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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. These are all under consideration. We’re staying in uptown, so if you have any recommendations in that good, they will also be taken under advisement.

    Also, we went to Felix’s for oysters last night because it was close to the stage we were watching. They still do the chargrilled pretty damn well.

    • Like 1
  2. I just read French Quarter Fest cancelled the entire schedule for today due to weather.... if any Surlsters went, you’re going to have a lot of time for day drinking. 

    It’s true. We saw Soul Project at 30/90 last night and about ten minutes into their set they announced it. Checked the website and sho nuff it was a fact.

    Watching the band of storms come in now. Trying to decide where to go to ride it out.

  3. Wow. That sounds like something for the “That’s Just Wrong” thread.

    It was weird. But the weirdest thing is that I can’t recall what it sounded like. Willie and Triggers tone are so closely associated in my memory I can’t pull up a picture of him without hearing that guitar.
  4. Looking for a Strat or G&L Legacy...
    Only want 1 volume and 1 tone knob. Does anyone know of a shop that will make a custom pick guard? Or how could I fill the hole without it looking like crap?
    Debating whether to go SSS, or (more likely) HSS and split the humbucker. Where can I get a wiring diagram because I don't know diddly squat when it comes to wiring.

    Any luthier should be able to make a pickguard for you. You may be able to find one precut if you poked around a bit. Maybe on eBay or Reverb.
  5. What if someone has both? Do I have to claim allegiance to a house like Game of Thrones?
    PLOT TWIST: Buzzrock betrays both to ally with House Stratocaster...

    Prepare yourself.

    Les Pauls are coming.
    • Like 1
  6. That was the 1st thing that jumped out at me. I've wondered if Willie takes Trigger everywhere he goes, or if its just his stage guitar. If Willie is sitting under a tree at his home on Maui pickin', is it Trigger in his hands or does Trigger stay tucked away on the Honeysuckle Rose 2 someplace?
    That looks like an Epiphone Hummingbird. I can't imagine what he sounds like with steel strings.

    I saw Willie play a headless Steinberger live at the Gypsy Tea Room in Dallas back when he thought the IRS might take Trigger.
  7. 2 hours ago, tjhooker said:

    Judging by the amount of it I believe yes it is a thing.  I literally have a gag reflex at some of these when I see them.  That's when I know it is a good one.

    Fantastic.  Hadn't dropped by since the schism, but I'm a fan of your work.  

  8. On 4/7/2018 at 1:32 AM, bamachine said:

    In a desk drawer with all my football tickets. Recent concert tickets have just been printed out by my printer, so made two copies, one for the drawer, one for the actual concert.


    I had a ton of them in a folder (including The Who/Fabulous Thunderbirds/SRV ticket from my first "real" stadium show) that I tossed in box when my wife and I moved into our first house.  It had a detached garage and the box, along with other sundry stuff went in there until we could unpack into the house.  It rained shortly after we moved in.  I thought nothing of it until I went out there to unpack and said box that had been sitting on the floor of the garage was soaking wet and moldy about 3/4 of the way up.  It was then I realized that (a) my new garage was at the bottom of a slight, but significant to water, grade; and (b) my garage door did not create a good seal with the concrete.  I lost a good chunk of my old tix.  Sad Chad.  


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