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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. You all want me to find one? I know a few groups and so does [mention=2036]MissingInAction[/mention] due to our pissing off Russians on twitter. Even a box of good tourniquets (NEVER BUY CHEAP ONES) and bandages is useful. Or a Surly donation to United24 and we can list what we want it to go to. Standing by. in for 3.50. 

    I’m in.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. This thread has fallen WAY too far off the front page. Seems the House 'Pubs had so much fun expelling Santos, they might be ready to do it again depending on how bad the ethics report is on Gaetz.
    WASHINGTON −Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., continues to draw the ire of his Republican colleagues in the House weeks after he led the ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., from the speakership, and some of his detractors have privately floating expelling him from Congress. 
    Several Republican House members, many of whom are still angry at Gaetz for his antics that impeded McCarthy and the majority of the conference from passing legislation, have begun to discuss Gaetz’s ongoing investigation by the House Ethics Committee in the wake of the expulsion of embattled former Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y.
    Leading up to Santos’ expulsion, multiple opponents of his removal publicly voiced their concerns about expelling a member who had not been convicted of a crime, which would overturn the precedent set by Congress in modern times.
    One of those members was Gaetz himself, who openly defended Santos on the House floor.
    “I rise not to defend George Santos whoever he is, but to defend the very precedent that my colleagues are willing to shatter,” Gaetz said last week.
    One House Republican, who spoke to USA TODAY on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about conversations between their colleagues, said GOP members were well aware of the future consequences of expelling Santos.
    “There were a number of people who voted to expel Santos with the express intent of thinking through the precedent there on what happens next,” the member said. “There was a lot of forethought about the precedent and what would happen when a report on Gaetz comes out.”
    Gaetz led the handful of Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy from the top job in the House earlier this year. After the lawmakers voted with Democrats to boot McCarthy, it led to weeks of infighting in the fractured Republican conference to select another leader. Though lawmakers eventually rallied around now-Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., it used up weeks of time as lawmakers tried to reach a temporary agreement to avoid a government shutdown.
    GOP lawmakers, the Republican said, are much more “excited” to expel Gaetz than Santos if the House Ethics Committee releases a report that is just as damning for Gaetz as it was for the Long Island Republican.
    The House Ethics Committee is investigating various allegations against Gaetz, including accusations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use and misuse of campaign funds. The committee has reached out to at least one witness in its investigation in a sign the panel is turning to Gaetz after concluding its investigation into Santos, CNN reported. The Justice Department investigated Gaetz over sex trafficking allegations but decided not to pursue charges against him in February
    The House Ethics Committee, a bipartisan panel evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, has been criticized for being slow-moving and having limited options for punishment if it finds wrongdoing. 
    However, after Santos' expulsion following the committee's scathing report showing substantial evidence he broke federal law members had renewed hopes it could act swiftly and promptly to address congressional wrongdoing.
    “One of the complaints that you often hear is that things often go to the ethics committee and it takes an extended period of time,” Rep. Michael Guest, R-Miss., chair of the committee, said last week. “I think that’s unfair for members of Congress and for members of this body.”
    “It’s important that the ethics committee do their work, that they return their reports in a timely fashion,” so members could face the proper repercussions, Guest said. 
    Another House Republican who spoke to USA TODAY on the condition of anonymity to speak about the conference’s attitude towards Gaetz, said members are waiting for any ethics report on Gaetz to be released before publicly calling for his ouster. 
    “If there’s anything in there that’s bad, I can guarantee people will have their fangs out. He is hated in our conference,” the House Republican said. “If he comes back as guilty in this ethics thing, I think he’s in trouble.”
    In a recent closed-door conference meeting, the Republican recalled, Gaetz stood up to speak but was yelled at by members “to sit down and shut up,” reflecting the animosity GOP lawmakers still harbor for Gaetz.
    But other Republicans are raising concerns their peers may be weaponizing the ethics committee against members with whom they may just have political disagreements.
    Rep. Dave Joyce, R-Ohio, a member of the House Ethics Committee who led the investigation into Santos, declined to comment about the investigation into Gaetz but told USA TODAY that “every case is independent of one another” and cautioned against linking the inquiries into the two lawmakers.
    Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., who has openly criticized Gaetz over his politics, also warned against using the committee as a “political weapon or a bludgeon against somebody just because you don’t like them.”
    Other GOP members are trying to strike a middle ground between immediately pushing for Gaetz’s ouster to avoid predetermining judgment and leaving the door open to expelling Gaetz if the ethics committee comes out with damning findings. 
    Two other House Republicans said lawmakers would take a serious and thorough look at the committee’s report on Gaetz when it is released and make their determination of what they consider a proper punishment then. 
    When asked by USA TODAY about his thoughts on members’ call to expel him over his ousting of McCarthy, Gaetz, who has taken the vitriol his colleagues have thrown at him in stride, smiled: “Which members?”

    Man I love it when revolutions eat their own.

    Maybe the finding out will happen here.
  3. 44 minutes ago, MillerEP said:


    He was lying in the snow in a pool of blood: Russian media on assassinated former Ukrainian MP


    Russian propagandists have disclosed details of the circumstances in which the body of former Ukrainian MP Illia Kyva was found in Moscow Oblast on 6 December.

    Source: Kremlin-aligned media outlet Russia Today (RT), citing a source in law enforcement; Investigative Committee of Russia 

    Quote: "The body of Illia Kyva was found in a park in the Odintsovo district [a suburb to the west of Moscow - ed.], an RT source in law enforcement said.

    The source states that the politician was lying on the snow, covered in blood. He was found to have a stab wound to the right temple and a hematoma on the left side of the face."

    Details: The source said Kyva had died at about 15:00, ten minutes before he was found by the staff of a nearby hotel who called emergency services.

    Russia’s Investigative Committee reported that it has launched criminal proceedings with respect to Kyva’s murder. 

    Quote from the Investigative Committee: "In the evening an unknown individual fired shots at the victim [Kyva] from an unidentified weapon in a park in the country club of Suponevo in the Odintsovo City District. The man died at the scene from his injuries. The victim was identified as Illia Kyva, a former member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine."


    A Russian TV channel has reported, citing sources, that Illia Kyva, a former Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, has been found dead in Russia’s Moscow Oblast.
    The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) was responsible for the killing.


    ^Looks like SSU is pulling a Mossad and killing traitors abroad.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    If I made it big, and I came home to that, I would feel like something went horribly wrong. I question how Newsom ended up with her in the past.

    I had always assumed that Guilfoyle was fairly older than Newsom, and I assume that he was in his mid 50s. In looking it up, I was right that he's 56 but in complete shock that she's 54. I was thinking she was 60 with too much plastic surgery.

    I don't know if you've heard, but it's undefeated.  

    Seriously, she has the strong whiff of someone who knows just the right words to say to get where she want to be.  Social climber extraordinaire.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:


    This article says Russia does not employ this airframe because they are afraid of them getting shot down and ruining their stealth reputation.   Nobody wants to buy Russian kit after seeing it suck.   If the new expensive wonder jet is really more like a flying Armata tank, they don’t want the bad press.   


  6. Anybody else cringe seeing VY hugging Hot Wheels at the Big 12 Championship Game on Saturday?

    No, but while I was there I got to shake VY’s hand and tell him thanks for all the entertainment over the years. /csb #notsohumblebrag
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 22 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    The BAM is a real interesting piece of late-Soviet era planning.  The purpose was to create a line parallel to the Trans-Siberian further away from the border with China for obvious strategic reasons.  For much of its length, the Trans-Siberian runs just a few miles from the Chinese border, which is a real problem given the tension of Sino-Soviet relations.

    The entire thing was a shitshow from the beginning.  The Soviets sent a bunch of workers out to new towns that didn't have electricity or running water (many of which are now abandoned).  And the permafrost on which the line is built is now thawing, which is going to destroy the entire line in the next decade.

    The tunnel that was attacked took nearly 30 years to complete.  So if it was structurally compromised, that's not going to be an easy fix.  It runs a mile underground and is 10 miles long.  But here's the thing--there is an old bypass line that they used on the BAM during construction of that tunnel.  I don't know what kind of shape it's in, but it'd obviously be a lot quicker to bring that into operation.  And, of course, there's always the Trans-Siberian.

    So on balance, I don't think it's that big of a catastrophe.

    How do you know so much about Russian railroads, Oleg?

    • Haha 4
  8. 8 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:

    Sandra Day O'Connor has passed away

    "...complications of advanced dementia." 

    That's tough for anyone, but especially someone who was a great legal mind.  Fair skies and following tailwinds.

  9. 1 hour ago, DougO said:



    Pretty much any type of video feed presented in a vertical format should be banned anyway. 


    Except for all the ones with scantily clad 20 year old thirst traps that somehow fill up my feed.

    • Haha 2
    • Drool 1
  10. 44 minutes ago, G650 said:

    In all seriousness I am pretty ambivalent on Joe B. His collecting irks me more than anything else really, but I think he is an OK dude.


    Beato though





    I don't get the hate for Beato. I find some of his interviews really insightful and interesting, while others are clearly clickbait.  Plus I really dig that blue LP Jr. he put out with Gibson.

    • Haha 1
  11. I saw about this interview on my own feed and I'm as interested in spending the time listening to this as I am in listening to his actual music. I'm sure it's fine. Im sure he's fine. The guy just doesn't interest me. I'm glad for those who are interested and enjoy his stuff. The world needs more of it.

    He would fit right in on this thread of nerding out on guitar stuff.

    He just has the money to get all the things I only post pics of.
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