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Posts posted by JimmyJames

  1. 2 hours ago, Immaculate Vibes said:


    Not that well. 

    what a chickenshit policy at this point. Triple vaxxed Gavin is, I believe, at higher risk than unvaxxed small children. They’re just sciencing so hard out there. 

    It’s just hard to imagine living in a state that two years into the pandemic is requiring all schoolchildren to mask up. We really live in two different countries. 

    Go fuck yourself. 

  2. 3 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    He's saying the reasoning is awful, because it makes total sense to me.

    Anti vaxxers and anti maskers have gone completely insane. They are not normal functioning members of a rational society. They are psychopathic and it’s time to start treating them as such. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    They are watching what’s happening in Canada and it’s scaring them. There’s no other reason so many of these lib controled areas are all of a sudden rolling back mandates.

    What a totally fucked up viewpoint about all that. Psychopathic. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    The government handing out crack pipes to black people in the name of racial justice is something Dave Chappelle probably deemed too ridiculous to put in a skit fifteen years ago.

    Hey here is another post by the sack about blacks. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Is this one of those posts where you'll show your ass, get it spanked, and then run back to the complain to the mods board about how UNFAIR and BIASED the cloak room is? Because it's starting to seem that way

    Why yes. I believe it is. 

  6. 19 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:


    PNG image.png

    I’ll just add don’t criticize black politicians for anything in February to my list of rules.  

    Once again the Sack is a talking about black people again. His favorite subject in fact. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    I don't recall him ever posting shit about ivermectin one way or the other. That was triple's game so not sure why you brought it into the discussion. Maybe there is a reason other than confusion that you can share?

    I've specifically pointed out times when he has misinterpreted or posted bad data regarding vax in the DT thread. And in those exchanges he acknowledged the error. 

    If you think that someone is posting anti-vax shit, quote it and refute it with data. This really isn't that hard. 

    But that is not the real issue.  The real issue is that there are a bunch of people unequipped for such discussions that think everything on the topic is very black and white. 



    Fuck off. The dude for months constantly posted anti vax shit all over the CR and DT thread. The fact that you are now for some reason trying to whitewash it by claiming “he acknowledged his errors” is fucking ridiculous. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    The quality of the DNA evidence in this case and the extent to which there was ever a "match" to anyone  has been greatly exaggerated in the media. As explained in the latest 48 hours episode, they had 16 (now 25) markers of Y-STR DNA, which is handed down via the paternal line.  This is very low. Forensic genealogists usually work with over a 100 markers. This evidence is great for exclusion; if you don't match to these 16 (or 25), it's not your DNA nor is it anyone else's in the paternal line.  That's why the original guys that were convicted have been excluded.  But if you match with these 16, that doesn't mean much - millions of people in the US will have these same markers. In fact, when APD recently extracted the additional 9 markers through advancements in technology, it was found that 5 of the 9 didn't match the supposed "hit" in the US STR database submitted by the FBI (you can read an excerpt from the FBI letter below).  Thus, this "match" has now been excluded, in the same way as the originally wrongfully-convicted guys were.  Bottom line: I'm not sure there's enough DNA (at least right now) to be much use in this case in terms of finding the needle in haystack.  



    Has that DNA been submitted to CODIS? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    They could test against the 23andMe database and get some relatives identified. Even Barney Fife could then harrow it down to no more than 3 suspects.

    They could but they don't want to. That 48 hour special last night pissed me off. Show interesting camera footage from the past in the 90s and then in the last 5 minutes gloss over the DNA and how now some "expert" (unnamed of course) supposedly no longer thinks it matches (even though it used to) and millions will now believe that bullshit.

  10. So I guess the official story now is we had DNA that matched some dude but the FBI couldn’t release the name of the match for bullshit “privacy” reasons. But now we’ve got better testing and gosh darn it, and wouldn’t you know it, it magically no longer matches that dude.

    Yeah that makes sense. 

    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Immortal13 = 4doorsMoreWhores (or Bravo?) (or both?)
    GRuHorn = Immaculate Vibes
    Rex Kramer = DrBeeper = Porterhouse
    Derka = Shadow Operative
    spystud = Shadow Operative 2.0
    Grendel = Brisket
    Please correct or add more.

    I think these are all correct. I’m retracting the bravo sock allegation. 

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