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Posts posted by JGrayDBU

  1. definitely going against the grain again this week, with Texas 17, ISU - 11...prop.... 34- 103 yards


    I Keep having flashbacks to the last time I felt this good after OU game...1981, beat up on OU the entire 2nd half, whooped 'em 34-14, got fat and happy, were #1 in the polls and went to Arkansas....barely got off the bus...got beat on 42 - 11?  or 42 - 3.....

    2005 was great and all, but I expected to beat up on OU that year.  34-14 in 1981 was a surprise...at least to me.  

  2. yeah, this is not your grandpa's Arkansas piggie game after OU.  The problem is that we have not been here before.  We have never been in the land of total domination of OU including a shut out to fat and happy, ready to be slaughtered the next week.  I suspect there to be some hangover, but hopefully we will have turned the corner and we can win both the 3rd and 4th quarters.  We are probably a 10 point favorite, which is too much, imo.  

    Obviously the big match up is our O vs our D.  I saw most of their game the other day.  They had a very good FG kicker, and that's about it.  I have no idea where their offense was.  One thing is for sure, the Big 12 refs will be out for blood in this game.  Expect big numbers called against us.  



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