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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. Well told story.  So many "WTF" moments when you realize what we could've avoided had we not been dealing with pissing contests.


    Agrees about Michael Stulberg.  He was born to that role.  

    Anyone seen the Frontline about O'Neal?  I know it's out there, I just haven't seen it yet.  Worth the effort?

  2. It may be the greatest movie of all time.  I remember seeing it, then taking half a dozen friends to see it.  Each character could've been a lead character in their own show.  So many good lines.  But the one that sticks with me, "When the lightnin' comes, I gots to go." 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Many moons ago, I heard from a couple of concert promoters who had similar stories about DAC.  He was real good at taking promoters' money.  He was real bad at delivering a show.  In sort, if you imagine that DAC is something of a raging asshole, you'd be right.

    Funny, but since that show, I know I've heard of DAC skipping out on shows around town because of not enough green M&Ms or some other similar contrived notion.  

    The one thing I'm sure of is I've never met anyone who said they went to a DAC show that kicked ass.

  4. 25 minutes ago, honolulu horn said:

    I remember Zack from RATM yelling at the crowd in the Honolulu Blaisdell Arena "Anyone who wants to molest a women at our show can get the fuck out!" Which at the time was a big stand to make.

    At this time there was also a comic in the Daily Texan called "Sexually Repressed Girl" and I remembered how weird it was in one strip she went to a show specifically to get groped.  I can't  imagine a strip like that running today.

  5. 1989 Cotton Bowl - Rolling Stones.  I'd worked my ass off mowing laws and saved up the cashish ($28.50!!!) to see the Stones from the floor.  During the opener (Living Color) I was discussing the show with the fella next to me (he was probably in his 40s, I was in my teens) who'd seen the show last night and talked about how awesome it was.  I was so hyped.  When the Stones finally came on, I looked over and that sombitch passed the fuck out.  He paid a fortune (as I saw it) to sleep in the Cotton Bowl while the Stones played.

    Late 90s, on the last show of the Being There Tour, Wilco at Liberty Lunch.  Late in the show, someone chucked a water bottle at Jeff Tweedy.  He stopped right in mid song and the whole place was booing the water chucker.  Jeff was like, "Chill everyone.  C'mon up here boss."  Got the guy up on stage and he's thinking he's a king now, grinning from ear to ear.  They plop a guitar around his neck and say, "you're going to play our next song with us!" He looks like the cat who ate the canary.  They get 8 bars into the next song and immediately quit in unison, and walk right the fuck off stage, leaving this asshole there with a guitar around his neck.  People were spitting at him, and throwing shit and cussing.  They let it go on for probably 30 seconds.  Right to the point of riot.  Then they came back out, Tweedy said "Never ever do that again."  They played the rest of a kick ass show.

    Early 2000s, Billy Bobs - David Allen Coe.  I was so excited for this show.  I told my dad I bought tickets, and he gave me the side eye and said, "really?"  That was it.  Then that night, David Allen Coe came out, sat on a stool, and mumbled incomprehensibly into the mic for about half an hour, before he was carried off stage by two roadies.  The magnificent David Allen Coe everyone!  I called my Dad on the way back home and he said, "Yup.  Same as when we saw him in 70-whatever."  

  6. On 4/19/2018 at 4:19 PM, wreckatx said:

    At Rockfest at the Texas Motor Speedway in 1997 saw some white trash fellas (one wearing only super short corduroy shorts with how nuts hanging out) cutting up strips of acid right in front of their old lady's early elementary age kids.  Later on saw same corduroy shorts guy trying to climb the trackside of the safety fence from the infield to the stands.  Must have been 20 feet in the air.  

    I spent 6 hours trying to drive to that show from Irving.  121 was shut the fuck down with traffic.  Getting out was just as bad.  What a shitshow.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Trump had know clue that "sleepy eyed" is a derogatory term for Jews. He was just parroting what he hears coming out of Stephen Miller's office several times a day, Stephen knows exactly what the fuck it means.  

    Which, if anyone is sleepy eyed, it's that slack-jaw mother fucker.   


  8. 1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    This, in a nutshell, is why I think the burn-it-down guys are the worst. You’ve got the greatest 75 years of human freedom, peace and prosperity in the history of the western world and these jerkoffs want to blow all that up and risk fire and fury to settle their pissant beefs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Quoted for mother fucking truth.

    • Like 1
  9. Chad Jr., 5, to Mrs. F this morning:

    “Mom, when are you leaving so Dad and I can have fun?”

    He knew she had to go to a baby shower, but wasn’t sure when.

  10. Far too many people are focused on these two groups and their history over the past 5 years, when a part of me thinks they should be looking back to the early 1980s.  Look at the era from around 1981-1986
    • 1981 - Ronald Reagan takes office and is pushing to really ramp up the Cold War.  
    • 1981 - Country Boy Can Survive was released (Hank Williams Jr), and other similar songs with that same bent, along with plenty of patriotic songs (God Bless the USA was released in 1984).
    • 1981 - The whole "survivalist" pulp/book movement kicked into high gear - 1981 saw the launch of one of the better series, at least research-wise, The Survivalist series by Jerry Ahern.
    • 1983 - The Day After on ABC scared the shit out of a lot of people.
    • Military thrillers positing a war or at least heavy tension between US/NATO and the Soviet Union were extremely popular (Tom Clancy is a good example - Hunt for Red October was in 1984, Red Storm Rising in 1986)
    • Red Dawn was in 1984 
    What else was happening during the above era?  The rise of televangelists.  They were already out there on satellite and cable TV in the 70s when the cable industry deregulated, but the 1980s saw an explosion in cable TV access and subscribers, allowing the televangelists to reach everywhere for far cheaper.  It's not a coincidence that Pat Robertson started the second network on basic cable in 1977.
    And in mid-1980, CNN started, bringing world events into our homes 24/7, which made plenty of people somewhat paranoid.
    Probably not related, but I just find the timing interesting.  The survivalist stuff was huge in the 1980s.  As a kid in Jr. High, I was collecting a lot of the pulp books in the early 90s when they were cheap as hell in the used book stores (Survivalist, Wingman, Doomsday Warrior, etc.).  I couldn't buy a Playboy, but nobody cared I bought that stuff.

    I can’t believe you posted this wall of text and didn’t mention The Survivors. Possibly the best movie of 1983, and most certainly the best movie about survivalists in the history of ever.
    • Like 3
  11. 14 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    Jack White is now playing EVH Wolfgang guitars.

    I did not see that coming.

    I read an interview with him about it and the gist was he was tired of fighting poorly made guitars.  Which was funny, because I really reading interviews with him 15 years ago saying having poorly constructed guitars made you work hard on getting something out of them.  Like it was the struggle that made the music.  

    Countdown to "Jack White sold out!!!" rants.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    McConnell is going to have a special fucking place in the history books.  He's a flat-out evil motherfucker who has betrayed his country in the name of transitory political power.  When he is dead and buried, I may make a special trip just to piss on his grave.

    He doesn't care.  He'll be expecting you.  



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