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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. super league with pro/rel, hey it worked in europe until it didn't!
  2. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    please not romana
  3. Bottlecap


    #Heardle #125 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://www.heardle.app disagree. fantastic band and this album fucks.
  4. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Wolff sits our best defender for a shitty wingback. Slander on Zan will not stand
  5. Bottlecap


    I'm 60/74 (81.1%) and 35 are one-second guesses. My max streak is 7 because i often forget a day and then go back and find it was some basic bitch easy ass song. what are yalls stats?
  6. Just pick a Big 6 English Prem team (Manchester United, Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur (lol i wouldn't), Arsenal (lol x 2), Liverpool, or Chelsea), after watching a few of their matches when the season restarts in August (particularly if they play each other, you'll get their individualistic club vibe that might resonate with you). Most are big London clubs, which, if you end up falling in love with them is a great advantage to eventually go see a live match. Man City is absolutely dominant and they just debatably bought the best young player in the world over the summer. They will be a force. Chelsea has the top American player (for now), though the EPL is now being populated by more and more young americans (you are allowed to have a second team to root for, this isn't like the NFL or someshit - pick Leeds, they have an American manager who saved the club from relegation and then bought perhaps our second or third most exciting young American player over the summer). Everyone hates Man U and loves to watch them fail, so probably don't pick them. In theory, they are the Texas Longhorns of the EPL that brings about so much unfounded anger in even the most casual fans, but in reality the 'Horns are Arsenal who are still considered big 6, have loads of talent and a passionate fan base, but are constantly underachieving. I wouldn't recommend picking a bottom of the table team hoping to watch them advance up the table over the years and eventually win a spot playing in the champions league (a secondary competition that puts the top of the table teams from all the big Euro leagues in a concurrent season-long tournament to establish the Kings of European football). I did pick Newcastle in 1995 when they were massive, but have fallen off hard since. They just got bought by billionaires from Saudi, so they might eventually buy their way to the top like Man City did, but it takes a while. And also, there is a major moral conflict with your favorite club finding success this way (esp through oil/saudi/russian money). Anyway, just pick Liverpool and enjoy the run. What did I forget?
  7. Bottlecap

    USMNT 2022

    LDLT is the fuckin dude. Also Musah.
  8. Bottlecap

    USMNT 2022

    i forgot that ES plays on like a 50 yard wide field.
  9. Bottlecap

    USMNT 2022

    I'm totally fine if we just walk off the pitch and get on the plane at any point in the next 5 mins
  10. Bottlecap


    all whites look like the better side so far
  11. Bottlecap


    FIFA does not want two oceania nations in this tournament obvs
  12. Bottlecap

    USMNT 2022

    the drop in quality from Weah to Arreola is comical. It looks like someones little brother filling in for sunday league.
  13. Also, I think our prep for England would definitely be more in line with a matchup with Wales. So, less GERGG mind fucking our lineup. I also don't like how Ukraine has no reservations hitting one from 20-25 yards out. Thats not exactly the strength of our keepers.
  14. wales definitely looks more vulnerable. I think I'd like to play them over Ukraine, due to the emotional factor and I hate playing scrappy teams, much much less GIANT sized scrappy players from former communist blocs. Aaron Long vs. Bale makes me pucker tho.
  15. Bottlecap

    USMNT 2022

    yeddy is a good player for the nats as mostly a bench player. he's just keeping the spot warm for dest anyway, but we'll need him in qatar.
  16. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    he had the shits. stomach bug. kipp had been on-call during warm ups. i like kipp a lot. he'll end up being our walker zimmerman.
  17. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Gallagher's role isn't FB, its a wingback. Basically, Wolff is too chickenshit (but also smart) not to play a 3-man backline because we suck ass with Cascante and Lima in the back, and can't just rely on Gabrielsen to blow everything up, so we put a true winger at back with speed to hold up play, but also have license to attack going forward. We like to throw numbers at the defense, then press when we lose control. I'm not really a fan of Gallagher, because I want Zan, a much, much better wingback and natural FB to be in that role instead. His crosses are far better than Gallagher, plus he can take freekicks from our middle third and put em on a toe, he also take right sided corners. Unless Zan is resting from multiple matches he should never sit in favor of Gallagher. Also, when ring was stepping in for a suspended Pereira (LAFC), he played the destroying center mid role much better than his current role as an attacking 8, so there's all sorts of lineup shit that Wolff does that I hate, even though the proof of effectiveness is right there in his face. Whatever. A point is better than no point, but Wolff was totally outclassed this match. Oh also, start and finish with Owen Wolff please. The dude is 17 and doesn't need rest FFS.
  18. Bottlecap

    USMNT 2022

    Scally and Tillman. Nice. And Weston's back. No Pepsi, but we got the turkish delight.
  19. its good to have a controlled burn. i will miss picking up a walkie from adelberts on the way to q2 tho.
  20. got two semi-decent tix to gorillaz for the price of coachella. indeed, fuck TM
  21. Bottlecap


    I got it in two but then again I also celebrate [this artist's] entire catalog
  22. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    It’s time to start Wolff over Findlay
  23. I went to the DMB show last night, mostly because its the only music that all of my friends can all singularly agree on (which probably means it IS bland as fuck lol) and we've been going to see em together for 25 years, but i was also excited to see the new arena. It fucks. Also, the show was fun and I heard a couple songs I hadn't heard em play live before; plus being able to see any tour on stop #1 is pretty cool since the band is all fresh and ready to do their thing. It was jam packed to the rafters too. DMB. In the year 2022.
  24. Musgraves is an absolute icon. She belongs at the top of that shitheap. I cannot think of a band i'd like to see any less than RHCP, what absolute drivel. I hope James Blake does a midweek show. Or at least Phoenix. Both are only doing a single weekend, I can't remember if single weekend acts end up doing an ACL Nights gig. Hope so.
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