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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The University

  1. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I turned off all alerts a long time ago.  Fuck Amber, fuck the police, fuck your grandma wandering off in her Buick, fuck your flash flood warning.  Fuck all of you.

    fucking this

  2. 15 hours ago, irishtexan said:

    I just got a "Blue Alert" for the first time on my phone. Apparently we're all supposed to keep an eye out for a suspect that killed an officer in Harris County. 

    It's fucking weird that they're treating this the same way we get Amber Alerts on our phones. Apparently cop lives are more valuable than citizen lives. 

    this is what makes people do whatever they can to turn off *all* alerts. 

    • Like 3
  3. 5 hours ago, Blotto said:

    Yesterday morning I noticed a bunch of shit all packed up and neatly staged along the access road, awaiting the great migration.

    it looks like a good portion of that was moved back under the overpass, albeit not housed in multiple tents.

    so, yeah, similar to the way it was before the free for all.

  4. On 10/21/2019 at 2:29 PM, Dendox said:

    Is there an app/program/whatthefuckever that will locate replace these special characters like find-replace in word?

    depending upon your parameters, sed/awk/grep with a regular expression (or two) should do it. i wouldn't be surprised if someone has posted a script or one-liner to do this on stack exchange.

    always use 'echo' to test your mv/cp/etc commands in your script. e.g., 'echo mv blah blah.xxx blah.xxx'

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  5. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/china-cancels-release-tarantinos-once-a-time-hollywood-1248652

    "But the story swirling through the executive ranks of China's film industry Friday was that the decision stemmed from Tarantino's somewhat controversial portrayal of martial arts hero Bruce Lee, the only character of Chinese descent in the movie. Friends and family of the late Lee have blasted the director for the depiction, saying the real-life action star didn't behave as he's portrayed in the film.

    According to sources close to Bona and China's Film Bureau, Bruce Lee’s daughter, Shannon Lee, made a direct appeal to China’s National Film Administration, asking that it demand changes to her father's portrayal. "


    petty bitches

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