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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by The University

  1. On 10/16/2019 at 7:27 AM, crash_davis said:

    Google shit the bed with the new pixels. How do they keep gimping the hardware and battery? Who is the fucking idiot who keeps making these horrible decisions and why isn't he fired yet?

    i dunno. each of my google phones have been great. nexus 6, pixel 2 xl so far. will probably grab a pixel 4 xl since they're offering me $258 in discounts.

  2. there was a woman behind me in the line at whole foods today wearing the full litany of sooner junk, trucker hat, jersey, etc, etc. i had a texas hat on and saw her look at it, so i'm thinking oh shit, here we go. however she started up the conversation with "you have any idea where i might find oklahoma suks beer?" gotta admit, i was a bit stunned for a second so i could only respond with a laugh at first and then "heb, if it's open", of course. thanked me, gave her a parting "ou sucks", she gave me a horns down, and that was that.

    as much as i loathe the sooner degens that make it out to the game/fair, i love this fucking rivalry. 

  3. having to look and touch/swipe, look again, touch/swipe again in a car is such a stupid idea for a driver. i think we'll go back to primarily tactile interfaces and continue to improve voice assist.


    that said, andoid auto has come a loooong way.

  4. what a bunch of dumbshits:

    “Officer Glass observed Nathan and Cameron using small, green, plastic straws to defeat the clip on the wristband, so they could be loosened and reapplied to other persons,” notes the affidavit.

    After the undercover officer got in and traded his wristband back for his cell phone, uniformed officers detained Cameron as well as a group of other customers the officer had entered with. Martin and Nathan Beck were soon spotted at the gate and arrested. The latter’s wallet allegedly held $1,108 at the time of the arrest, including $100 of marked money. Cameron Beck possessed $926.

    All three men had on them green plastic straws. “Officer Glass” then called the number from the Craigslist ad and Beck’s phone began to ring, according to the affidavit. An employee of festival organizers C3 Presents provided APD with documentation of the activity of each of the confiscated wristbands. Among the six wristbands in possession, they’d collectively been through the entrance gates a total of 104 times.




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