing? i mean, are you 7 years old?

    this is why i laugh when people talk about the cloak room as a cabal or however you want to try to characterize it. i'm sorry yall cannot successfully argue your opinions. this isn't an echo chamber any more than the old shaggybevo cr was a conservative echo chamber. good rhetoric with good opinions - that works. when you can't argue successfully, you should not blame the person with whom you argue. it's on you, dude.

    This isn’t exactly right, though. At least it’s not everyone’s story.

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