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  1. You can’t. Some people are too stupid to engage. I recently was discussing the election with a caretaker for my dad. I listed about five things that trump had done that would’ve been auto-disqualifiers for other candidates. Her response was “elections are rigged by five people that control everything”. You can’t even have a discussion with some people; they’re lost. Apparently she gets her disinformation from the best sources.
  2. Jumping a huffy on a shoddy plywood jump was a rite of passage. Eventually that plywood would give way and one guy would take a header into the stack of 2x4’s / bricks propping up the business end of that jump. Whether in LA or oklahoma, that’s how we all rolled. I hope you can feel a bit of nostalgia in your friend’s parent’s place, and it gives you a sense of home and peace.
  3. It’s great to hear you’re settled and safe. Your description made me think of this song and adventures in the neighborhood back before social media. Entertaining ourselves with street ball, bikes, trampoline wars, skateboards and various minor injuries that were fixed with a bit of dirt. The artist is from SoCal.
  4. 38 years of insulin injections several times daily has provided me focusness on political happenings related to T1D. Idiot voters this voting cycle will likely wipe away all the progress (as minimal as that is) that’s been made in 38 years. Anger and anticipatory schadenfreude is my fuel. It runs hot.
  5. I really do hope republicans kill the ACA. Those GenZers under 26 years old that voted republican won’t be able to use their parents health insurance any more. Leopards.
  6. Kill the ACA too. I have corporate insurance. So fuck them. I tried to educate; I failed. Everyone for themselves. ‘Merica.
  7. Fuck all the poor diabetics that a) didn’t vote or b) voted republican. You’re too fucking stupid to live and procreate. I hosted and worked call centers for the beto campaign in ‘18 and would give a brief explanation of why I’m voting beto to the person my call connected me to. My reason was ACA, the requirement to insure pre-existing conditions, and I’m that I’m T1D. One guy said he was too, that he didn’t care that ACA made pre-existing conditions insurable, and he was voting cruz. I’m team purge the stupids now.
  8. The prayer was prefaced with a “let’s have a moment of silence for the victims of the SoCal fires and the terror attack in NOLA”. We were chumped into standing for a prayer. I’ve come to singing “ the wheels on the bus go round and round” in my head when chumped into a prayer. Seems to have the same effect as the prayer.
  9. ummm… SoCal has mudslides. I suspect those affect pre and post event surveys and the viability of rebuilding.
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