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  1. We already got that, it's time to get more. Though I agree.
  2. That's politics, and it always has been. Leverage everything you can, and recognize that the other guy will. Where Republicans have had the edge the last forty years in the playing mean corner. Our biggest weakness during that time frame is the idea that we play the civil card and the nice guys and somehow that'd lead us to the future. It's gotten us nowhere, and perhaps worse. Instead of crushing idiots like the Freedom Caucus we've treated them with kid gloves. Instead of declaring open political warfare on them, we get Jim Jordan almost as Speaker of the House. It's beyond time to play mean, and it's beyond time to develop a killer instinct.
  3. Screw that, leverage him at every turn and don't think twice about it. Mike Johnson is about the most feckless person to ever come to any political power in US history. What's little feckless Mike do, whine about it like a snowflake? Go OAN and blame Democrats for all his problems (hint: he already does that). No one gives a shit what this guy says or does, Republican or Democrat. Leverage him for absolutely everything you can. To be fair, I'm tired of us trying to play nice, go along to get along, only to get Charlie Brown'd at every turn. We have our boot on his throat, stomp. Republicans wouldn't blink if the shoe were on the other foot. It's time to give them a taste. Make them Charlie Brown and do it publicly. Make every Republican voter feel like a loser (they are). Play the game just as mean and opportunistic as they do.
  4. Ridiculous has that may be, I'm betting you could sneak it into a new rules package with a new speaker. Just saying.
  5. I don't know why on earth we'd agree to anything beyond a one time deal. For that matter, who cares if Mike Johnson comes out and claims we operated in bad faith. Screw him, and screw any Republican claiming a bad faith negotiation. That's downright laughable coming from a party that has made it it's entire platform not deal in good faith. In short, fuck em.
  6. Nothing gets the ladies going quite like a little "Fuck Martinez"
  7. Pairing a date/gift with some Enya is a seasoned veteran move. God bless that Irish lass.
  8. It's sort of like in Saving Private Ryan when they blew up the bunker and the Marine? yells don't shoot let em burn. Let em burn, unless they give you something you want.
  9. I'm sure that's what he told her when she was hanging around.
  10. True, but I'm actually referring to how this has permeated well beneath the rungs of the Supreme Court. To a degree, due to some judges being elected, this has always been the case, but I think in this era it's gotten far worse among appointed judges and the like. Perhaps that's just my own frustration showing at the moment.
  11. People involved in obstruction typically won't include the judiciary. Yet here we sit. We are going to have to win in November for any trial of consequence to even take place. Ridiculous. The real problem to me isn't that lawyers are throwing everything they have at this (that after all is their job). The problem is that judicial system is completely compromised by the politics of the day, rather than the heart of the matter. I'm not sure how you solve that.
  12. We have sling, primarily because it gives us ESPN, but I absolutely loathe the fact the invariably I wind up paying these assholes. Speaking of the devil, anyone know of a streaming package that doesn't?
  13. SBF and the Loaf sort of even look alike.
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