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Posts posted by JimmyJames

  1. On 2/7/2022 at 11:37 AM, TexasEd said:

    Something I may have missed but are they saying the 4 guys that were originally suspects/convicted (Scott, Springsteen, et al) are now excluded because the DNA does not match them?

    The evidence says they have been excluded but the authorities that be don’t say that. The official position is still to this day those four did it but they say just can’t prove it, despite DNA evidence to the contrary. 

    Since it appears it’s never gonna get solved, despite DNA evidence, I think I’m soon gonna just start posting what I know about this case one post at a time every few days or so, backed up by cites to sources, and hope I don’t eventually get the Epstein treatment. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    Cnn’s dr leana wen, “also the science has changed…we also know about one-way masking: the idea that even if people around you are not wearing masks, if you wear a high quality mask, that also protects you -the wearer- too


    brand new science, bro. if i was screeching hysterically about your lack of mask and labeled you an anti-vaxxer, it was from a position of care. but now the science has changed, so we’re totally pals now. 

    The people who get labeled as anti Vaxers are the idiots who oppose the vaccine and post vaccine misinformation.  Has nothing to do with masks. Those anti mask people are just being whiny bitches. 

    You can keep trying to equate the two if you want but it’s not fooling anyone. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    The thing about the mask debate is both sides are right.   By and large they aren't a big fucking deal and there has been way too much bitching and moaning about them from the right.   They are also largely worthless and complete Covid Theatre because anywhere that has a "mandate' of any kind doesn't require N95's or KN95's.  So the whole "you are putting me at risk" bitching and moaning from the left is also ridiculous because they can just wear an N95 and it doesn't fucking matter.

    There have only been 2 instances the entire pandemic I've been annoyed with the mask rule.  A Vegas casino blackjack table when I was admonished for moving it down to sip my beer (so I took my $200 in winnings and went back to the bar area where of course there is zero mask requirement, go figure) and at a recent musical in Dallas where my wife and I had to pound drinks pre-show after learning you couldn't bring them into theatre because of mask "at all times" requirement.

    So I guess that means I'm largely only anti-mask mandates to the extent they impact my ability to booze.  


    This I can subscribe to. Way too much bitching about it on both sides. It’s not that big of a deal to have to wear a mask so stop bitching about it. On the other hand, unless it’s a legit mask that actually helps it’s not that big of a deal not too. Bottom line though is it doesn’t hurt to wear one unless masky hurt facey.

    Vaccines and social distancing on the other hand can and do work, with the former having very little consequences and the latter definitely does. Social distancing by its very own name hurts society, so should only be done when necessary. I think unfortunately it was but in contrast to the vaccine, at least that is up for debate. 

  4. Just now, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    So wear your mask? I’m sure you’ll get Covid somehow, someway if you haven’t already.

    A year from now when you’re one of the 1% who looks ridiculous because you’re wearing your mask alone in your car , the rest of us will welcome you back to the sane world when you rip that worthless thing off.

    Masky hurt facey. 

  5. 1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

    Let's roll exactly with that: everyone already knew that Chuck Johnson was a fringe reactionary internet troll racist Holocaust denier (except Brisket and I, who both got duped with edited clips). 

    I'm not interested in listening to Chuck.  You're not interested in listening to Chuck.  The person who wants to listen to Chuck would somehow listen to Chuck.   Maybe on 4chan, 8chan, tigerdroppings or secrant.com.

    What's your proposal - what do you want to happen? 

    What should happen is exactly what is happening right now. You act like a piece of shit you get treated like one. 

    It’s really a pretty simple concept. I recognize that fellow pieces of shit are troubled by that concept and don’t like it but you know, deal with it. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

    Yes, I’m sure Neil is bleeding altruism and none of this is political grandstanding. Still, let’s be honest of the end result and what it’s called. The tap dancing around the term canceling is bizarre. 

    That’s such bullshit. Back that claim up with anything. Negged for being a total idiot.

  7. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Ummmmmm......the "dark side" of capitalism is that there's gobs of money to be made selling stupid/harmful shit to idiots.  The fact that there's incredible demand for something does not mean the thing has merit.

    As a society, we've decided that we want to consume all kinds of pointless idiocy about the Kardashians.  And they are more than happy to sell it to us, by the boatload.  That doesn't mean they have a meritorious product.  It doesn't mean that we're discerning consumers.  It means that we've decided that we want X, and the people with a supply of X have decided to sell it to us.  That's it.  That's all that means.

    I couldn't give two shits whether JR has $100 million, or he gets paid in free beer at third rate comedy clubs.  His wealth and success, on a personal level, don't make a shit to me.  HOW he has obtained that wealth may make a difference.  Kind of like how I admire the guy who made $100 million by coming up with ideas that make our tech work better more than I admire the guy who made $100 million selling meth to a network of dealers in the midwest.  I'm not jealous of the cash.  I differentiate between how they made it and the harm/benefit each caused in doing so.

    If Joe just stuck with being a meathead talking about meathead shit, comedy, and whatnot, and 11 million people ate it up and he earned $100 million, good for him.  His product has at least as much market merit as Kim Kardashian's giant ass.  If he earns it by modeling treating people like shit, and disseminating and amplifying dangerous misinformation that actually results in human harm, I have a problem with it.  That's the difference.

    "You're just jealous of his success!" is perhaps the most juvenile defensive retort in this whole brouhaha.  Well-done.


    In other words you’re just jealous of his success.

  8. 2 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:


    it's like nobody remembers what happened to the guy after he yelled at tommy.

    Exactly I’ve never gotten that phrase as some sort of insult. He tells tommy to go get his shine box, and Tommy leaves and comes and beats the ever living shit out of him and eventually kills him with a knife and gun in the trunk of Henry’s car.

    Go get your shine box indeed.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Incredulity said:


    “COVID is not ending, but government restrictions on your rights and freedoms — those will be ending, and ending very soon,” Moe said in a four-minute video posted Wednesday night on social media.


    Go get your fucking shinebox.


    You know I don’t shine shoes anymore Billy. 

    Keep him here Henry! 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    I've been called antivax for not going into a place that asked for my vaccine status. I don't really give a shit what you call antivax.

    Good for you. 

    I do give a shit about online trolls who post constantly for months bullshit propaganda designed to poison the well on the vaccine thus killing thousands of people.

    But I guess that’s just me. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, Immaculate Vibes said:



    In what alternate universe are Democrats like Gavin Newsom leading the way in returning America safely back to normal again? They’re the stragglers. 

    I guess by by not posting anti vax bullshit all over the net like you like to do? That’s a start anyway.

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  12. 22 hours ago, Gourmand said:

    I mean, yeah it's obviously a coordinated and concentrated attack on him using old clips we all knew were there, but ya know what? Good, fuck him.

    I'm not entirely comfortable with this kind of mashed up takedown where it's easy to clip someone out of general context BUT both Rogan and Spotify shit in their bed, now they have to clean their mess. It's literally in THE FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD. Everyone knew this was out there, including Spotify so they were on notice and they knew what they were buying when they agreed to pay to be his exclusive provider. Rogan wouldn't be raked over the coals right now if Spotify had simply responded properly to his rampant covid disinformation and anti-vaxx garbage instead of doubling down and letting their subscribers know they weren't going to do anything at all to rein him in.

    My issue with Rogan goes beyond covid. He has long been an enabler of some of the worst personalities and some of the most bad faith political actors of our time and his podcast became an essential gateway into the alt right with his constant normalizing of vile charlatans pandering to incel culture. He's sanitized transphobia, misogyny, white nationalism, and genetic determinism by regularly allowing people like Molyneux, Peterson, Doug Murray, Alex Jones, Milo Y, Ben Shapiro, Tim Pool, Gavin McInnes, Chuck Johnson  etc. He has habitually platformed reactionaries, conspiracy theorists, racists, and countless hours of despicable garbage, and those of us who hate him for it have a right to point it out and hammer Spotify for enabling and amplifying crazy ideas far outside the norm of acceptability. Crybaby libertarian/idw chuds/conservatives don't like seeing their #1 guy get slammed for sanitizing their abhorrent beliefs and can't distinguish true government censorship (banning books like Maus from school libraries/curriculum) with capitalism at work (private company facing customer revolt).


    Quoting because this post is too good. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    And they cannot stop using the verb "cancel" as a stand-in for what's actually happening because if they have to be clear and concise about what it is they are talking about, it's obvious that what they are whinging about is adult world shit like responsibility, criticism, and consequences for unpopular behavior. Hurt feelings.

    Exactly. If people try to force you to act like a rational adult you’re “cancelling” them. It’s like if a bunch of four year olds took over the country. 

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  14. Inflation has very little to do with Biden or any other politician.

    Take cars for example. The price of cars is going way up, both new and used, because there’s much less supply now due to the chip shortage caused by the pandemic coupled with an increase in demand because everyone is sitting around with more cash than they had before.

    MSRP used to be a joke and only suckers paid it. Now it’s basically “The Price” and that’s if you can find the car you actually want. 

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