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Posts posted by HamsterHookah

  1. 47 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Cute.  70% of my business is PE owned too because we needed that evil money to grow.  There’s over a hundred people who started with us those first 3-4 years when we had zero and will cash out when we get our exit.  That’s people making 50-500k and all between who after 15 years will get 1-10M and change many lives.  The PE group will do even better.  That’s life.  

    That's life, but it doesn't feel good for the "late stage capitalism" crowd who are angry and poor.

    • Fuck You 3
  2. As others have said, fantastic episode.

    I'm glad Trent Grimm didn't do something evil with the Colin knowledge, because I half thought that's where he would take a heel turn and be this season's Nate. I like TG way way way better as the archetypical outsider/interloper than Dr. Sharon and what she allegedly brought to season 2.


    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Rimbo said:


    Yeah. Ummm. This is favorite fucked-up movie, not most fucked you've ever seen.

    Try this test: Did you regret seeing the movie? Then it's not your "favorite."

    That's why I nominated Dancer in the Dark. Absolutely fucked up movie... but so glad I saw it, even though I never want to again.

    Okay then I nominate Joaquin Phoenix's adaption of Joker. Left me feeling pretty horrible as we watched a dissent into mental illness and the making of a mad man, but it was good. Just didn't really want to ever watch it again.

  4. NYC has the world’s wealthiest population, thanks to its 340k millionaires. The Bay Area is the global leader in billionaire residents (63 of them).

    And yet again, Boston leads the way with the most dudes who will give you $20 right now if you can give ’em five good reasons why Kevin Garnett isn’t the best power forward in NBA history.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, HamsterHookah said:

    Netflix earnings yesterday were good-- apparently the ad tier they introduced is killing it. Also there was a doubling down on their movie strategy as well. One thing I learned was that I didn't know they still had the DVD-mail business, but they are sunsetting that this summer. 8 people will be mad, I'm sure.

    from wsj:


    Building off that:

    An estimated 1.1 million–1.3 million people subscribed to the DVD service last year, generating $145.7 million in revenue for Netflix (not the worst biz).

    The first DVD Netflix ever sent was Beetlejuice in 1998.

    The most frequently requested DVD was The Blind Side.

  6. 14 hours ago, gofuckyourself said:

    The Blockbuster killer is dead. Long live the Blockbuster killer.


    14 hours ago, LTtxfan said:

    Looked forward to those Red DVD envelopes awhile back...



    13 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    If you dropped off your DVD before 8am at the 6th & Guadalupe post office, Netflix used the same post office so it would be received by them the same day and your next DVD went out that day also. Binged 24 and Alias using that quick turnaround.

    An estimated 1.1 million–1.3 million people subscribed to the DVD service last year in 2022, generating $145.7 million in revenue for Netflix (not the worst biz).

    The first DVD Netflix ever sent was Beetlejuice in 1998.

    The most frequently requested DVD was The Blind Side.

  7. On 4/17/2023 at 5:40 PM, A-Tex Devil said:

    I read the plot of A Serbian Film online when it was brought up in a conversation like this and felt awful for days and wish I hadn’t.  I am not sure I could be friends with someone that actually watched it.  

    Just read about it having never heard of it. I feel disgusting and need like 4 showers now.

    I agree with your sentiment about being friends with someone who enjoyed that.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. People get shot for the darndest thing. The guy who said "enjoy the wild west, cowboy, while it lasts" I think is spot on.

    That said, I think the default reaction to "holed up watching fox news for 20 hours a day in his recliner so he's scared of his own shadow" argument which gets repeated over and over gets diminished when talking about stupid gun owners when you realize there is a spectrum of this epidemic.

  9. 14 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Saw some speculation that we ought to expect a bunch of shareholder suits against Fox over this whole imbroglio and loss of $800 million.



    Will heads roll, and when? Given that there are more legal fights ahead, Fox may not drop the ax on anyone yet. (Some media watchers have wondered about the fate of Suzanne Scott, Fox News’s C.E.O.) But if the company faces another enormous settlement, it could feel pressure to have someone take the fall.

    Murdoch himself probably won’t suffer any big blowback, according to no less than Barry Diller. Speaking to Semafor before yesterday’s news, the media mogul said of any settlement, “What is it going to do? Is it going to worsen Rupert Murdoch’s reputation? I mean, good luck to you.”



  10. 13 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They do have a bunch of Fox News emails and text messages from the evening personalities in the public record, that would show they were fucking around and openly pushing insane shit that led to the lawsuit.

    Fox News didn’t have to issue any sort of on-air apology, and avoided having its top hosts and Murdoch testify in court. Yesterday, the network devoted just six minutes to covering the settlement.

    6 whole minutes!

  11. 3 hours ago, Captainant said:

    Yeah for real. What sort of company wouldn't just pocket that money and tell their employees to not go to "pity city" over a little thing like getting bupkis while execs and shareholders take fat paydays.


    Dominion is gone, they took a check because they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to take a payoff from the fascists. Fox is not going to stop. They're going to find a fuckweasel way to wriggle out of paying for shit, and they're gonna keep on lying unabated. 

    All the hyuking about OANN and newsmax don't make a shit, they're not even on cable anymore. Fox is still actively poisoning every person over 70 that I know. And all those old fucks are CERTAIN that fox is telling them the truth. 

    And Dominion stakeholders (employees, non-equity management) might not even see a dime due to their ownership structure.



    Staple Street may be the biggest winner. The private equity firm, which currently manages some $900 million, bought a majority stake in the company for just $38.3 million in 2018.

    It’s unclear how big Staple Street’s cut of the settlement will be, but it will almost certainly lead to a home-run return for the firm and its limited partners. “We are very pleased with the outcome and think that Staple Street has handled the situation very well on behalf of their investors,” one of those investors told Reuters.



    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  12. 9 hours ago, royiv said:

    I've never heard of him or seen him before. I like his message, but he needs to work on being able to post videos without tons of cuts and edits. It makes him look like some sort of AI production.

    It's the TikTok aesthetic. Young people probably feel comfortable and at home with these jump cuts, but it is jarring for us olds.

    Chuckie beat me to it, edited to add.

  13. Netflix earnings yesterday were good-- apparently the ad tier they introduced is killing it. Also there was a doubling down on their movie strategy as well. One thing I learned was that I didn't know they still had the DVD-mail business, but they are sunsetting that this summer. 8 people will be mad, I'm sure.

    from wsj:



    Netflix Inc. said it would roll out new password-sharing limitations more broadly — including in the U.S. — by the end of June, and announced it would soon wind down the DVD-by-mail business that the company was built upon.

    Netflix added 1.75 million subscribers in the first quarter and ended the period with 232.5 million customers, a far slower pace of growth than it was accustomed to before and during the pandemic. After losing subscribers for the first time in a decade a year ago, the company took a series of steps to expand its customer base, including launching an ad-supported tier of service and starting to limit password sharing. The strategic changes highlight the streamer’s ongoing transition from an upstart that shipped discs in red envelopes to a global entertainment giant focused on increasing its profitability.



  14. 59 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I expected the racism and tacit mention of lynching.  

    But am I the only one that thinks the weirdest part of this is a guy telling a sheriff that he knows 3-4 professional hitmen nearby?  

    I know contract killers.  The last fucking thing, even if it's a friend of yours, is mention the existence of the contract killers to a fucking sheriff.  Because if the sheriff doesn't do something about it, the contract killers will.  Once you meet them, if they're worth a shit---the only thing keeping you alive, is you don't reveal your knowledge of their work.  In this day and age of cell phone recording, to say that shit with your well-known name pasted all over it to a fucking elected cop?  And now the FBI has it?  Gonna take about 20 minutes for the FBI to figure out who he's talking about up there in McCurtain.  ONly reason they won't get to him is because he's now the most high-profile racist in North America right now.  And that's fucking say something considering where we're at.  This guy better pray for a pardon and state/county police protection.  'Cause he's proper fucked.  unfortunately, you can talk about lynching black people all you want, but he broke a whole other rule that could get him deader than dead.  If the guys are as professional as he claimed.  

    There is 0.0 chance the guy knows 3-4 professional anythings.

    The recording sounded like the b.s'ing that happens a 6-pack deep in a grease-stained garage with some aggrieved poor, ignorant people. Like others have said, that scene is happening all over East Texas and South Oklahoma and the antebellum south every Friday night when football is not in season.

    • Like 2
  15. 5 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    I have heard stories for most my life, about how citizens from a given country really like US citizens, but distrust the US government. And vice versa. I love Indian cultures, and food, and novelists. But I hate fascists, and authoritarians, so, I guess that country belongs with all the other countries that have the ability to fuck shit up on a massive scale.

    Love the people. Distrust the government.

    Further to note on India's growth and now their leverage:


    According to a State Bank of India report, India will be the world’s third largest economy by 2029, up from the tenth slot in 2014.

    which then answers why we don't bully them or shame them (I'd wager most American's don't even know or realize India is fueling Russia right now while they are in the teeth of western sanctions and would be horrified if they knew, and yes, pun intended).:


    A US official said the US won’t look to sanction India for buying Russian oil, as India is one of its “most consequential relationships.”

    which of course is code for, "we need them and can't bully them around, so we have to grin and bear them being self-centered".

  16. Definitely underlined.

    And Greg has gotten annoying. He needs a partner to banter off of. Tom can be funny stand-alone, but Greg needs the Greg-and-Tom show where they are both at their best.

    The attempts at peanut-gallery gags during the eulogy was a shadow of what once was.

    • Like 1
  17. I've been meaning to ask any Indiaphiles what the consensus is on India geopolitically speaking.

    They are obviously a hyperfast growing economy the past few decades. They churn out a ton of intelligent-cum-wealthy (or at least, upper middleclass) immigrants to developed nations with established economies and markets (A large % of Indian origin people are CEO's of F500 even, the second largest after white males by a long shot), and the general transformation of their country the last half of the century has been nothing short of remarkable and impressive. In fact, I think they are taking 25% of the Apple manufacturing from China as well.

    That said, they routinely talk out of both sides of their mouth-- friend to Russia and friend to China and friend to USA and friend to EU. If you take out the moral implications, it's actually impressive how India has been able to be self-serving and do what's best for them, with parties that hate each other.

    India has nukes and they are soon to be the most populous country in the world (though as of press time, their army sucks).

    That said, is this not worrisome:



    Russia and India have resumed free trade discussions after initial talks were delayed by Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s Deputy PM made the announcement while visiting Delhi yesterday (Monday).

    Even without a free trade agreement (FTA), India-Russia trade is flourishing. Russia’s exports to India have quadrupled since the West sanctioned Moscow last year. India now imports half its oil from Russia, up from 1% before the war.

    And Russia isn’t the only one hoping to ink an FTA with India. Others are also lining up, as India surpasses China to become the world’s most populous country.


    Could India potentially be a new "China" in a decade? What I mean is, not in a humans rights violations way, but in a power that the US cannot bully and bluster to get what we want, and must be cede to at times?

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