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Mo Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mo Horn

  1. Blanco getting himself in trouble
  2. IMO, he will never be an real offensive threat again. The last few years he's been meh, and I don't see him getting any better.
  3. They got the story wrong about Blanco's wife having the baby. It was before the exhibition game and not the no hitter
  4. Yea, he's pissed he lost his closer role
  5. Baseball is a crazy game. I don't really have any issues with most of the decisions Espada has made this year, but almost none of them have worked out. He won't get a 2nd year at this point, but not because he's made horrible managerial decisions. Just crazy how some managers just have better luck than others. It's what I love, and hate, about baseball. It really is a game of inches and lucky/skillful managerial decisions.
  6. Resurrection or the lastros. We fucking suck.
  7. Pressley pissed he's no longer the closer and doesn't give a damn
  8. This team is hard to watch right now
  9. Have no idea why he felt like he needed to make a move there. Over managing IMO.
  10. Every single fucking break this year going against us
  11. Good call on the pitching change there Pierce
  12. Absolutely true. They are spectacular. The temps do stay high at night, but without the blazing sun I never felt it was that bad. But I always prefer hotter temps. The weirdest thing I've ever experienced, living in AZ, was getting out of the pool in 100+ weather and getting chill bumps. It's so dry that evaporation works quickly and you get chills.
  13. Obviously I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this, so dumb question amnesty please. On Bitwarden when it says I can share my vault with one other person does that mean that I can share it with Mrs. Mo and we both can use the free account, or does she need to have her own account?
  14. Nice win. Take the series tomorrow.
  15. Sadly, you are correct. Anemic inning
  16. Some insurance runs would be nice
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