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Posts posted by JimmyJames

  1. 3 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Additionally, it was not a secret that the Bush administration was dominated by the pro-invasion hawks who led the Project for the New American Century, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz. We knew all of that in real time and we had them on record dating back to 1997/1998 arguing for muscular policies to take out Saddam and that it would likely require another Pearl Harbor event to get the American public on board with using our military might to force regime change in Iraq.  The pivot from the hunt for OBL to taking out Saddam was all so obvious to anyone paying attention to the whole picture and not getting their brains broken by anti-Muslim bloodlust. 


    In hindsight to me it was obvious. At the time I kind of sensed it but at the time trusted W way too much and got played the fool in believing it. Learning it was all a lie was the beginning of the end of me being a Republican culminating with the financial collapse in 2008. That sealed it. 

    The turning of the drumbeats of war from Afghanistan to Iraq in 2002 was definitely there and the so called liberal media like CNN and NYT helped lead the charge. I actually first noticed the media shaping American public opinion at the behest of the government in the early Clinton years but didn’t recognize how destructive it had become. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:


    Oh? We voted in the same assholes who can’t keep the lights on and we expect that this time they will? 

    The majority of Texans are total fucking morons. The team R ones anyway. 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, TurkeyChew said:

    Kyrsten had her best fundraising quarter ever with $1.6mm

    Just over 2 percent of Sinema’s fundraising haul this quarter — $33,983 — came from small-dollar donors, or those who have given an aggregated total this election cycle of $200 or less.

    There was once a poster whose thesis was around the fundraising and how the small dollar donor was an indicator or something about it, I forget his name but wish he would remind me of the thinking and correlation between grass roots and credibility...oh! @bad_teammate

    Of course she did. She’s on a mad cash grab and angling for a post senate job that pays her millions to sit on her ass. She’s about as big a hypocrite as you’ll ever find in DC and that’s tough to do.

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