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Posts posted by GenXer

  1. 1 hour ago, brakeman said:

    I want climate change, more than Levemir.  

    you should go for a walk and eat some vegetables.

    That’s a shitty comment. Type 1 is not type 2. Type 1 diabetics don’t produce any insulin. If we don’t inject insulin (5 times a day for me), I die.  Type 2’s still create insulin but are usually overweight. Diet and exercise can control it for them.

    i turned type 1 at 17 but thought I was invincible. I ended up in the ICU for a week with pancreatitis. My pancreas was digesting itself. 

    A couple of type 1’s I went to high school with have died because of it before they hit 30. One of them went blind around 25.

    Type 1’s couldn’t buy health insurance until ACA passed in 2010. Before that, the for-profit US healthcare system relegated type 1’s to completely fend for ourselves.

    Healthcare and its cost has been top of mind for me likely much longer than you’ve considered global warming top of mind. Your take a walk comment is highly insulting and demeaning for the 1.9 million type 1 diabetics.

    • Like 2
  2. 27 minutes ago, bluto said:

    blue states become immigration sanctuary states, red state corps move toward more remote work to attract talent from out of state. 

    This has already happened.

    Manual labor has been  immigration-heavy for decades. In ‘94, I was doing a warehouse management system implementation in Secaucus NJ.

    The warehouse workers were largely spanish and polish speakers. Every sign was in english, spanish and polish. I trained one person how to use the system in english then one person translated to the spanish speaking group and another person translated to the polish speaking group.

    Nowadays, much warehouse staff comes from temp agencies. I suspect many of these people are undocumented. It’s a way for the warehouse to satisfy the daily resource needs without the liability of confirming their work status as that is passed to the temp agency. 

    Covid opened the gate for corporate work to be remote. It’s not going back. People I’ve worked with began their state migration  in 2021.


    • Drool 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    I had no desire to commute an hour each way in traffic so maybe that makes me lazy or not a "go getter" but the trade off for more money to working from home and spending time with my family (or running up to the golf course to play a few holes in the middle of the week) is more important to me at this point in my life.  Not sure if that makes me dumb or smart.

    It makes you human

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 1
  4. On 7/11/2022 at 9:25 PM, cmontexas said:

    Technically you can still get in the vaj youre just not allowed to thrust. They call it "soaking"

    You can also enlist a friend- a "jumper"-to assist you in the "soak": jumping up and down on the same bed causing a little in and out action that is pleasing to God because you totally arent fucking on purpose 

    If a jumper isn’t handy, you can also employ several shake weights

    • Haha 2
  5. 37 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:


    Thanks for sharing. This one speaks to my 90’s pop punk sensibilities.


    I prefer the live versions of social d’s prison bound more than the studio version.

    Skip to the 1:20 mark of the live at the roxy version unless you want storytime from Ness.

  6. 2 hours ago, Satchel said:

    If legal remedies can’t be pursued against a current or former president, we should change our laws to reflect that reality.

    The word “former” really concerns me.

    If these are the rules we’re playing by, congress has a lot of work to do between now and the midterms.

    My confidence that a republican led house would pass laws that ostensibly would be used to indict former president trump is low (assuming the dems lose the house in 2022). This also assumes McConnell won’t filibuster it.

  7. 19 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Michael Cohen went to jail and named Trump as his co-conspirator. Trump doesn’t run the DOJ anymore.

    Cohen went to jail for paying women hush money leading up to the 2016 election at the direction of trump. 

    The US attorney prosecuted Cohen but not trump. I don’t know if the statute of limitations has expired yet. If not, why not indict trump on this charge?

    There’s just a reluctance to indict trump. Perhaps it’s the old adage that when you come for the king, you better not miss. Last I checked though, trump is simply a resident of florida.

    I wish I wasn’t so cynical but this new raid on these attorneys unfortunately doesn’t give me hope.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Trump was a sitting president and it was questionable what kind of precedent would be set to actively pursue legal remedy against a currently elected executive who could potentially self pardon. It was a can of worms best left unopened. In hindsight it was still the right decision. 

    I dunno. Doing that puts the president above the law. Let’s say that trump gets elected again in 2024. If laws don’t apply, the worst case scenario is terrifying.

    Having said that, your callout on the difference between trump as potus vs now is an important distinction.

  9. 15 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Cohen was not just indicted but found guilty. The fuck are you talking about? 

    the tweet I quoted said:

    Those raids tell me they’ve flipped all (or at least most of) the smaller fish they needed to, and they pretty clearly show that Trump is a target. You don’t just raid lawyers for no reason.

    “They” being the attorneys. The tweet says that the raids of the attorneys’ office show that trump is a target.

    The raids of Cohen’s office were front page news and discussed extensively here as part of the effort to link trump with Russian interference with the election. Sure, Cohen was found guilty. But, Barr did fuck all with Trump’s involvement in it.

    if the pattern holds true again, the attorneys get indicted but nothing happens with trump. Who gives a shit about the minions.


  10. 4 minutes ago, TexasEd said:

    Not proactively calling the Nat'l Guard was part of the plan because it would have prevented the rest of the plan from going through.

    Oh, I get this. It’s just that the trump crime syndicate can’t claim ignorance (laughable because they still will) about the potential dangers to people and property.

  11. 5 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Certainly, just the number of invaders made the defense of the Capitol more difficult and terrifying. 

    I think this is an important point wrt to forgiveness of Ayers. There were a significant number of proud boys and oath keepers intent on violence and forcing their way into the capitol. The capitol police had a better shot at containing them IF there wasn’t an army of Ayers bumbling alongside them and getting swept up in the fervor and momentum of the moment. 

    I’m team brisket on this.

    I’m also cynical that there wasn’t a carrot in his plea deal to give his testimony.

  12. 5 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I thought Ayres was pretty sincere.  He wasn't the most articulate or the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I don't think he expressed it well, but I think he felt genuinely misled and contrite..

    Ayers showed the world that he doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together with his testimony. He’ll likely never work again.

    I wonder if the committee purposefully found a sub-80 IQ prop so the other insurrectionists have this as their benchmark for mental aptitude.

    I wish the committee pressed harder and asked Ayers his specific sources that formed his viewpoint. Ayers mentioned twitter and facebook but I want to know if he follows Q, infowars or other conspiracy sources. Put Alex Jones and his ilk on trial too.

    As for Ayers contrition, he didn’t satisfy that  threshold. Cheney asked if Ayers still thought the election was stolen. Ayers response: “not so much now.”  Not so much? How about “hell no.” You watched any of the other hearings, you idiot?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 17 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    She also reported that Mark Meadows warned her onJanuary 2 that "things might get real, real bad on January 6th". So if the Chief of Staff suspected that 4 days beforehand then I’d have to assume he warned the President too. That could explain why he’s refusing to testify because that could prove damning evidence against Trump

    Given that there was knowledge beforehand of real, real bad things, I wonder what exposure this has on trump and his administration when they didn’t proactively call in the national guard.

    On a related note, isn’t it time for another bengazi hearing?

  14. 4 hours ago, Dewey said:

    Have mine holding at 91, won't go any lower because it's fucking broke.

    One of my two AC units broke about two weeks ago. The side of the house that has my office was 89. Temps were 100+ for the four days the unit was out before we could install a new unit. It was miserable but would’ve been unbearable without the second unit cooling a smaller section of the house.

    Installed a new 4 ton - 18 SEER unit to replace the old 3 ton unit. Wanted the 20 SEER unit but it’s on back order until probably next year.

  15. 5 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    I have heard that Spaniards aren't particularly welcoming to foreigners, especially those for which Spanish is not their native language. Somewhat clique-ish is maybe the best description?

    Curious if others have heard similar 

    Went to Barcelona in 2001. A bar in the El Raval barrio wouldn’t let the group of American 20-somethings I was with into the bar.

    Later, we flew from Madrid back to Barcelona. Policia checked passports in Barcelona when flying from Madrid. In Barcelona, they don’t speak Spanish; they speak Catalon. They are very very provincial. That same trip, the janitorial workers were on strike and covered the entire floor of the airport with confetti. I suppose they really wanted to make a point because they made a mess they had to later clean up.

    All that said, Barcelona is an amazing city. 

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